How to get substring in zk? - substring

There is this example:
<grid width="100%">
<row>onChanging textbox: <textbox id="t1" onChanging="copy.value = event.value"/></row>
<row>Instant copy: <textbox id="copy" readonly="true"/></row>
Can I somehow copy just a substring of event.value, say the first 4 characters? I tried things like onChanging="copy.value = $(substring(event.value, 0, 4)), but the syntax is incorrect.
Thanks for the help and thumbs down appreciated.

That's a simple task, you just need to do something like this:
<grid width="100%">
<row>onChanging textbox: <textbox id="t1" onChange='copy.setValue(self.getValue().substring(0,3))' instant="true"/></row>
<row>instant copy: <textbox id="copy" readonly="true"/></row>
However, you have to be careful because if you try to do a substring when the value in the first textbox is smaller that the lenght of the substring you are trying to get, then you will get an error:
String a1 = "ho";
String a2 = a1.substring(0,3) //Here you will have an error...
So I will recommend you to make a validation before and then do the substring... like this:
<grid width="100%">
<row>onChanging textbox: <textbox id="t1" onChange='copy.setValue(self.getValue().length() >= 3? self.getValue().substring(0,3):"")' instant="true"/></row>
<row>instant copy: <textbox id="copy" readonly="true"/></row>
Check that in the validation self.getValue().length() >= 3 the number 3 is the same number of letters I want to get in the substring self.getValue().substring(0,3)
I made an example for you:


Control events inside interaction pop up not working

I have an interaction request pop up and inside that pop up, I have few controls like time picker, radcombobox and so on. I want change events of these controls hit in my view model class using prism commands.
my sample code is not working, time picket value change is not hitting on OnReasonTimeChanged Method.
XAML file
<i:EventTrigger SourceName=" " EventName="ValueChanged">
<i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding ReasonTimeChanged}" />
<prism:InteractionRequestTrigger SourceObject="{Binding SummaryConfirmationInteractionRequest}">
<StackPanel Width="Auto" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden" Height="Auto"
MaxHeight="400" >
<ScrollViewer BorderThickness="1" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" Width="820" Height="Auto" MaxHeight="200">
<StackPanel Height="Auto" >
<controls:XRadGridView x:Name="UnitsGrid" ItemsSource="{Binding Units, Mode=OneWay}"
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn Header="DUID"
DataMemberBinding="{Binding DisplayDuid}"
Width="Auto" />
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn Header="ReasonTime">
<toolkit:TimePicker x:Name="ReasonTime"
VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Width="20"
Value="{Binding OfferHeader.ReasonTime, Mode=TwoWay}"
controls:TimePickerExtensions.UpdateBindingOnValueChanged="{Binding ApplyReasonToAll}"
ViewModel code
Inside constructor I have below code
_reasonTimeChangedCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnReasonTimeChanged);
command details
private readonly DelegateCommand _reasonTimeChangedCommand;
public ICommand ReasonTimeChanged => _reasonTimeChangedCommand;
public void OnReasonTimeChanged()
The InvokeCommandAction should be inside the popup, to be used within the popup... but you bind to the value to a property (ReasonTime), and that property should be responsible for notifying the change. That's the view model's job, not just being a container for commands or forwarding properties from some DTO.

How to create a grid view with two columns per row using RadListView

I thought this is easy, but unfortunately, I can not find out any answer.
I installed telerik-ui, and want to use RadListView. From the doc, I can see the demo page with perfect layout, to have mulitple items per row. In my case, I want to have two columns per row and then show the list view. Below is my xml code, but it is totally blank, I do not know why. Can you help?
This is the code in my XML:
<RadListView [items]="flattenDishes">
<ListViewLinearLayout scrollDirection="Vertical" itemHeight="500" spanCount="2"></ListViewLinearLayout>
<ng-template tkListItemTemplate let-flattenDish="item">
<GridLayout rows="auto" columns="auto, *">
<StackLayout orientation="vertical">
<Image [src]="serverUrl +'images/' + flattenDish.get('option_imageUrl') " stretch="aspectFill" width=200 height=200></Image>
<Label [text]="flattenDish.get('option_size')+':'+ flattenDish.getTrans('zh').get('title')"></Label>
<Label [text]="flattenDish.get('option_price')"></Label>
Can anyone help me to have a working template here?
Try this, is not with RadListView but the important part is inside the item:
<ListView class="list-group" [items]="workOrders" (itemTap)="onItemTapSecondList($event)" separatorColor="gray">
<ng-template let-workOrder="item">
<StackLayout orientation="horizontal">
<Label text="Order ref:" class="order-id-label"></Label>
<Label text="Order date:" class="order-id-label"></Label>

