facebook like button dont work? - facebook

i use a xfbml facebook like button in this website:
When you click the like button on the home page it's look like everything is ok.
but the like not publishing on the wall.
and in this link:
if you click on one of the images it will slide down and you will see a like button now when you click on it it's show an red error

the solution is: just not to use Unicode chars in the url. and urlEncode not helping to...
it's work only for url that contain only ascii chars!
and avoiding the '%XX' in the url.


Send button not displaying in my web page

I tried with HTML5 as well as XFBML version also but send button not appearing on my webpage.
I used the code from https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/send/ for http://www.rakthadanam.com. On the developers.facebook.com it is showing properly but on my site it's not displaying.
Well, that´s because you cut it from the Social Plugin. There is just no space for it right next to the like button, you are going to have to make it bigger.
Also, there is "send=false" in the source code, so of course there is no send button at all.

Facebook Like Button Missing after liking the url

I am currently using Floating Vertical Bar from Adthis For Sharing URL.
At first, everything appears to be correct but when i like a page using Facebook like button and reloads the page, the like button appears to be missing. There is no like button in that space.
When i move on to a new page which i have not liked the button will be there. Issue happens only when i like the page or url.
Can anyone help me on this.

Facebook like button: hide text

I just added a Facebook like button to my website, just the most basic one, but you can't select to hide the "Sign Up to see what your friends like." text.
Because the area for the button is so small, I don't want this text, as it overlaps with other text next to it.
Is there a way to hide this part?
I basically just want the like button, with the same functionality.
You would have probably figured it out by now but for others who haven't and reach this question, try data-layout="button_count".
You can play around here for more options: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/
You can add layout="simple" (XFBML), or "data-layout"="simple" for HTML5 to the tag.
That'll show just a like button, with no count, faces or nonsense :)

Want to turn off the "flyout" pane in the Facebook like button.. any solution to this?

Why does Facebook not a have a flag to turn off the flyout pane in the Facebook like button?
Facebook say the XBFML has the flyout, maybe this means the Iframe doesn't.
The Share-Me-Not extension for Firefox blocks those obnoxious flyouts.

Facebook Like Button doesn't share

I have add like button on my webpage www.zabavax.com (iframe). Count is work ok, but like button doesn't share post (link) on Facebook.
P.S. Like button on the left side and after post. When i click on right or after post like button liked link dont show on my Timeline and on friends news feed
I think Facebook has changed the behaviour of the like button. A link will be shared ONLY if the user adds a comment.
Your like button in the top right corner of your URL functions correctly.
I was able to post to my profile when I clicked on it.
I believe your issue is with the first-time popup that appears (also with its own like button) When I clicked that like button the popup disappeared and I didn't manage to post to my profile.