Do scalac "-deprecation" and "-unchecked" compiler options make it slower - scala

Anecdotally, our builds seem slower after enabling these options. I've searched online a bit and tried to do some comparisons but found nothing conclusive. Wondering if anyone knows offhand.

A great way to answer your own question is to try and measure it. For instance, I tried to compile with SBT (which gives the build time in seconds). I took a medium sized project (78 scala source files) that I tried to compile with and without the flags. I started by doing 3 clean/compile invocations to warm-up the disks (be sure that everything is cached properly by the controller and the OS). Then I measured 3 time the build time to get an average.
For both cases (with and without the flags), the build time was identical. However, it is interesting to note that the first warm-up build was really slow: almost 7x slower ! Therefore it is very difficult to rely on impressions, because the build time will be dominated by the way you access your source files.

Unless your desktop is a teletype with particularly slow electromechanical relay switches, you're safe - it does the same work either way, so if there were a difference it'd be in how long it takes to display the deprecation/unchecked warnings.


Porting word2vec to RISC-V.. potential proxy kernel issue?

We are trying to port word2vec to RISC-V. Towards this end, we have compiled word2vec with a cross compiler and are trying to run it on Spike.
The cross compiler compiles the standard RISC-V benchmarks and they run without failure on Spike, but when we use the same setup for word2vec, it fails with "bad syscall #179!". We tried two different versions, both fail around the same place a minute or two into the run while executing these instructions. After going through the loop several 100k times, we see C1, C2 printed an then the crash. We are thinking this is more of a spike/pk issue than a word2vec issue.
Has anyone had similar experiences when porting code to RISC-V? Any ideas on how we might track down whether it's the proxy kernel?
A related question is about getting gdb working with Spike.. will post that separately.
Thank you.
The riscv-pk does not support all possible syscalls. You'll need to track down which syscall it is and whether you can implement it in riscv-pk or if you need to move to running it on a different kernel. For example, riscv-pk does not support any threading-related syscalls as multithreaded kernel support is an explicitly riscv-pk non-goal.
I would also be wary of using riscv-pk in general. It's a very simple, thin kernel which is great for running newlib user applications in the beginning, but it lacks rigorous testing and validation efforts against it, so running applications that stress virtual memory systems, rely on lots of syscalls (iotcl and friends), or are expecting more glibc-like environments may prove problematic.

Measuring the number of JVM instructions in a class

I need to count the number of JVM instructions for executing a method with multiple parameters. I give various arguments to the method to measure the number of JVM instructions executed for each case.
What tools can I use? The source is written in Scala, but it will produce class file anyway, so any JVM aware tool will work fine. I was thinking about profiler, but I think profiler may be used for different purposes.
There is an excellent tool for understanding the behavior of the Java HotSpot Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler during the execution of your program - JITWatch.
Warning: Modern JVMs are too complex, and do all kinds of optimization so the number of JVM's instructions means nothing from performance point of view. If you try to measure some small piece of code, it is really complicated to do it correctly without very, very detailed knowledge of what the JVM is doing. Please be aware( and use it on your own risk:
Always include a warmup phase which runs your method all the way through, enough to trigger all initializations and compilations before timing phase(s).
Be aware of the difference between -client and -server, and OSR and regular compilations.

Eclipse heap space (out of memory error)

