iphone three20 based app show unexpected localized text when running on device - iphone

I have set the following setting in my app's -info.plist file, but still when running on the real device, I am seeing the localized string instead of english. The app is based on three20, what could be wrong? Thanks in advance!
Please note that I don't see the problem on emulator. And also, my iPhone device has no other language set of international but just English, neither do I have a different keyboard setting.

I don't think it's directly related to three20.
I had a few cases that I had to change the product name temporarily to cause xcode to refresh the localized assets. You can try that. Search for the product name in the project's build settings.


Catalyst app info.plist not being recognized

I am trying to submit my first catalyst app to the Mac App Store. I have setup the App Store information in iTunes Connect, and I have confirmed that the info.plist in app has the following key in it:
However when I go to upload to the app store I get the message that I need to add the LSApplicationCategory
ERROR ITMS-90242: "The product archive is invalid. The Info.plist must contain a LSApplicationCategoryType key, whose value is the UTI for a valid category. For more details, see "Submitting your Mac apps to the App Store"."
I have confirmed that both public.app-category.business is correct, and I have also tried using the value "Business". I get the same error message. Is there something else I need to look at?
The key which you are adding to .plist file is wrong. Add below key-value pair. Full list here.
slicerdicer's recommendation worked for me. To add some additional detail, you can also set the App Category by going to Project / Targets / General. It's the very first option.
I had sucsessfuly upload two apps using catalyst then the third failed with that error. I found this and seemed to work.
To the info.plist add App Catagory with what ever catagory your app fits. I used Productivity.
I was converting an iOS app to a Mac app, and I was updating the file info.plist, and it was not actually updating the overarching project.
I ended up having to go to the overarching project, under the left side TARGETS tab, I selected my app, went to the Info tab, and added the App Category there.

InAppSettingKit custom bundle is not recognized on device

I set up InAppSettingsKit and wish to have only certain volatile settings available from within the app. These would not be the same as what is found in settings.app from springboard. I added a bundle, InAppSettings.Bundle and created the appropriate plist files. It works as expected in the simulator but acts as though my new bundle does not exist on the device. The device shows only the same as the settings.app properties in settings.bundle/ root.plist.
How do I get the new bundle into users' devices without deleting and reinstalling the app?
In this case, it was a "case" of developer error. Apparently the case of the characters in the name of a file are not specific in the simulator. The files in my bundle were not correctly named. I had root.inApp.plist when it should have been Root.inApp.plist. Worked in simulator,not on the device.
Once I realized this and renamed the file, the device read and displayed the correct file as intended.
That was a waste of about 5 hours chasing my tale. I Hope this info helps someone avoid this same annoying oversight.

iPhone - Change icon of the app programmatically at runtime

I can read that changing the app icon programmatically at runtime is not possible, at least since iOS 3.0.
But... I regulary can see on "App" websites apps that can put icons on the springboard. The first I remember is that kind of app that you give a friend's picture from your album, and it creates an icon so you can call him just clicking on that icon:
So I guess, is it still impossible to change the app icon programmatically at runtime?
Apple have changed this, you can do this now: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiapplication/2806818-setalternateiconname
Original Answer
What you're thinking of here are WebClips, which are basically shortcuts to websites on the home screen. An actual application cannot change it's icon at runtime, as it's defined in the static Info.plist file.
The only exception to this rule is Newsstand applications.
This is now possible in iOS 10.3 using the UIApplication.setAlternateIconName(_:completionHandler:) API.
See my answer to this question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/44966454/233602
Changing your actual icon (other than, e.g, badging) would require changing the app bundle. I'm pretty sure that you don't have write access to the bundle, and in any event this should change the code signature, causing the OS to prevent launching.
So, no. Apps can put links to web sites, but not change their own app.

IPhone sdk: Internationalization doesnt works

Recently I have made intenationalization support for my project.
But there occurs strange thing - when I'm running my application both on the device and emulator shows only 'default' language.
I've done following things:
Used NSLocalizedString everywhere
added InfoPlist.strings (another language)
May be I'm missing something ?
You should store your localized strings in Localizable.strings. Localized InfoPlist.strings is used to change the name of your app for example.

iPhone :Change Application Name and icon

I am new to iPhone programming.
I created an application in Xcode. I want to change the application name and icon. However I can change the application name (which is appeared below the icon of application in iPhone) and icon from plist.
I want to ask that whether there are any other method or trick which i can use to change the icon and application name.
My project requirement is that end user want to change application name and icon frequently
As far as I know there is absolutely no way for the end user to change the application name or icon of applicaitons distributed via the App Store. I believe it would be possible to do this on jailbroken phones, but I'm not an expert in that area.
Jay is correct. You need to specify an icon and name for your app in the info.plist file. Those values can't be changed dynamically. If you want to change the name or the icon, you would need to fix them in xcode and submit an update to Apple for approval.
I disagree with the above answers.
Please go take a look at the free app on Itune, "OneTap" (or "onetap")
you will see that you can create a dynamicly new app with your own icon image.
There's definitely an app in cydia to accomplish this but you must jailbreak your iPhone or iPod touch