Hide row in dynamic grid in ZK framework

I am trying to hide/show a row in a grid (filled dynamically from Java code) upon clicking on it's previous row. To simulate a simple MasterDetail component. I get the right index of the clicked row in the java code, however changing visibility of the row doesn't work! Can anyone help me with this or is there a similar way to to this?
Here is the code for the ZUL:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<zk xmlns="">
<window id="callbackLogWindow"
border="none" height="100%" width="100%"
<grid id="callbackLogGrid" oddRowSclass="non-odd" height="100%">
<column label="Logging Name" />
<column label="Status" />
<column label="DateTime" />
<column label="Subject" />
<column label="Replies" />
<zk forEach="${callbackLogWindow$composer.callbacks}">
<row sclass='${forEachStatus.index % 2 != 0 ? "z-grid-odd" : ""}'
<custom-attributes callback="${each}"/>
<cell><label value="${callback.loggingName}" /></cell>
<cell><label value="${callback.resolved}" /></cell>
<cell><label value="${callback.callbackTime}" /></cell>
<cell><label value="${callback.subject}" /></cell>
<cell><label value="${callback.resolvedItemCount}" /></cell>
<row sclass='${forEachStatus.index % 2 != 0 ? "z-grid-odd" : ""}'>
<cell colspan="5">
<include src="callbackItem.zul" callback="${each}"/>
<custom-attributes callback="${each}"/>
<button onClick="callbackLogWindow$composer.saveCallbackItems(callback)">
And the controller:
public class CallbackLogWindowComposer extends SelectorComposer<Window> {
#Inject private CallbackDao callbackDao;
#Wire Grid callbackLogGrid;
private List<Callback> callbacks = new ArrayList<Callback>();
public void doAfterCompose(Window window) throws Exception {
public List<Callback> getCallbacks() {
callbacks = callbackDao.findAll();
return callbacks;
public void toggleRow(int i) {
Component row = callbackLogGrid.getRows().getChildren().get(i+1);
public void saveCallbackItems(Callback cb) {
I am not sure and not test but i can suggest one thing here to you Zk have visible="true/false" attribute you can apply this attribute in each row and bind this with your databean variable For more detail i can suggest let us suppose you have a List<A> list
and list contain all the record which you want to display now add another variable like display in class A and control it by your self .And onClick on any row change update any other item of list .
I have the same problem, and the solution I found was:
row visible=""
<grid model="#bind(" vflex="1" emptyMessage="No records exist" width="315px" >
<column width="45%"/>
<column width="25%" />
<template name="model">
<row visible="#load(each.visible)">
<checkbox label="#load(each.label)" style="font-weight:bold" if="${each.checkbox}"/>
<label value="#load(each.label)" style="font-weight:bold" unless="${each.checkbox}"/>
<doublebox value="#bind(each.value)" sclass="textBoxNumber" locale="us" readonly="true" />

Flex formitem label aligment oddity

I have paid a decent hair tribute to this one
Why in the world, Label 1 and Label 2 have different vertical alignments?
<s:Form width="100%">
<s:FormHeading width="100%" label="Heading" />
<s:FormItem width="100%" label="Label 1">
<s:HGroup verticalAlign="bottom">
<s:Label text="Size" fontSize="40"/>
<s:Label text="Mb"/>
<s:FormItem width="100%" label="Label 2">
<s:HGroup verticalAlign="middle">
<s:VGroup horizontalAlign="center">
<s:Label text="Set1" />
<s:Label text="{this.set1}" fontSize="40"/>
<s:Label text="Days" />
<s:Label text="+" fontSize="40" />
<s:VGroup horizontalAlign="center">
<s:Label text="Set2" />
<s:Label text="{this.set2}" fontSize="40" />
<s:Label text="Days" />
Bug or feature? The label of a FormItem is aligned with the baseline of the FormItem's content. A picture says more than a thousand words, so I'll show you what happens:
So it turns out to be a feature (thanks for asking this question: I didn't know this myself until today).
In order to "fix" this feature, you'll have to create a custom skin: create a skin class by copying the original spark.skins.spark.FormItemSkin.
Find the element called labelDisplay; it should look like this:
<s:Label id="labelDisplay"
left="labelCol:0" right="labelCol:5"
bottom="row1:10" baseline="row1:0"/>
See that baseline attribute? That's what's causing the undesired behaviour.
You can simply remove it; the label will then always align to the bottom. If you wish to align it to the vertical center, you could alter it like this:
<s:Label id="labelDisplay" fontWeight="bold" verticalAlign="middle"
left="labelCol:0" right="labelCol:5" top="row1:10" bottom="row1:10"/>
Now all you need to do, is applying your custom skin to your FormItem:
<s:FormItem skinClass="my.custom.FormItemSkin">
Or in case of more frequent usage:
#namespace s "library://";
s|FormItem.centeredLabel {
skinClass: ClassReference("my.custom.FormItemSkin");
<s:FormItem styleName="centeredLabel">

