dynamically creating ids of macro components using arguments - zk

I am trying to create two grids which perform exactly the same function without having to duplicate the code of the code for the grid twice. So, I decided to use a macro component. But, I am not sure how to create the ids of the components in the macro component dynamically. The code does the following:
The first grid(west region) has two rows with two textboxes. If I add "hello" to the first textbox in this grid then the value of the second textbox is also set to "hello".
The second grid(center region) has two rows with two textboxes. If I add "world" to the first textbox in this grid then the value of the second textbox is also set to "world"
The values of both textboxes in the first grid are now same i.e. "hello"
The values of both textboxes in the second grid are now same i.e. "world"
I created a zul file in which I use a macro component like so:
<?component name="mygrid1" macro-uri="grid1.zul" inline="true"?>
<vbox hflex="1">
<borderlayout height="500px" width="500px">
<west size="50%">
<mygrid1 id="grid1" index="1" />
<mygrid1 id="grid2" index="2" />
fillInDuplicateBox(String value, Textbox duplicateBox) {
if (!"".contentEquals(duplicateBox.value))
duplicateBox.value = value;
Macro component is shown below:
<vbox hflex="1">
<grid width="300px">
<row> Box 1: <textbox id="${concat("newBox", arg.index)}" onChange="fillInDuplicateBox(${concat("newBox, arg.index)}.value, ${concat("duplicateBox", arg.index)})" hflex="1" /></row>
<row> Box 2: <textbox id="${concat("duplicateBox", arg.index)}" hflex="1" /></row>
I also tried the following code to create the macro component
<vbox hflex="1">
<grid width="300px">
<row> Box 1: <textbox id="newBox${arg.index}" onChange="fillInDuplicateBox(newBox${arg.index}.value, duplicateBox${arg.index})" hflex="1" /></row>
<row> Box 2: <textbox id="duplicateBox${arg.index}" hflex="1" /></row>
None of this works. I am not sure how to dynamically create the ids of the components in the macro component. The textbox ids of the first grid must be "newBox1", "duplicateBox1" and the textbox ids of the second grid must be "newBox2", "duplicateBox2"
Please point out if there is a better way of achieving this task.

I am not sure if it is possible to dynamically create ids like that, but I am pretty certain it would be better to avoid it. There are better ways to do this by avoiding the id problem altogether and to use data binding or event handling instead. Your example indicates the main purpose for each grid is to copy the value of one Textbox to a different Textbox - I imagine there is something bigger you are trying to achieve so let us know if this answer leads you to what you need or not.
I have simplified and expanded your sample to give two examples, the first uses the onChanging to immediately copy as you type. The second pair of boxes uses databinding.
<?component name="mygrid1" macro-uri="/grid1.zul" ?>
<vbox hflex="1">
<mygrid1 id="grid1" myGridTitle="First" />
<mygrid1 id="grid2" myGridTitle="Another" />
Here is the macro component in grid1.zul:
String myBoundString = "initial value";
<vbox hflex="1">
<hbox><label value="${arg.myGridTitle}" /> Source</hbox>
<textbox id="originalText" hflex="1" onChanging="duplicateText.value = event.value" />
<hbox><label value="${arg.myGridTitle}" /> Source copies here:</hbox>
<textbox id="duplicateText" hflex="1" />
Bound to myBoundString:
<textbox id="boundText1" value="#{myBoundString}" hflex="1" />
Bound to boundText1:
<textbox id="boundText2" value="#{boundText1.value, load-when=boundText1.onChange}" hflex="1" />
In the databinding example, you have to change "intial value" and then tab away before the binder updates boundText2. Also notice that the TextBoxes do have ids (boundText1 and boundText2) but that has no impact on achieving the expected functionality in multiple instances of the macro component.


