Time duration limit for videos - iphone

I'm developing a messenger kinda application. In that app i'm supposed to send a video which will be played on recipient's device just for 60 secs. This is creating problem. How to handle the video of duration more than 60 sec. I'll be very grateful if anyone can provide me a better solution.


Starting audio in locked screen mode not working

I am working on a timer App with alerts. When the screen is locked I would like to have my alerts/Text To Speech keeping to work. It works for some time between 30 to 60 sec and then alerts stops working but the timer is continuing to work as when I unlock the phone the timer progressed and works. I went through many posts and I didn't find a solution. It looks like new audio cannot be fired in lock down mode (some posts said new audio sounds cannot be triggered in lock down but continuity of audio is working). I finally found this post -> AVFoundation playing audio in background/on lock screen in Swift
so I added following lines in my code:
// to authorize background music in parallel
try? AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.ambient)
try? AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true)
// to play audio in background, lock screen mode
try? AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.playback)
and in info.plist I have this entry:
The result is that short audio sounds are working (I trigger them every 30 sec) only if I lock the screen during an audio, if I do it between two sounds it stops. I spent many days on searching solutions but nothing works, can someone please help here?
Spending again some hours to search further on this topic and what I found: -> https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/77937
seems really a problem for many people but I don't understand why we don't find any solution as I saw many apps with this feature working, if you see any good answer please tell me.
As no one had an answer I contacted Apple Developer Technical Support and the response was a bit surprising but there is no "clean way" to do it, here the answer I got:
"To continue playing audio from the background, continuously play audio in the background (mostly this will be silent, except for when you have a new “alert”)"
I tested it with a silent.wav file of 60 sec that I fire every 55 sec and it works!

Play longer than 2 minutes audio with "Actions on Google"

According to documentation, if you are using SSML for playing audio, you're limited to "120 seconds maximum duration".
Is there other way to start playing longer media (audio) with "Actions on Google" SDK on Google Home?
Example usage: Meditation sounds that can last longer than 2 minutes.
As responded by Leon Nicholls (Google Assistant Developer Programs Engineer), currently there is no way to play audio longer than 120 sec. However they are considering that in the future.
Please check Media responses. You can play MP3 file longer than 2 minutes.
I ran into the same issue. I created a Voice Metronome app which need to play for a long time. On the Google home, I was able to get it to play for 10 minutes. On the phone the limit was 2. I don't know if the new speaker devices have longer play times and I don't know how long they will allow this. Just an FYI.

Want to improve image upload speed from my iphone app to my web server based on window

I am doing research on speed of photo upload from my iphone application. But I am not able to find out anything over net. I have tried to upload a photo using ASIHttpRequest and also using NSURLConnection.
But I have notice my code takes lots of time to upload a captured photo from camera to my server while facebook does it withing number of seconds about in 20-30 seconds. my code takes about 4 minutes to upload.
I do compress image at client side and then doing upload, but that also take more time then facebook app.
Is there anyone have idea regarding this?

Iphone Alarm Notification with continous ringing

Hi I am trying to create an alarm application using localNotification but alarm is playing for 30 sec only. I have searched a lot but i have not got any solution to play the sound continously. But in inbuild iphone alarm the sound is playing continously. If any one knows kindly explain it to me how and how to do it
This is not possible - only through a private API which won't be allowed in the AppStore
Only method is to use local Notifications or Push notifications..both allow sounds to be played for 30 seconds

How to get how much data application have download?

My application is streaming live video, I want to alert them for after every 100MB download.
Any help will be appreciated.
Not easily because MPMoviePlayer internals doesn't reveal metadata about the stream.
If you actually knew for certain the data FPS and resolution (or bitrate for audio), using the elapsed time you could do an adhoc calculation by dividing them.