Can you get the system answer call button in Cocoa Touch? - iphone

When you get a call on iPhone a system alert it is shown. There is a nice answer call button, can I use somehow this button on my app or i have to design it by myself?
I suppose this are system resources and could be available in the API.

It is not available for public use in the iOS SDK as of iOS 5

I don't really know how to fetch tat button from an iPhone or its simulator but why don't you customize your own button using this site ? It helped me sometimes when I needed buttons for my apps as well.


iPhone iOS 7 access LockScreen from App and show Text and Button for a Call

I'm developing an iPhone App. One Feature should be an PhoneCall-Button on the LockScreen and a Button to show some Information in a different view.
Is this possible without a Jailbreak?
If your answer is YES, how to do it?
No, it is not possible without a jailbreak.

Is there any possibility to influence the lock screen gui

I wonder if it's possible to create a GUI for the iPhone home screen when an app is used?
Since I guess the answer is no (it was in the past, havn't found anything new about iOS 7): if I have an audio player, would it be possible to kind of 'route' it to the homescreen like the Podcasts app does it? I have looked for answers but only came across jailbroken solutions so far.
Is there anything one can do there? Thanks in advance.
No, the latest SDK (iOS 7.0) does not allow this, as in add custom GUI element to the lock screen. You can let the media player controls interact with your app if you are playing audio in the background.
And use the MPNowPlayingInfoCenter to display track, artist name and cover art on the lockscreen.
Apple doesn't allow any app to configure the Lock Screen in any way. You could have a music app which might display track details using the : MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.
Other than that all you can display is Notifications.
This isn't available on any version of iOS.

Invoking application programmatically by text gesture on lock screen - iPhone/iPad

How can i place my application icon on the lock screen of the iphone programmatically(something like the default camera button next to slide lock). Is it possible ? If so can any one guide me on this ??
Hi all.. thanks for replies.. after seeing your replies i understand that this is not possible and its possible in jailbroken devices.. or is it possible to invoke my application through some gesture on lock screen ???
I dont think it is possible. I understand you want to implement something like android interface, but apple has its UI standards and has restricted access to that.
For Jail broken Device:
I'm not sure whether it work or not.
Please check these links:
You Tube 1
You Tube 2
Note : Possibly it is for Jailbroken devices. Also I didn't checked these video's because it's restricted in our company :(
This is not possible as Apple does not allow that.

iOS Delete Button - Objective C

I was wondering where does one get access to iOS delete button. This is the button that Apple uses to close the iAd window, and for deleting iPhone apps from the home screen, and also the Twitter App uses it to delete the photo that you add to a tweet. Do they just download this image somewhere or is there an option for it somewhere like for the info button, and the detail disclosure.
I also found that Growl uses this icon along with Lion's Mission Control...
You can use UIKit Artwork Extractor to extract about any iOS artwork that is not public. Just search for close and you will find several close button png images.
Apple doesn't make that image available, unfortunately.
This iPad template has the icon you want, though, in a PSD:
If it's actually an image and the iOS Simulator displays it, it should be hidden somewhere inside the Simulator frameworks or support files.
What, you mean the circle with an X in it? It's pretty easy to make your own, either in an image editor or just drawing it in code. I can guarantee you that's what the Twitter app did.

iPhone - fast-app switching and iOS 4

I'm trying to get the following functionality in my iPhone app:
When backgrounded, stays running (doesn't have to do any background work)
When resumed, app picks up where it was left off
I'm mainly wanting the same screen on my app still up, as there are several UINavigationControllers within a UITabBarController.
I have done all of the following:
Made sure I'm compiling with 4.1 SDK
Set UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend to false
Handle DidEnterBackground and WillEnterForeground in my AppDelegate
Call BeginBackgroundTask in DidEnterBackground, to attempt to keep my app open
I'm using MonoTouch, but that it probably beside the point. I can take answers in Obj-C, for sure.
I've tested my app on a jailbroken phone with Backgrounder, and I see the "app in background" badge disappear immediately after pushing the home button. I also tried setting UIBackgroundModes in my Info.plist, but to no avail.
Is there anything I'm missing?
Or is this something I would have to implement on my own to resume the previous state of my app? Everywhere I've read talks like it should just work automatically.
If you don't want to be doing work in background, don't call beginBackgroundTask. That call is for situations where you want to do some kind of work in the background. And if you don't finish that work fast enough, iOS will terminate your app.
When I upgraded to iOS 4.x, my MT application started exhibiting this behavior without me having to do anything. iOS should take care of it for you.
I finally got in touch with someone on MonoTouch's irc.
In MonoDevelop there is an option to make a dual iPad/iPhone project, which I used. This is causing my app to behave as if it's running with the 3.2 SDK when deployed to the device.
I think my solution is to install the iOS 4.2 SDK that just came out, since this ads the new multi-tasking feature on iPad.
Not only do you need to support going into the background, you also need to support cases where your app has been terminated. In your app’s initialization code, you should resume the state that it was in. For instance, when you push a view controller, use NSUserDefaults to store a value for the currently-displayed screen, and then when you start read that value and display the associated screen.