dynamically creating ids of macro components using arguments

I am trying to create two grids which perform exactly the same function without having to duplicate the code of the code for the grid twice. So, I decided to use a macro component. But, I am not sure how to create the ids of the components in the macro component dynamically. The code does the following:
The first grid(west region) has two rows with two textboxes. If I add "hello" to the first textbox in this grid then the value of the second textbox is also set to "hello".
The second grid(center region) has two rows with two textboxes. If I add "world" to the first textbox in this grid then the value of the second textbox is also set to "world"
The values of both textboxes in the first grid are now same i.e. "hello"
The values of both textboxes in the second grid are now same i.e. "world"
I created a zul file in which I use a macro component like so:
<?component name="mygrid1" macro-uri="grid1.zul" inline="true"?>
<vbox hflex="1">
<borderlayout height="500px" width="500px">
<west size="50%">
<mygrid1 id="grid1" index="1" />
<mygrid1 id="grid2" index="2" />
fillInDuplicateBox(String value, Textbox duplicateBox) {
if (!"".contentEquals(duplicateBox.value))
duplicateBox.value = value;
Macro component is shown below:
<vbox hflex="1">
<grid width="300px">
<row> Box 1: <textbox id="${concat("newBox", arg.index)}" onChange="fillInDuplicateBox(${concat("newBox, arg.index)}.value, ${concat("duplicateBox", arg.index)})" hflex="1" /></row>
<row> Box 2: <textbox id="${concat("duplicateBox", arg.index)}" hflex="1" /></row>
I also tried the following code to create the macro component
<vbox hflex="1">
<grid width="300px">
<row> Box 1: <textbox id="newBox${arg.index}" onChange="fillInDuplicateBox(newBox${arg.index}.value, duplicateBox${arg.index})" hflex="1" /></row>
<row> Box 2: <textbox id="duplicateBox${arg.index}" hflex="1" /></row>
None of this works. I am not sure how to dynamically create the ids of the components in the macro component. The textbox ids of the first grid must be "newBox1", "duplicateBox1" and the textbox ids of the second grid must be "newBox2", "duplicateBox2"
Please point out if there is a better way of achieving this task.
I am not sure if it is possible to dynamically create ids like that, but I am pretty certain it would be better to avoid it. There are better ways to do this by avoiding the id problem altogether and to use data binding or event handling instead. Your example indicates the main purpose for each grid is to copy the value of one Textbox to a different Textbox - I imagine there is something bigger you are trying to achieve so let us know if this answer leads you to what you need or not.
I have simplified and expanded your sample to give two examples, the first uses the onChanging to immediately copy as you type. The second pair of boxes uses databinding.
<?component name="mygrid1" macro-uri="/grid1.zul" ?>
<vbox hflex="1">
<mygrid1 id="grid1" myGridTitle="First" />
<mygrid1 id="grid2" myGridTitle="Another" />
Here is the macro component in grid1.zul:
String myBoundString = "initial value";
<vbox hflex="1">
<hbox><label value="${arg.myGridTitle}" /> Source</hbox>
<textbox id="originalText" hflex="1" onChanging="duplicateText.value = event.value" />
<hbox><label value="${arg.myGridTitle}" /> Source copies here:</hbox>
<textbox id="duplicateText" hflex="1" />
Bound to myBoundString:
<textbox id="boundText1" value="#{myBoundString}" hflex="1" />
Bound to boundText1:
<textbox id="boundText2" value="#{boundText1.value, load-when=boundText1.onChange}" hflex="1" />
In the databinding example, you have to change "intial value" and then tab away before the binder updates boundText2. Also notice that the TextBoxes do have ids (boundText1 and boundText2) but that has no impact on achieving the expected functionality in multiple instances of the macro component.