Iphone Alarm Notification with continous ringing - iphone

Hi I am trying to create an alarm application using localNotification but alarm is playing for 30 sec only. I have searched a lot but i have not got any solution to play the sound continously. But in inbuild iphone alarm the sound is playing continously. If any one knows kindly explain it to me how and how to do it

This is not possible - only through a private API which won't be allowed in the AppStore

Only method is to use local Notifications or Push notifications..both allow sounds to be played for 30 seconds


Custom alarm app play sound from media library on interruption by local notification

I want to make custom alarm app which play sound from media library in iphone. Play sound on date selected by the user on interruption by the local notification.
I want app similar to app on app store
Consider reading the iOS App Programming Guide -> App States and Multitasking:
Read the following part: "Implementing Long-Running Background Tasks" and Playing Background Audio
You can't do that with normal local notifications, as they have a limit of 30 seconds and you cannot let the user choose the file. You have to import it in your app bundle and include it in your code!!!
I really think there is no other way then abusing the background audio playback system to keep your app running in the background, then present a local notification with no sound and play the sound out of a call in your background app with a system library (core audio etc...)

iOS: Play/Stop music in Background at a specific time

I am developing an app which can stop or play a music from iPod or other audio at a specific time even if is in background. Is it possible?
I know that with a local notification can play an audio during 30 seconds, but I need more time. There are application which can do this like TuneIn Radio.
Thank you very much in advance!
Unless it is your app that is playing the music in the background I don't think it is going to be possible. The hardest part is the fact that you can't run an app in the background unless it is playsound, keeping track of the users location or is a voip client.
You can use a local notification, but the allarm sound is restricted to the 30 seconds and you can only stop any audio session if you app gets launched.

Alarm app for iPhone sdk with Music

I want to create a Alarm clock app. And as i know for this we have to use NSLocalNotification which play music for 30 second, As apple says sound file must be in Main bundle for Notification. How can i play sound file from Music Library ? Most of alarm app on App store are using Music Library ? Any Help Will be really appreciate...
Having built such an app, the answer is that you can't play from the lib for the notification sound, only if they acknowledge the notification and launch your app.
The alternative way to do a short term or overnight alarm app is to declare your app to be a background aware audio app in UIBackgroundModes, and start playing silence in the app using Audio Queues or the RemoteIO Audio Unit. Then just mix your alarm sound into the silence as PCM samples at the appropriate time. You may have to first convert music from the music library into uncompressed samples using AVFoundation.
This technique will burn the user's battery a lot faster than using Notifications though, and may be disabled if the user uses the music player (etc.) or other audio app, so should not be used for alarms that are critical or a long time away in time.

Pause/Resume Pandora from iPhone application

I'm writing an application that occasionally records the user's voice. During recording, I would like the application to pause whatever music happens to be playing (pandora, ipod, etc) and when recording is finished, I want it to resume that music for the user.
Using MPMusicPlayerController's pause/play methods works with the iPod music. In fact, 'pause' will pause Pandora without trouble also; however, 'play' resumes the iPod instead of Pandora.
Pointers to relevant documentation are appreciated.
I stopped researching, but I don't believe there is a way to do this.

iPhone (iOS4): is it possible to play music/sound during an active call?

I want to allow user to switch to my app during a phone call and play some sound that the second person will hear.
I see here that it was possible even before iOS4 and here that no one knows how to do it.
I will really appreciate if someone will spread some light on this issue.
Thank you.
If you would like to play a song and after launch a phone call, any iPhone OS will stop your song, just beacause phone call has privilege over audio playback.
What you can do is play a song after the call has started, but in this case you can only use speakers.
I've tried the second, and with great audio tracks and some simple advises, you can reach the desired effect.
You could achieve it using Twilio API