Sinatra encoding query string - sinatra

I've made a very simple sinatra application which displays a frameset with 3 frames. When I set the 'src' parameter for the the frames however, sinatra re-encodes the query string I chose.
For example I enter:
What I end up seeing however is something like:
All my &'s were turned into &-a-m-p-;'s. Is there anyway to disable this? Why does this happen?

This is probably happening because you have an "escape all html" flag turned on somewhere. Your template language should support flagging strings as "safe"--check out for more details.


Working with layout object attributes and variables in FileMaker

This is the first time I'm encountering GetLayoutObjectAttribute and I am having serious issues with it. My variable $web won't set. I think it's because PD_WebV isn't the right object name to refer to, but I don't know how to find the right object name. I can't find the objects name when I hit Edit Layout, so does anyone know how to find an layout objects name?
Pause/Resume Script [Duration (seconds): 1]
Set Variable[$Web; Value: GetLayoutObjectAttribute("PD_WebV";"content")]
#execute if statements
After Edit:
After some troubleshooting, I found out that PD_WebV is the right object name to refer and it's refered to correctly, so my new question is why doesn't the script go to the line If[$Web="done"] and how could I fix it? Ss my If statement not evaluating something it should be? Is my $web variable never set to done or is the issue something completely different? Would the problem possibly have to do with my WebDirect sharing settings? Any guidance would help. Thanks.
After, After Edit:
So now that my application is getting past Set Variable[$Web; Value: GetLayoutObjectAttribute("PD_WebV";"content")], the variable $web only equals <HTML></HTML>. Does anyone know a way, without using javascript, to test the inside of the html tags?
Also, I printed the bounds of the webViewer PD_WebV that I can't locate on the layout but am referring to in the script. The bounds that are printed are different each time I run the script. Is the usual or unusual? My source is also about:blank so it doesn't look like I'm sourcing from a URL
Is my $web variable never set to done or is the issue something
completely different?
If you're doing:
Set Variable[$Web; Value: GetLayoutObjectAttribute("PD_WebV";"content")]
then the only time
will return true is when the web page loaded into your web viewer contains exactly the string "done" (in practical terms, that's never).
I have already suggested in a comment that you test for:
PatternCount ( $webpage ; "</html>" )
This is assuming you want the subsequent steps to execute only after the page has finished loading. The entire script would look something like this:
Pause/Resume Script [Duration (seconds): 1]
Set Variable[$Web; Value: GetLayoutObjectAttribute("PD_WebV";"content")]
Exit Loop If [ PatternCount ( $webpage ; "</html>" ) ]
End Loop
# execute statements
You might also want to add a counter to the loop and exit the script after n trials.
Ah, I reread your question.
To set the object name for your webviewer so that the GetLayoutObjectAttribute function works you need to set it in the Name field in the inspector when you have the webviewer selected.
After that your variable should populate.
Be aware
What it will populate with will be all of the html from the browser, i.e. not a boolean true/false liek your conditional suggests.
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to accomplish, but to be able to determine a result from your web viewer you'll need to either parse the HTML to see if it's content contains what you're looking for or within the code you're setting the webviewer with, fire a javascript function that calls back to the FileMaker file using a FileMaker url.

Play framework localisation is not working in production

If I run my play framework application with "play run" the localisation is fine. But if I do a "play dist" then use the start command, then the original English messages appear.
I have found, that if I change the classpath order in the start script putting the jar containing my messages file to the first place, then the localisation is fine.
Is there any better way to do this?
It is the same, if I copy the conf/messages to conf/ and set application.langs="hu" in the application.conf.
And stays the same, if I change my browser settings, so this is in the request header: "Accept-Language:hu,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.6". Still English messages (only, if they are the built in keys. My custom keys are translated correctly).
We have figured it out.
There is a custom field constructor used. My assumption was, that it is using the implicit lang parameter, but this is not the case. The lang must be given to the elements.errors() as parameter, and the current lang setting is stored in the elements.lang attribute. This is stated in the documentation, but we missed it. So the implicit lang parameter should not be used in the field template, because it contains wrong value.
The solution was this: #elements.errors(elements.lang)
<span class="errors">#elements.errors(elements.lang).mkString(", ")</span>

