Element on IOS Programming - iphone

Im kinda new to Stack Overflow so bear with me please. I am trying to design an iPhone app and I noticed a feature on Huffington Post app that I have been trying to replicate with a different style. I am confused on whether they are loading this as a html inside a webview, or if they are reproducing this programmatically on XCode.
I have looked at UI Picker and UI PopOverController and neither can replicate into that. Can someone give me some advise on what element I have to use in XCode?
Here are some attached screenshots

Based on what your screen shot looks like, here is my guess of what they did:
On the view which they bring up the "popover", they have a UITableView with custom UITableViewCell. At the right end of the UITableViewCell(the image with plus sign) is a button, and based on the position of the button, they can decide the position of the popover and direction of the arrow.
They used a custom popover control. Inside the popover, there is a UITableView take all the space.
If you wanna do the same thing, you will have to know
How to use custom UITableViewCell.
How to do popover on iPhone.
Delegation if you wanna the view underneath to react to what you click inside your popover.
I can provide more details if you need.


Rolodex-like iOS App that Vertically Scrolls

I want to create an app that looks like a Rolodex Card wherein you'll have to scroll vertically in different views and when tapped, will go on full screen view with a close button to return to the previous view in a Rolodex-kind-of-menu. I want it to look similar to the PepperUI iOS control but instead of having it horizontally scroll, I want it scrolled vertically like in the picture below:
Any idea on how I can implement this kind of app? I'm thinking that this will only have Core Animations involved when scrolling the cards-like view controllers and zooming on a specific view when the user tapped any view in the cards.
Thanks for any input on this.
i would suggest this iCarousel by NickLockwood. Great Project. You can tweak it the way you want it, believe me. Make it vertical, and look up into its type cause it supports 11 types including like the one you want. Check it out!
Hope this helps.

Can my custom tabbar be created like so for iPhone?

I have designed a custom tabbar and the developer says the design I created can't be done.
The screen is made up of a usual background with a tabbar. I'd like my tabbar to look a little different to the usual iPhone style. I would like at the bottom of the tabbar a grass illustration (transparent) and on top would sit all the separate buttons and on top of those would be the icons. All of these images (as seen in link below) are separate .png files.
When the user scrolls the content, it will scroll under the transparent grass. The buttons of course will be clickable and have a different view for an active state.
Please see the link below to see a mock-up of the image:
I'd appreciate if the community could explain to me if this could be done and if so, how. I thought it would have something to do with 'creating a custom tabbar'.
And a further question, if it can be done, can also the tab buttons be horizontally
scrollable with a swipe action?
It all can be done but you are going against the Iphone UI guidelines. You won't be able to leverage the UITabbarView to do what you want so you'll basically have to write the whole thing from scratch. Your tab bar would be a scroll view with a row of buttons representing each tab. When a button is clicked you load in the appropriate view. The UITabBar controller gives you a lot of functionality for free and I suspect once you start working towards this you'll see exactly how much extra work this will end up costing you. Going against the way Apple does things can be a slippery slope.
Another idea might be to keep a hidden UITabBar to manage the tabs and call it from your custom tab bar. This would free you from a lot of the hassle of swapping views/controllers in and out.
You can create a row of custom buttons and have 2 subviews. One for the bottom navigation bar and one for the content view where you will be swapping your content based on what is pressed.
You can have a state which maintains what was clicked. Based on that you can set the button enabled state for every button in your bottom bar.
button.selected = YES
It will be easy to handle the touch up inside events and properly load appropriate views in and out of the bigger subview as they will be part of the same view controller.
I have implemented a similar functionality and it works well but still in process of submitting it to the app-store.

Special UIScrollView with multiple objects (3) on each page

What I want to accomplish is something like this:
Two different scrollViews, and each one scrolls horizontically. Each showing 3 images, and a half one (or 1/3th) piece of the next image in the datasource of the scrollview.
Does anyone know how to accomplish such a scrollview?
I also want to be able to tap an image to flip it and show some information and a button to the detail. (See lower scrollview).
Tapping it again would just show back the image, much like the coverflow ui inside itunes, but without the coverflow being 3D...
Any help is welcome :)
Thanks in advance,
Scroll view doesn't have a datasource. What you are looking for is standard scrolling and nothing special.. So it is definitely doable... Check the scrolling and photo scroller sample codes from apple developer samples. For more implementations of scroll view check the scroll view suite sample code and read the scroll view programming guide.
The flip animation is also a standard animation for a view and is easily doable. For example, create a utility application for iphone. It has a flip side view. See how that animation is done.

How to implement this UI

Just curious if the tab bar UI element in screenshots is some built in class or customized.
If it is customized, then please give me a hint on what classes I might check to have something like that.
The first screenshot is initial tab bar. When I tap on the last icon the tab bar smoothly(animated) resize itself as on second screenshot. If I press the edit button the icons are shaking(as on iPhone home) and I'm able to arrange them.
tab bar http://img686.imageshack.us/img686/3899/photo2aw.jpg
more buttons http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/5673/photo3kq.jpg
The tabbar in the top image could just be a standard tabbar with a non-standard color scheme.
The bottom image is a custom element most likely implemented in an UIActionSheet.
Gotta say, this is a butt ugly UI using non-standard (and therefore confusing) elements. I wouldn't suggest trying to emulate it.
Looks like it's custom. You might just want to look at subclassing UIView and putting a bunch of buttons it stored in a NSArray. That way, when you re-arange them, you just have to move the objects to a new position in the array.
You should be able to achieve the shaking by using simple UIView animations.

How to realize the same effect like iPhone's homescreen

I want to add some custom buttons and realize the same effect like the iPhone's home screen. What I can think of is to calculate the position of each button and add them to the view. Are there any other ways to do this? e.g. add buttons to the tableview
Check TTLauncherView from Three20,
I realized the same view of the thumbnails in the photo app (which in principle differs only because of the background color and the rounded effect of the buttons) using a custom cell (with 4 UIButtons inside) in a normal tableview.
In my case, this is because I need to scroll up and down, in your specific case there should be a way to "lock" the table from scrolling. By the way, for this reason, it could be simpler to design the custom view in the interface builder, it is very quick to design such a view, and then create a custom controller to provide simple methods to assign icons and actions to the UIButtons dynamically.
You could also look at the Three20 libraries as already suggested, it is already implemented, but you app will easily be rejected by Apple if you do so.