I am facing memory issue in eclipse. Initially I was getting this error: ‘Unhandled event loop exception java heap space’ and also sometimes ‘An out of memory error has occured’.
I somehow managed to increase my heap size upto -Xmx990m. But still its not working. When I try to increase heap size beyond that, I am getting error ‘Unable to create virtual machine’ while starting eclipse.
I tried to make other changes in eclipse.ini file. When I change XXMaxPermSize, it gives me ‘permGen memory error’. For few times, I got different other kind of errors like ‘Unhandled event loop exception GC overhead limit exceeded’ and 2-3 more different types. Please help me what can be done that would be great!
Jeshurun's somewhat flippant comment about buying more RAM is actually fairly accurate. Eclipse is a memory HOG! On my machine right now Eclipse is using 2.1GB; no joke. If you want to be able to use Eclipse really effectively, with all the great features, you really need lots of memory.
That being said, there are ways to use Eclipse with less memory. The biggest helper I've found is disabling ALL validators (check "Suspend all validators" under Window>Preferences>Validation; just disabling the individual ones doesn't help enough). Another common source of memory-suckage is plugins. If you're going to stay at your current memory limit, I strongly recommend that you:
Uninstall your current Eclipse
Download the core/standalone/just Java version of Eclipse (the one with least filesize/no plug-ins built-in)
Try using just that for awhile, and see how the performance is. If it's ok, try installing the plug-ins you like, one at a time. Never install multiple, and give each one a week or two of trial.
You'll likely find that some plug-ins dramatically increase memory usage; don't use those (or if you do, get more RAM).
Hope that helps.
I also faced the same problem.I resolved by doing the build by following steps as.
-->Right click on the project select RunAs ->Run configurations
Select your project as BaseDirectory.
In place of goals give eclipse:eclipse install
-->In the second tab give -Xmx1024m as VM arguments.
I faced similar situation. My program had to run simulation for 10000 trials.
I tried -Xmx1024m : still it crashed.
Then I realized given my program had too much to put up on console; my console-display memory may be going OOB.
Simple solution=> right-click console > preferences > Check Limit console output > Enter Buffer size(characters)[Default: 80000].
I had unchecked it for analyzing single run, but when the final run had 10000 trials, it started to crash passed 500 trials.
Today was the day: I thought three times, that how programming in Java helps me skip the whole job memory deallocation and cursed C for the same. And here I am, spent last 2 1/2 hours to find how to force GC, how to dellocate variable( By the way, none was required).
Have a good day!

How do I time my sml code?

Can anyone tell me how I can time my sml code?
I have implemented several different versions of the same algorithm and would like to time them and perhaps even know the memoryusage?
The Timer module is what you want. It can either give you cpu time (gives you user, sys and gc times) or wall clock time.
For example of how to use it see the Benchmark module of MyLib.
With respect to finding out how much memory your algorithms are using, you might bind the profiling feature of MLton handy. Note however that i have actually never used this, but it states that:
you can profile your program to find out how many bytes each function allocates.

Speed improvements for Perl's chameneos-redux in the Computer Language Benchmarks Game

Ever looked at the Computer Language Benchmarks Game (formerly known as the Great Language Shootout)?
Perl has some pretty healthy competition there at the moment. It also occurs to me that there's probably some places that Perl's scores could be improved. The biggest one is in the chameneos-redux script right now—the Perl version runs the worst out of any language: 1,626 times slower than the C baseline solution!
There are some restrictions on how the programs can be made and optimized, and there is Perl's interpreted runtime penalty, but 1,626 times? There's got to be something that can get the runtime of this program way down.
Taking a look at the source code and the challenge, how can the speed be improved?
I ran the source code through the Devel::SmallProf profiler. The profile output is a little too verbose to post here, but you can see the results yourself using $ perl -d:SmallProf 10000 (no need to run it for 6000000 meetings unless you really want to!) See perlperf for more details on some profiling tools in Perl.
It turns out that using semaphores is the major bottleneck. The lion's share of total CPU time is spent on checking whether a semaphore is locked or not. Although I haven't had enough time to look at why the source code uses semaphores, it may be that you can work around having to use semaphores altogether. That's probably your best shot at improving the code's performance.
As Zaid posted, Thread::Semaphore is rather slow. One optimization could be to use the implicit locks on shared variables instead of them. It should be faster, though I suspect it won't be faster by much.
In general, Perl's threading implementation sucks for any kind of usage that requires a lot of interthread communication. It's very suitable for tasks with little communication (as unlike CPython's threads and CRuby's threads they are actually preemptive).
It may be possible to improve that situation, we need better primitives.
I have a version based on another version from Jesse Millikian, which I think was never published.
I think it may run ~ 7x faster than the current entry, and uses standard modules all around. I'm not sure if it actually complies with all the rules though.
I've tried the forks module on it, but I think it slows it down a bit.
Anyone tried s/threads/forks/ on the Perl entry? Or Coro / Coro::MP, though the latter would probably trigger the 'interesting alternative implementations' clause.