How to create a grid view with two columns per row using RadListView

I thought this is easy, but unfortunately, I can not find out any answer.
I installed telerik-ui, and want to use RadListView. From the doc, I can see the demo page with perfect layout, to have mulitple items per row. In my case, I want to have two columns per row and then show the list view. Below is my xml code, but it is totally blank, I do not know why. Can you help?
This is the code in my XML:
<RadListView [items]="flattenDishes">
<ListViewLinearLayout scrollDirection="Vertical" itemHeight="500" spanCount="2"></ListViewLinearLayout>
<ng-template tkListItemTemplate let-flattenDish="item">
<GridLayout rows="auto" columns="auto, *">
<StackLayout orientation="vertical">
<Image [src]="serverUrl +'images/' + flattenDish.get('option_imageUrl') " stretch="aspectFill" width=200 height=200></Image>
<Label [text]="flattenDish.get('option_size')+':'+ flattenDish.getTrans('zh').get('title')"></Label>
<Label [text]="flattenDish.get('option_price')"></Label>
Can anyone help me to have a working template here?
Try this, is not with RadListView but the important part is inside the item:
<ListView class="list-group" [items]="workOrders" (itemTap)="onItemTapSecondList($event)" separatorColor="gray">
<ng-template let-workOrder="item">
<StackLayout orientation="horizontal">
<Label text="Order ref:" class="order-id-label"></Label>
<Label text="Order date:" class="order-id-label"></Label>

How to get substring in zk?

There is this example:
<grid width="100%">
<row>onChanging textbox: <textbox id="t1" onChanging="copy.value = event.value"/></row>
<row>Instant copy: <textbox id="copy" readonly="true"/></row>
Can I somehow copy just a substring of event.value, say the first 4 characters? I tried things like onChanging="copy.value = $(substring(event.value, 0, 4)), but the syntax is incorrect.
Thanks for the help and thumbs down appreciated.
That's a simple task, you just need to do something like this:
<grid width="100%">
<row>onChanging textbox: <textbox id="t1" onChange='copy.setValue(self.getValue().substring(0,3))' instant="true"/></row>
<row>instant copy: <textbox id="copy" readonly="true"/></row>
However, you have to be careful because if you try to do a substring when the value in the first textbox is smaller that the lenght of the substring you are trying to get, then you will get an error:
String a1 = "ho";
String a2 = a1.substring(0,3) //Here you will have an error...
So I will recommend you to make a validation before and then do the substring... like this:
<grid width="100%">
<row>onChanging textbox: <textbox id="t1" onChange='copy.setValue(self.getValue().length() >= 3? self.getValue().substring(0,3):"")' instant="true"/></row>
<row>instant copy: <textbox id="copy" readonly="true"/></row>
Check that in the validation self.getValue().length() >= 3 the number 3 is the same number of letters I want to get in the substring self.getValue().substring(0,3)
I made an example for you: http://zkfiddle.org/sample/3afnseb/2-onChange-copy-textbox-example

ZK framework getting value of a component on zul page

I am trying to get the value of a textbox on a zul page by using some kind of getValue method. I should handle this on the zul page, not on a controller. I need to assign a listbox cell (which is the first cell of the list box below) with a value coming from the textbox.
<label value="" />
<toolbarbutton visible="true"
image="/resources/images/icons/1616/page_text.gif" />
<label value="#{file.name}" />
<toolbarbutton forward="onClick=onRemoveMultipleFiles"
visible="true" id="newFileAndCommentRemove" image="/resources/images/icons/1616/delete.png" />
If what you want is that after the textbox is filled then the first cell will fill with its value you can do it like this:
put an id into the label in the cell
put an onChange operation in the textbox so when the textbox change you can put its value into the cell
like this:
<textbox id="textbox" onChange="label.setValue(self.getValue())"/>
<listbox id="newFileAndComment">
<listheader label="1" width="30px" />
<listitem self="#{each=file}">
<label id="label"/>

