How to submit universal application on iTunes? - iphone

I want to submit application for iPad and iPhone both. first time when i submit application its submitted as iPhone only.
it created for both iPad and iPhone but in itunes its show only as iPhone application America's best showcaves
can anybody tell me how can i submit my application for iPad and iPhone both.
Thanks in advance .... :)

It is done automatically when your binary is generated as a universal app specified as "iPhone/iPad" in the targeted device family.
And you check your icon-72.png file is in its place and at least Default-Portrait~ipad.png file as well.

Beside uploading the images and details you need to set some information on target and project setting check out the images below and do the things .
by doing these steps your app will be universal app on app store


iPhone only app rejected because it is a Universal binary

I just had an iPhone only App rejected by iTunes connect because...
In our review of your app, we found that it is a Universal app for both iPad and iPhone. Because it is set as a universal binary, your app requires screenshots from iPhone and iPad.
The app had previously been a universal binary (never previously approved) and I had previously uploaded an iPad screenshot (just a place holder) to allow me to upload the binary. (I had to upload then self reject a binary to test IAP.)
But as far as I can tell my app is a iphone only binary. When I run it on the iOS iPad simulator it runs at iPhone resolution with the 2x button. Yet when I upload this (I think) iPhone only binary to iTunes Connect it still asks for iPad screenshots.
In Xcode I have the following settings
targets->Build Settings->targetted device family = iPhone.
targets->Summary->Devices = iPhone.
And again it acts like an iPhone only app when I run it on the simulator. Are there any other setting in XCode or in iTunes Connect that I need to set? Thnx
After my app was rejected I removed the placeholder iPad screenshots from iTunesConnect. (I had tried to do this several times before submitting the app, but was unable to. I even wrote a developers note to the reviewer hoping they wouldn't spike my app for that reason.) I also remove the ipad Default.png from my project. One of the two of those actions fixed it. I think because I had been testing the app as a universal it took a couple of submissions to for iTC to recognize that I was only uploading an iPhone version. Either way, it now recognizes it as a iphone only and was approved.
After my app was rejected I removed the placeholder iPad screenshots from iTunesConnect. (I had tried to do this several times before submitting the app, but was unable to. I even wrote a developers note to the reviewer hoping they wouldn't spike my app for that reason.) I also remove the ipad Default.png from my project. One of the two of those actions fixed it. I think because I had been testing the app as a universal it took a couple of submissions to for iTC to recognize that I was only uploading an iPhone version. Either way, it now recognizes it as a iphone only and was approved.
just set build target devices In Sumary to iPhone...make a check in plist... also just load .xib files iPhone, make a clean in your project and rebuild.. Check if you are not loading some target
You shouldn't believe what you see in targets->Summary. Especially, if you ever changed to "Universial" and back to "iPhone".
Instead of Summary you should always check targets->Info.
Also if you change Icons, Orientations, etc. often there are leftovers which you only find in Info

Is it possible to change the target device family of an App in an App-Store?

I have an published app in store for iPhone and iPad. I just created v.1.0 for iPad and iPhone wrongly. I want to change target device just for iPhone for new version.
And iTunes gives me an error: "Change your target device family."
Is there a way to publish just for iPhone ?
You can not submit only for iPhone using universal settings, as your binary contains setting for both iPhone and iPad.
You will need to submit new binary with updated Deployment Target for iPhone.
Similar question has been asked over here also. - Not sure if link makes sense.

Distribution of monotouch application for iphone only

I'm trying to get a ios monotouch project distributed for iphone only. But whenever i have uploaded to itunes connect the binary details keep telling me it is also available for ipad.
I did specify the targetdevice in the info.plist
Anyone had the same problem with monotouch?? or better, knows how to solve this!
You can't target iPhone only. The iPad is 100% iPhone-compatible, and will run all iPhone apps (and there is nothing you can do about it).
Maybe you can explain why you want to restrict your app to iPhone only?

Distribution of universal iPhone & iPad App

I have created a universal app for iPhone & iPad. I have a confusion over here. That do I need to create a single .ipa file for both iPhone and iPad or two separate files need to be created. The application has same interface and same features no difference at all.
Also if I upload a single .ipa file on Apple App Store. Then what are the required steps to make it sure that the application will be available for both iPhone & iPad on Apple App Store. (like managing the screenshots etc).
I have searched the internet but not getting an easy answer for this.
If anyone has any idea then please explain it. There might be alot of people searching for this.
If you have created a single universal app then you only need to upload one ipa. If you wish to have independed iPhone and iPad versions of your app, then you would upload two ipa's with different bundle id's.
However, with uploading a universal app the only additional requirements are that you make sure your app bundle contains properly linked xibs/storyboards for each device, proper imagery for every device you're supporting, and proper screenshots in iTunes Connect for both iPad and iPhone.
I'm confused with the same interface thing, if you mean same views, then your app will either be rejected or listed as iPhone app. When you change the app type to universal in info.plist, you don't have to do anything special, just create a single IPA and upload it. You will have to supply different images for iPad and iPhone version.
It will be automatically detected as universal app.

Adding an iPhone app binary to my current ipad app

I gave an app in the app store got ipad. I also made a app for the iPhone now.
What you guys suggest should I create a new app for the iPhone or is there way to add my iPhone binary to my current ipad app?
Thanks for your help.
There is no way to include the iPad and iPhone binary together. If you want to put them together, you'll need to create a universal application. You will have checks at run time that will determine whether or not your app is running on an iPad or iPhone, this will determine which set of ViewControllers your app will display.
There is a lot of information out there on creating universal apps.