Twitter API for iPhone? - iphone

I want to integrate my app with twitter. I need to show tweets containing certain hashtags or from a particular user.
I tried MGTwitterEngine+xOAuth, but i want twitter tweets only so no need of authentication required. MGTwitterEngine+xOAuth needs authentication so any API or method to get tweets certain hashtags or from a particular user.

you are right, you don't neeed xOAth to make a search according to twitter search API.
If you want to use MGTwitterEngine you can use one of those methods :
// Search method
- (NSString *)getSearchResultsForQuery:(NSString *)query;
- (NSString *)getSearchResultsForQuery:(NSString *)query sinceID:(MGTwitterEngineID)sinceID startingAtPage:(int)pageNum count:(int)count; // search
- (NSString *)getSearchResultsForQuery:(NSString *)query sinceID:(MGTwitterEngineID)sinceID startingAtPage:(int)pageNum count:(int)count geocode:(NSString *)geocode;
You can find more details in MGTwitterEngine.h. It seems that you don't have to set authentification parameters to make a search, you just have to create an engine :
twitterEngine = [[MGTwitterEngine alloc] initWithDelegate:self];

You can use MGTwitterEngine with search api or you can call twitter search API directly. The problems with search API is that you can only get tweets up to 14 days old. It can be as easy as:


how to get user's posts & updates from Google plus like facebook

I want to get all wall updates of user's google plus account like facebook.
I have seen official link for it which is
Google Plus Documentation for iOS
& I have downloaded sample from there which is here Google Plus SDK Sample
it works well for getting user's information like email id,profile name,user's friend list with images & for posting on google plus.
but I am not getting user's post & updates.
all I want is user's wall updates & user's friends updates from google plus like facebook does.
but from above link i have found nothing for getting wall updates.
I have searched google for this also & get nothing regarding above problem.
any help for above problem appreciated.
Thanks in advance
From a backend server you can easily perform this API call to read a user's public activities. You can see the REST API here:
Combine this with a people.list and you can query for a user's friend activities on Google+.
On iOS, you probably don't want to make these API calls directly from a user's device. If you can, you should offload the work to a backend server to avoid overworking the mobile client. That said, you can perform an API query similar to listing people in circles:
GTLQueryPlus *query =
[GTLQueryPlus queryForActivitiesListWithUserId:#"me" collection:#"public"];
[[[GPPSignIn sharedInstance] plusService] executeQuery:query
completionHandler:^(GTLServiceTicket *ticket,
GTLPlusActivityFeed *actFeed,
NSError *error) {
If you put a breakpoint in the application on the function, the activities feed will be something like as follows:
(lldb) po actFeed
title:"Google+ List of Activities for Collection PUBLIC"
kind:"plus#activityFeed" items:[20]
The items array contains the actual activities that a user has publicly written on Google+.

Google+ integration in iPhone [duplicate]

I have been searching for tutorials on google for posting some text on google plus. But it seems like there are none.
I have also tried to go through the docs provided by google for developers of mac and iPhone but can't find anything that will solve my problem. Also there are little information on how to get the user login to there google plus account.
I am not sure what to do for the user login, do I have to use some GTLObject or use UIWebView like foursquare for user login.
Here is a list of docs that I had went through.
As it turns out there are only a limited number of api's available for google + developers and that also only as GET calls according to the developer of google + page my question will not get any definite answers as google is in the process of creating new api's for accessing user information on google plus.
Also you can use the google client sdk provided by google but it is much easier to show a webview for user login. I managed to get the people list from google plus.
The steps are same as for getting the access token as in foursquare. Just with some small changes.
in viewdidload method.
NSString *authStr = #"";
as a url for loading request in webview. People should note one thing here that you need to create a client id in api console for your app that is web based and not as installed for this purpose as you wont we getting any option to enter any website url for callback which is very important in this case.
and in webview delegate method webViewDidFinishLoad:
NSString *urlStr = [[webView.request URL] absoluteString];
NSArray *array = [urlStr componentsSeparatedByString:#"access_token="];
if(array.count > 1)
NSString *oauth_token = [[[array objectAtIndex:1] componentsSeparatedByString:#"&"] objectAtIndex:0];
//do something with the oauth token after this.
I wrote a code snippet to signin and post simple text to Google Plus with URL and thumb Image URL.
Try it
Take a look here:

How to import facebook contacts to iPhone

I'm new to iPhone development. I need to display facebook contacts to UITableView of my application. I'm not familiar with the webservice features of iPhone.
Check out Facebook Connect for iPhone (from Facebook)
The Facebook Connect framework provides a class simply called "Facebook" with a method for making FQL requests. FQL requests can be used to retrieve friends lists, and much more.
- (FBRequest*)requestWithMethodName:(NSString *)methodName // #"fql.query"
andParams:(NSMutableDictionary *)params
andHttpMethod:(NSString *)httpMethod // "POST"
andDelegate:(id <FBRequestDelegate>)delegate;
See FQL's documentation:

How to integrate location information into Twitter app?

I'm trying to get a Twitter iPhone app working using Matt Gemmell's MGTwitterEngine. I can post tweets OK, but I can't work out how to attach location data to those tweets... anyone have any idea?
I've never used MGTwitterEngine but from looking at the code, it should be as simple as calling sendUpdate:withLatitude:longitude:. What have you tried? What did and what did not work? Please be more specific.
There is no way to do post tweets with location information with MGTwitterEngine as of now. I am currently working on bringing the library up to date. You can check for updates. I'll be pushing a commit containing a method for geo-aware updates today.
UPD. See commit # for location-aware updates.
Method signatures:
(NSString *)sendUpdate:(NSString *)status;
(NSString *)sendUpdate:(NSString *)status fromLocationLat:(float)locLat locationLong:(float)locLong;
(NSString *)sendUpdate:(NSString *)status inReplyTo:(unsigned long long)updateID fromLocationLat:(float)locLat locationLong:(float)locLong;

Publish Feed Story Using Facebook API

I want to publish information to user's wall from iphone application. I am using the Facebook SDK for iphone. I found in the documentation that I should use FBStreamDialog but this loads a form to the user and s/he write the story to be published, I don't want this behavior. I want to publish user actions at my application and user just needs to click share button, then the application should fill a template story and publish.
I found this use case was available before with FBFeedDialog but this is not supported via the API now.
Any suggestions, what I should do?
here's an example for David's solution:
NSString *att = #"{\"name\":\"i\'m bursting with joy\",\"caption\": \"User rated the lolcat 5 stars\", \"description\": \"a funny looking cat\"}";
NSDictionary *attachment = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:att forKey:#"attachment"];
[[FBRequest requestWithDelegate:self] call:#"" params:attachment];
I use this code occur error "The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action"