How to add views to the steps of a roadmap in sapui5

I am looking to add views (or workflow) to a roadmap steps in sapui5. I am new to sapui5, can any one help me out with this?
My code:
//create the RoadMap control
var oRMap = new sap.ui.commons.RoadMap("rMap");
//create the RoadMap steps
var oStep1 = new sap.ui.commons.RoadMapStep("step1", {label: "Step 1"});
var oStep2 = new sap.ui.commons.RoadMapStep("step2", {label: "Step 2"});
var oStep3 = new sap.ui.commons.RoadMapStep("step3", {label: "Step 3"});
//add steps to the RoadMap
//Set the first step as selected
//Set the number of visible steps
//Place the control on the UI
This will show three steps in my application. What I want is to add views to each of the steps.
Say I want to add a date picker for first step, table for second step and so on..
How can I do this?
You can achieve this in many ways. I would create a container below your roadmap, where you display different views, one for each step. You could use a NavContainer which handles the navigation
EDIT: it can be as simple as this (I used XMLView notation since I find these a far easier to write, but the same applies for JSViews of course):
<c:RoadMap id="roadMap">
<c:RoadMapStep id="step1" label="Step 1" />
<c:RoadMapStep id="step2" label="Step 2" />
<c:RoadMapStep id="step3" label="Step 3" />
<NavContainer width="100%" height="20rem">
<Page title="Step 1">
<DatePicker />
<Button icon="sap-icon://feeder-arrow" text="Next step" press="doNext" />
<Page title="Step 2">
<Text text="Some data"/>
<Button icon="sap-icon://nav-back" text="Previous step" press="doPrevious" />
<Button icon="sap-icon://feeder-arrow" text="Next step" press="doNext" />
<Page title="Step 3">
<Text text="Some more data"/>
<Button icon="sap-icon://nav-back" text="Previous step" press="doPrevious" />
<Button icon="sap-icon://feeder-arrow" text="Next step" press="doNext" />
In the doNext and doPrevious you then increment/decrement the roadmap's selectedStep property with the correct step ID, and you perform a nav.to(target) or nav.back()
See https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/sdk/explored.html#/sample/sap.m.sample.NavContainer/preview for info in the NavContainer

How to change grid default status in a ZK theme?

I have a page built with ZK. In this page there is a button that start a search. If there are some data them appear in a grid view.
Every data are built in this way:
v Date1 (dd/mm/yyyy)
- item
- item
- item
v Date2 (dd/mm/yyyy)
- item
- item
Lecter V means an arrow but I can't post an image so I use a "v" that have similar image to undestand.
It works correctely but there is a problem.
I would have this situation:
Date1 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Date2 (dd/mm/yyyy)
When I click on a date I want that the arrow became "v" and all data appear.
If in the first case I click on date it became close.
How to change the default view of grid items?
This is my code
<grid id="demoGrid" width="50%" height="400px" style ="float:left"
model="#bind(vm.value)" emptyMessage="No data">
<columns menupopup="auto">
<column sort="auto(Hour)" label="Hour" width="150px"/>
<column sort="auto(Value)" label="Value(bpm)" hflex="1" />
<!-- template for group -->
<template name="model:group">
<group label="#load(each)" />
<!-- template for each element in model -->
<template name="model" >
<label value="#load(each.hour)" />
<label value="#load(each.value)" />
<!-- template for footer -->
<template name="model:groupfoot">
<cell colspan="5" style="text-align: right; padding-right: 15px">
<label value="#load(each)" style="font-weight:bold;" />
I try to use tag details in this subcode:
<template name="model">
<details open="false">
<label value="#load(each.hour)" />
<label value="#load(each.value)" />
Try the details like this :
<template name="model">
<detail open="false">
<label value="#load(each.hour)" />
<label value="#load(each.value)" />
<label value="second column"/>
Explication :
Detail can have only 1 root element so that's why we set the the hlayout.
Of course you can change this to div or whatever you want.
The row tag has to be outside the detail tag.
The detail take a column so for this example you need to provide 2 columns.
Edit :
I created a fiddle.