Malformed metadata record for architecture i386 - iphone

I just upgraded from Xcode 4 to Xcode 4.2 and now I'm getting the following error when building for the Simulator:
ld: in /Users/rstaicut/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphone/Build/Intermediates/ Server-iphonesimulator/Project iPhone, could not parse object file
/Users/rstaicut/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/iphone/Build/Intermediates/ Server-iphonesimulator/Project iPhone
**Malformed metadata record for architecture i386**
**Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/llvm-gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1**
One thing to note is that I've changed the compiler to LLVM GCC 4.2 for this upgrade and I'm using armv6 and armv7 for the architectures. I'm only getting this error for the Simulator, the build finishes for the device.
Any ideas what malformed metadata record could mean?

Got the simulator to finally work. These are the things I changed:
Under Project > Build Settings > Architectures > Valid Architectures I took out i386 and left only armv6 and armv7. Under architectures I only have armv6 and armv7
I changed the Compiler from LLVM GCC 4.2 to Apple LLVM compiler 3.0 (Under Project > Build Settings > Build Options > Compiler for C/C++/Objective-C
Changed the iOS Deployment target from iOS 3.1 to iOS 4.0
The last step was to press on "Validate settings" (the button in the middle on the bottom). It's going to ask you to change some settings for the compiler from LLVM GCC to Apple LLVM Compiler 3.0. Hit OK.
My simulator started magically working after that. No errors, though plenty of warnings due to the change in compiler.
Hope this helps anyone else who runs into this issue.


Cannot create the archive file in ios 6

i have created iphone application. and i took the file and published the it in app store. But i have upgraded my xcode and changed the os to 4.3 - 6.0 . Now when im trying to archive the project , gives me this error.
Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1
I checked by my architecture & compiler . they are,
Architecture - Standard(armv7,armv7s)
Compiler - LLVM GCC 4.2
What would be the problem ???
Remove armv7s from there and check
Check what value is in "Build Active Architectures Only" . If No, set that to Yes and try to build.

facebook ios sdk build fails on device, works on simulator

I am trying to build an app (with ARC) that uses the facebook_ios_sdk (the latest version on github).
As recommended by Facebook, I used the build script to create a static library and then added it to the project.
Now when I build the project for an iPhone 5.1 Simulator, it works fine. However, on running it for an actual device (which is running 5.1), it gives the following build error -
ld: in ../facebook-ios-sdk/libfacebook_ios_sdk.a, file is universal but does not contain a(n) armv7 slice for architecture armv7
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Any suggestions on how to resolve this?
You could modify the build script for static library (which was too complicated for me), or just skip the library approach:
add the Facebook sources from SDK to your project
if using ARC, go to "target->build phases->compile sources" and mark all the Facbook source files with the--fno-objc-arc flag
That's it, works for me.
One work around that worked was to change the Valid Architectures from"armv6 armv7" to just armv6

Can't deploy to iPhone(1st Generation) after updating from Xcode 4.1 to 4.2.1

After updating from 4.1 to 4.2.1, I was not able to deploy to my 1st generation iPhone. I received a message that a debugger for version 3.0 - 3.2 needs to be downloaded. I downloaded it.
After downloading the debugger, now Xcode displays the messages:
"Build succeeded" and "Finished running....".
But the application doesn't even launch!
There haven't been any code changes.
The only other change is that Xcode suggested I update the build settings to use the llvm 3.0 compiler (all I did was click OK).
Now It won't deploy to my first gen iPhone.! :C
It seems to deploy to my 4th generation iPod touch (iOS 5.01 (9A405)) without problem though.
Is there some kind of code change or setting change I need to make?
The last version of Xcode where I could deploy was 4.1 . After that I updated to 4.2.1
EDIT: I followed rckoenes advice below, and I added armv6 & armv7 to the architectures (and removed the variable that was already there). Now the application launches on my device, but almost immediately into the launch, the following error appears :
dyld: Symbol not found: __NSConcreteStackBlock
Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/921C1E7F-449D-4EA1-AEAA-70A1AF60C351/
Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
I have tried the following:
under "Build Phases" for the targets, I have added libSystem.B.dylib under "Link Binary With Libraries".
But the error message still appears.
EDIT: Marking the library as optional in "Link Binary With Libraries" makes the error go away".
You probably need to add the armv6 to you Architectures list:

Unsupported compiler 'GCC 4.2' selected for architecture 'armv7'

