UIView tab bar on top, like HTML on iPhone view - iphone

I'm developing a Hotel reservation iPhone application.
I tab view that I mention below image. So I don't know how to search it even. :(
So does any one knows about how to get it to our application I mean Is their any controller to this. Or else how to code this. (Is it html coding??)
Note : I am using Xcode 4.2 and story board. :)

Looks like you want to use UISegmented Controls with custom background, and then create subviews that will switch when you hit the "details" / "Diner Reviews" buttons.

Here's a custom iOS tabbar control similar to what you've drawn


PopUp view in another view

I've searched on the web with no succsess. I actually just found some popups with html or just text. I would like to make a view that pops up. In the view, should be some content, a button and maybe an imageview. I've found some apps, which are using this popup views so far. The popup displaying is animated. Here I've some pictures:
and then it grown up till it fits:
does anybody know how to do this? It would be awesome if someone has a code snipped for me to present this view in portrait mode.
CocoaControls has some things like this. Take a look at these:
KGModal for iOS
MJPopupViewController for iOS
UAModalPanel for iOS
RNBlurModalView for iOS
You can do this by presenting a modalView with Presentation Style UIModalPresentationFormSheet.
It'll look like:
You need to change the height and width according to your need also you can customize the appearance.
Please refer.
If you need it in iPhone use FPPopover or Modal View in Iphone

Element on IOS Programming

Im kinda new to Stack Overflow so bear with me please. I am trying to design an iPhone app and I noticed a feature on Huffington Post app that I have been trying to replicate with a different style. I am confused on whether they are loading this as a html inside a webview, or if they are reproducing this programmatically on XCode.
I have looked at UI Picker and UI PopOverController and neither can replicate into that. Can someone give me some advise on what element I have to use in XCode?
Here are some attached screenshots
Based on what your screen shot looks like, here is my guess of what they did:
On the view which they bring up the "popover", they have a UITableView with custom UITableViewCell. At the right end of the UITableViewCell(the image with plus sign) is a button, and based on the position of the button, they can decide the position of the popover and direction of the arrow.
They used a custom popover control. Inside the popover, there is a UITableView take all the space.
If you wanna do the same thing, you will have to know
How to use custom UITableViewCell.
How to do popover on iPhone.
Delegation if you wanna the view underneath to react to what you click inside your popover.
I can provide more details if you need.

iOS iPhone Add label and text field below tab control

I'm a beginner with iOS apps, and I inherited an app I need to make some changes to.
The main view of the app is a tab view, and we'd like to add below the tab view a box with some labels (and text). The labels shouldn't change as the tabs change.
How do I do this?
I noticed something called a SplitView, but I wasn't sure how to use it, and if it's relevant for my need.
I hope that my needs are clear enough. If anyone could make recommendations as to how to do it/point me in the direction of a tutorial, I'd be very appreciate.
Thanks in advance!
The UISplitView is only for iPads. It will not work on the iPhone as far as I know. How are you creating your UITabBar. If you do it programatically you might be able to create it like something like this:
Pseudo Code
UITabBarController *mySpecialController = [[UITabBarController alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake('put in coordinates here')];

How do I center UIBarButtonItem with custom look?

Alright, so I have a TableView in one of my Views in my iPhone app. I'm using a UINavigationController, so using that I created the UIToolBar at the bottom of the table. Works great. However, I want the items in the toolbar to resemble how the Facebook app has them:
Not only would I like the Buttons (I will have only 2) to resemble those. (They connect when touching another button), but I really want to show the user what "Tab" they are on. In the image above, it is obvious to the user they are on the Wall. When they touch "Info", it becomes darkened and the user knows where they are. Does anyone know how they did it so my app may also have clear navigation?
What you have on a picture is standard UISegmentControl with UISegmentedControlStyleBar style - you can use it.
Just use a UISegmentedControl like they did

How to add an「i」button like the Stocks application in iPhone?

I want to add an「i」button on the top right in the navigationbar, just like the one in the Stocks application. Does iPhone SDK has this built-in button? I looked up the document but couldn't find any. Thanks a lot.
Sure, this is a standard UIButton with a type of info light. You can set it up in IB. However, you can't add it to your Navigation Bar, since nav bars can only have bordered buttons. The simple solution is to create it manually and it via code using [UIBarButtonItem initWithCustomView:...]