Optimized Dex Compiling - basic4android

Version 1.70 is acting strange. The delay is taking longer. Few days back it would take 20-26 seconds and then for every 5 compiling i would get 120 seconds. Now, it is taking 120 seconds on every compiling. I don't mind the wait. Maybe it has to do with more coding I recently added.

I don't think that it is related to v1.70, as there were no changes in this version related to the compilation process. Does it say: Optimized dexer or Standard dexer in the compilation window?


swiftc compile time is more slow when using -O than not using

I have studied swift compiler ( swiftc )
I just make one swift file written about sorting algorithms. ( radix, merge, quick, heap .. )
and then I compiled with or without optimization flags ( -O , -wmo ) and checked time by using flag (-driver-time-compilation)
⬇️ result1 - not using optimization flag
⬇️ result2 - using optimization flag.
but result1 was taken 0.3544 wall time. I think wall time is really taken time.
and result2 was taken 0.9037 wall time.
I think using optimization flag should be more faster than not using.
Can you help me understand why is this?
I want to reduce compile time only using swiftc.
The times you are showing are compilation times, not execution times.
Optimizations take time and the compiler has to work harder to complete them, it's completely normal that compilation takes longer when optimizing the code.
This is in general the intended behaviour, one small disadvantage is the larger executable size that can be produced, but that's generally not an issue

Slow compilation time with Xcode 11

I'm using the build time with Timing summary of Xcode to see what file are long to compile and I notice that most file takes about 13 seconds to compile, and some longer. And example is a file that has only this:
import Foundation
enum PrefType: String {
case move = "move"
case backStory = "backStory"
case rightStory = "rightStory"
and this one takes 50 seconds... I don't get it.
This happens when I do a clean and build. Overall it takes around 7-8minutes. Otherwise with small change, it's 3-4 minutes... Which to me is still crazy long. Anyone has a clue?
I already turn on the new xcode build system and the recommended flag to speed up the process.. That didn't help much.

Recursive Algorithm Is Much Slower in Playgrounds (1 minute) Than Xcode (0.1 seconds)

I have code to solve a sudoku board using a recursive algorithm.
The problem is that, when this code is run in Xcode, it solves the algorithm in 0.1 seconds, and when it is run in playgrounds, where I need it, it takes almost one minute.
When run in iPad, it takes about 30 seconds, but still obviously nowhere near the time it takes in xcode.
Any help or ideas would be appreciated, thank you.
Playground try to get result of each your operation and print it out (repl style)
It just slow and laggy by itself
In Xcode you can compile your code with additional optimization that speedup your code a lot (e. g. Swift Beta performance: sorting arrays)
Source files compiles as separate module, so don't forget about public/open access modifiers.
To create source files:

How do I "slow down" executing of tests in scala (transcation doesn't close in AfterExample)?

After upgrading specs/specs2 to the newest specs2 stable version I found out really weird issue in my scala tests. In my "main" class (all of my test classes extend this one) I have before and after
abstract class BaseSpec2 extends SpecificationWithJUnit with BeforeExample with AfterExample {
def before = startSqlTransaction
def after = rollbackSqlTransaction
before starts transaction and after ends it (I dont think I have to put code to show you how it works, If I am wrong please let me know).
I'm using JUnit in Eclipse to execute my tests in scala.
When I'm running them I get SqlError in some of them (the result of tests are not stable, what I mean is sometimes it ends up with success for one test, sometimes when this test won't go without error another will):
Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
I think this error shows up, because before starts transaction before every tests but after does not close it for some reason. I debugged rollbackSqlTransaction and startSqlTransaction and it showed me that:
- When I start e.g 5 tests, transaction opens 5 times but closes only one time.
When I have added empty step beetwen those 5 tests everythink worked fine.
When I have more than 5 tests it goes even more weird, e.g transaction starts 4 times then it closes then starts then closes etc. With 40 tests it opened 40 times and closed 29 times (its not stable too).
In my opinion for some reason tests are running so fast that executer is not able to close transaction, but I might be wrong. Is there anythink I can put in my code to slow them down? Or am I wrong and doing somethink else wrong?
Also when I'm running my tests it seems like few of those tests are starting at the same time (they arent going one by one), but it might be just an ilusion in eclipse.
Thanks for an answer and sorry for my bad english.
I think that transactions are not being closed properly because examples are being executed concurrently. Just add sequential at the beginning of your specification and things should be fine.

Do scalac "-deprecation" and "-unchecked" compiler options make it slower

Anecdotally, our builds seem slower after enabling these options. I've searched online a bit and tried to do some comparisons but found nothing conclusive. Wondering if anyone knows offhand.
A great way to answer your own question is to try and measure it. For instance, I tried to compile with SBT (which gives the build time in seconds). I took a medium sized project (78 scala source files) that I tried to compile with and without the flags. I started by doing 3 clean/compile invocations to warm-up the disks (be sure that everything is cached properly by the controller and the OS). Then I measured 3 time the build time to get an average.
For both cases (with and without the flags), the build time was identical. However, it is interesting to note that the first warm-up build was really slow: almost 7x slower ! Therefore it is very difficult to rely on impressions, because the build time will be dominated by the way you access your source files.
Unless your desktop is a teletype with particularly slow electromechanical relay switches, you're safe - it does the same work either way, so if there were a difference it'd be in how long it takes to display the deprecation/unchecked warnings.