Just installed new version XCode 4.2 onto my Mac. I tried compiling my project but got the following error:
Unsupported compiler 'GCC 4.2' selected for architecture 'armv7'
Tried selecting arm7 in drop down for architechture in project and target settings. (The list actually shows just arm 7) still no use.
Please help.
you should actually select the LLVM compiler under "Compiler Version" instead of trying to set "Valid Architectures"
xcode build errors:
Unsupported compiler ‘GCC 4.2′ selected for architecture ‘i386′
This can be caused by importing a project for a pre- iOS 5 SDK into a copy of xcode with iOS 5 SDK only.
To fix, click your
Project -> Build Settings.
Then under Build Options, there is an entry for Compiler for C/C++/Objective-C. Choose Apple LLVM compiler 3.0.
There is a chance this could effect other aspects of your binaries as you are using a new compiler, so YMMV. That being said, it’s so far caused no issues for me.
If you have multiple projects included within a single xCode project, go to editor>Validate project settings. This will set the compiler to LLVM 5.0 even if you don't see that option normally
Go to BuildSettings->BuildOptions->CompilerFor c/c++/Objective C and change that to LLVM GCC 4.2 from 'Unsupported Compiler GCC4.2'

xcode invalid archive in organizer

i get message during archive validation. i've tried most of solutions from other questions. but still failed. (It was ok when i submit it last time in xcode 4.02, then i get rejected. i edited some image and .m file(not project settings).
my project Build settings:
Architectures->standard (armv7) - $(ARCH_STANDARD_32_BIT)
Base sdk->Latest ios(ios 5.0)
valid Architectures armv6 armv7 arvm7f armv7k
Build active architecture only->no
ios deployment target: ios3.0
i've tried reinstalling xcode and make sure unix is checked, 5 times.
i've tried install back to xcode 4.02, but the same message as xcode 4.2
i've tried reinstall cocos2d
i've tried to set the llvm/gcc to gcc only
warning message 1:
Project Clean-Up Outdated settings should be updated.
when i click it. one is to set gcc to llve-gcc, another is to 'Enable compiler warning for missing Function Prototypes. ' I clicked cancel
warning message 2:
Check dependencies
[BWARN]warning: iPhone apps with a deployment target lower than 4.3 should include an armv6 architecture (current IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = "4.1", ARCHS = "armv7").
warning 3:
Validate /Users/lifesucks/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/FishvsBirdsLite-frctqlpldaogcjebgvxkvvmsehie/ArchiveIntermediates/FishvsBirdsLite/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/
cd "/Users/lifesucks/my app/Fish vs Birds/FishvsBirdsLite"
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/Validation /Users/lifesucks/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/FishvsBirdsLite-frctqlpldaogcjebgvxkvvmsehie/ArchiveIntermediates/FishvsBirdsLite/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/
2011-06-14 01:30:10.948 Validation[8609:607] *** Warning: Defaulting to the standard codesign tool
warning: iPhone/iPod Touch: application executable is missing a required architecture. At least one of the following architecture(s) must be present: armv6 (-19033)
Unable to validate your application. - (null)
warning: There is no codesign_wrapper executable. Please reinstall the Xcode developer tools. (-19058)
Unable to validate your application. - (null)
the error message in organizer is:
the archive is invalid. /var/folders/H5/.../app.ipa does not exist.
I actually don't know why, but it works now. I reinstall back to xcode 4.0.2. then recreated a project, copied over all my classes. i assume that the problem is 'Architectures->standard (armv7)', in xcode 4.0.2 the Architectures is standard armv6/armv7, maybe it's because of cocos2d compatibility to the new version i don't know. anyway if you encounter the same problem, just install back to non-beta and create a new project (since the original setting of 'Architecture' will be modified to 'armv7 standard'. ) hope it helps.
This happened to me when I updated to Xcode 4.2. I went back to the latest non-Beta Xcode version to fix it. The key is, when uninstalling Xcode, you must do it via the following command in Terminal:
sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools –mode=all
This takes a few minutes. But when it's done, install the non-Beta Xcode (4.0.2 at this time), and then RESTART before using it. Worked for me.
Remove iphoneossimulator from supported platforms for the distribution/release build configuration. That is if you have it.
You cannot have that for distribution, it is only for your debug configurations.
Check the image below for distribution configuration (ignore release config).