How was “add application for mailto links” enabled in Firefox? - webmail

Every time I log on to my webmail I see a bar like on image below. I don't want to add this as an application and it is pretty annoying to close this every time. How can I disable it permanently?
The bar says:
Add o2 Poczta ( as an application for mailto links? [Add
Application] x
I tried to use Firebug to see what causes this bar to appear but with no luck. Anyone help?
I think there might me something on server side that makes Firefox behave in this way.
How did they do that?
url to webmail is

This is done by registering a protocol handler. From that page:
"Example Mail");
The site would just have to run a similar snippet at an appropriate moment(login, in your case).

From , there's a suggestion to set network.protocol-handler.external.mailto to true. That makes no sense, and it is the default setting. However, after changing it to false and reloading the page ( ), the notification is gone.
Enter about:config in the address bar.
Filter on network.protocol-handler.external.mailtoand set it to false.
Reload your online e-mail service page.


Thunderbird78+: How to check for message create, reply and forward

I am a beginner in thunderbird addons so I really appreciate if you can help me. I am trying to find a way in my background javascript to check whenever a user has opened the window for create a new message, reply a message and forward a message. I want to put a default text in the message window before the user is gonna send it. I know thunderbird 78+ should only uses web extension APIs and i found this Compose API but how to use it in my background script.
It looks like setComposeDetails() is what you want.
setComposeDetails(tabId, details)
Updates the compose window. Specify only fields that you want to change. Currently only the to/cc/bcc/replyTo/followupTo/newsgroups fields and the subject are implemented.
tabId (integer)
details (ComposeDetails)
I have note tried it, but I suppose that either details.body or details.plainTextBody from the ComposeDetails object can be used to pass the default text you want to use. So I would try something like this in the background script:
let details = {
body: "This is my default text",
browser.messages.setComposeDetails(tabId, details);
You might have to combine it with a call to messages.getComposeDetails() if empty fields in details reset the values in the composer window (I don't know).
If you want to call this when the user opens a new compose window, I would look at the window.onCreated event. If you want to do it right before the message is sent instead, you should look at the compose.onBeforeSend event. All of them are described in the API documentation.

Difference between "cloning" a request and "replaying" a request?

I'm new to Fiddler and have run across something that seems strange to me. If I select an entry and then click Replay, I get different behavior from when I drag an entry into the Composer window and click Execute.
Should the different behavior between these two methods of re-making a request be different?
Note: I called the second method "cloning" a request because the Composer window says "You can clone a prior request by dragging and dropping a session from the Web Sessions list)."
What is the "different behavior" specifically?
The two operations you describe should behave the same way unless the server returns a redirect or an authentication challenge, in which case preferences will control whether Fiddler automatically authenticates and/or follows the redirect.
Please feel free to email me (Help > Send Feedback) details and/or screenshots of the difference you see.

How to redirect to an external url with Selenium, and come back?

I am working in perl with Selenium RC, server version 2.19.0-b09 and I cannot figure out whether it is even possible to redirect to an external URL and come back to my application. I am trying to test Facebook OAuth in my application, which means I have to go to Facebook and come back to my app.
use Test::WWW::Selenium::Catalyst 'MyApp', -selenium_args => 'injectProxyMode -trustAllSSLCertificates -debug -log /home/me/browserlog.txt -firefoxProfileTemplate /home/me/.mozilla/firefox/SeleniumUser.default/';
my $selenium = Test::WWW::Selenium::Catalyst->start({
browser => '*chrome',
The reason I think this is possible at all is because a custom Firefox profile and the -injectProxyMode, *chrome browser and -trustAllSSLCertificates options enable me to post to and see all the redirects in my debug log, but my Remote Control window always disappears after the redirects. I can see the PROXY URL to which Facebook is trying to send me back, e.g., a URL on my own base domain. But it looks like there is no window for it to return to. In multiWindow mode I am left with my application in a Firefox window. In singleWindow mode my tests just end and all the windows close.
I have tried both -singleWindow and -multiWindow mode. I have gotten the list of windows after I make my post to and before all the redirects. I see a single window that is never available to select_window, and it always disappears on the second iteration if I run get_all_window_names in in a while loop: a window with a name like "_e_0RWG".
So, how could I conceivably do what I am trying to accomplish with Selenium? It seems so near and yet so far.

Codeigniter Facebook app POST method AND query_string

I have a toy facebook app I'm playing with so I can understand how it all works. It's fine if you go the the app like this: (and connect it). But if you then go to it from your facebook page, FB uses the URL
In my log file, I see that FB is POSTing the data and including the /?ref=bookmarks to it's call to my codeigniter system. This is causing it to either say "invalid URI parameters" or give me a 404, depending on if I've edited the system/core/URI.php file to add rawurlencode() to a particular call.
I've tried using mod_rewrite to get rid of the query_string, too, but since it's POSTing, it doesn't appear to be working (though I'm not exactly sure why).
Has anyone else run into this? How did you fix it?
Thanks in advance,
try $config['uri_protocol'] = “PATH_INFO”; and set enable_query_strings = TRUE
$config['permitted_uri_chars'] = 'a-z 0-9~%.:_\-?=';
in config.php
Because it isn't calling your file by name (just ?ref=bookmarks) the server runs thru the standard default files: index.htm, index.html, index.asp. Because you need to accept a POST, you need a server that allows POSTs to htm & html if you choose to use those. Index.asp will accept POSTs on most servers, and that works for me.
SOLUTION: Add a file (index.asp), that calls the real app that you named in the App settings.

Android:webview issue

I need to load the url something like in my web view and the url does not exists.So my webview will be always waiting for page need to find out if the domain does not exists then quit the web view or give error message.Is there any way to resolve the issue?
I have check the log but i can not find the solution
Thank you
You can implement WebViewClient's onReceivedError for your WebView in conjunction with some TIME_OUT. If your WebViewClient Has not received the onPageFinished Callback till TIME_OUT or onReceivedError, whichever occurs first, then stop loading the page.