"News System" acting different on different systems

I have 2 servers which I though were synchronized (dev and live) but the "News System" (extension key "news") makes something different.
In the dev server this line
< format="%A">{newsItem.datetime}</>
outputs "Freitag", as expected (Thats friday in German)
But in the Live Server, it outputs %AM. Which is even weirder is that l (alone, without %) outputs "Friday" in English.
I've checked all the configurations I've seen and I cant seem to find where the difference between the systems is.
Any idea?
TYPO3 is using DateTime::format ( to format the date. This method is using the same syntax of date() which is not using locales, so all output is english.
The only thing I can not explain is why your dev enviroment accepts %A to render the date. Are there different PHP-Versions? Which TYPO3 Version are you using? Get a look at /typo3/sysext/fluid/Classes/ViewHelpers/Format/DateViewHelper.php, you will get the answer there.
I just solved it! Turns out I had 4.7.7 in my live server, and that doesnt support stftime.
Funny, I never thought that such an important feature would be added in an 4.7.X update...

Trying to figure out what {s: ;} tags mean and where they come from

I am working on migrating posts from the RightNow infrastructure to another service called ZenDesk. I noticed that whenever users added files or even URL links, when I pull the xml data from RightNow it gives me a lot of weird codes like this:
{s:3:""url"";s:45:""/files/56f5be6c1/MUG_presso.pdf"";s:4:""name"";s:27:""MUG presso.pdf"";s:4:""size"";s:5:""2.1MB"";}
It wasn't too hard to write something that parses them and makes normal urls and links, but I was just wondering if this is something specific to the RightNow service, or if it is a tag system that is used. I tried googling for this but am getting some weird results so, thought stack overflow might have someone who has run into this one.
So, anyone know what these {s ;} tags are called and if there are any particular tools to use to read them?
Any answers appreciated!
This resembles partial PHP serialized data, as returned by the serialize() call. It looks like someone may have turned each " into "", which could prevent it from parsing properly. If it's wrapped with text like this before the {s: section, it's almost definitely PHP.
These letters/numbers mean things like "an array with six elements follows", "a string of length 20 follows", etc.
You can use any PHP instance with unserialize() to handle the data. If those double-quotes are indeed returned by the API, you might need to replace :"" and ""; with " before parsing.
Parsing modules exist for other languages like Python. You can find more information in this answer.

Query with toLocalizedTime in Plone

I'm using toLocalizedTime to output a date, as below
<span tal:content="python:here.toLocalisedTime(date.get('start_date'))"/>
This outputs eg. 2007/08/02, I'm just curious as to how one would alter the output so that it reads 02/08/2007
I'm not having much luck finding much info on toLocalizedTime, would someone point me in the right direction?
This depends on whether you have English selected as the site language (Site Setup >> Language). If so, then the default settings are used. You can change the defaults by dropping down into the ZMI, then into 'portal_properties', then 'site_properties'. The fields to change are either 'localTimeFormat' or 'localLongTimeFormat' depending on whether you pass in 'long_format=1' to the toLocalisedTime function.
If on the other hand, you have translations set up, the format may instead be pulled from the translation file for the locale selected. I'm not sure what is the easy way to change the format in this case (other than switching the site back to English). I guess you can register your own translation file but I've never needed to do that so you're going to have to look up the details.
Date string formatting follows the Python rules (
Perhaps even more detail than you need:
is defined in the plone browser view at...
which looks up the 'translation_service' utility, to call its 'ulocalized_time' function, defined at...
which itself calls the 'ulocalized_time' function defined at...
As always, you can learn interesting things by grepping the source code ;-)
For an up to date answer for Plone 4.3 (after going through the source code)
These fields are now in the registry found at:
Then filter on "i18nl10n", which should give you the 4 fields you need to change.