Zend Framework call to undefined function token_get_all() - zend-framework

i am using php version 5.3.5. i am using zend framework using in xampp server.i can create project and controller using zend framework(1.11.11) but i cant create a action.error displaying below
Fatal error: call to undefined function token_get_all() in D:\www\xampp\htdocs\zf\library\zend\Reflection\File.phpon line 301
(using command prompt)

Strange. You probably don't have the tokenizer extension available or enabled, however on 5.3.5 it ought to be in the core and enabled by default. Check your phpinfo at the tokenizer section.
Edit: Short googling found me this: http://forums.zend.com/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=3900


Drush error: Call to undefined method Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\BaseNode::resetPlaceholders()

I created a Drupal 9 installation using the recommended Drupal method, and the Drupal site works fine. I have been using it for weeks to build the structure for my site and begin populating data.
However, recently I tried using Drush on the command line to clear caches (drush cr). It doesn't work, and instead throws the following error:
Error: Call to undefined method Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\BaseNode::resetPlaceholders() in /var/www/path-to-site/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Compiler/MergeExtensionConfigurationPass.php on line 99 #0 ...
I did a composer global require drush/drush to install Drush globally, but even running drush --root=/var/www/path-to-site status doesn't work.
I am not good with command line troubleshooting. Does anybody know what the possible problem could be?

Enonic xp custom property file

I'm using Enonic XP.
I'm trying to add custom config file with some data for test and dev installation.
I've already checked documentation but, didn't find any related answer.
So is there any way to get values form property file?
I've fixed this via invocation of java code form enonic server side js code.

ZF Error ZF tool setup

Zend 1.9.1
so I get this error
***************************** ZF ERROR ********************************
In order to run the zf command, you need to ensure that Zend Framework
is inside your include_path. If you are running this without Zendframework in your include-path, you can alternatively set one of two enviroment variables to for this tool to work
ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH="/path/to/ZendFramework\library" or alternatively
attempted include_path: c:\php\includes;.
script location: c:\php\bin\zf.php
looking at the attempted include path it shows that my include path is set to 'c:\php\includes', done so via php.ini
inside include folder is 'library/' folder which contains 'zend/'
and my zend bin folder is at c:php/bin
yet I still get this error when trying to use zf in command line?
Ive had a look at other questions to no avail
I ended up using Zend Framework 1 final release - version 1.12.11 to get around this headache and it worked perfectlt as it should have. Had to be a bug in the 1.9 version!

Run zend framework demos in local xampp

I have decided to begin with zend framework. I have installed it under xampp running on windows and I'm trying to runs the demos (Especially ZendFramework-1.11.11\demos\Zend\Pdf)
but I get the message : USAGE: php demo.php []
no pdf file is genarated, but when I try a simple zend function like echo 'Zend Framework version ' . Zend_Version::VERSION; I get the right zend version. ==> It means that my zend is properly installed.
Thanks for help.
USAGE: php demo.php means that this example should be launched from command line.
To do this you should have path/to/php.exe in PATH environment variable.
php C:\ZendFramework-1.11.11\demos\Zend\Pdf\demo.php [your args]

Error with the ZF tool while setting up the GuestBook Application

Iam trying to set up the GuestBook Application which comes with zend framework tutorial , Iam following the steps one by one,
However when I enter this command - zf create db-table Guestbook guestbook
Iam getting an error, I have pasted the error here -
C:\xampp\htdocs\quickstart>zf create db-table Guestbook guestbook
An Error Has Occurred Provider 'db-table' is not a valid provider.
I tried googling and searching on zend forums, but seems no one got this sort of issue so far. Can anyone suggest me whats wrong here?
PS: I have set php in my system path and zf tool works for me, its only this specific command thats giving error.
After Lots of digging in and breaking my head with the ZF tool I found that it is using copy of Zend framework which comes with Xampp for Windows.
When I installed Xampp, Zend Framework(Version 1.9.7) got installed inside the
directory and since C:\Xampp\Php is in my system path this Zend framework got picked up everytime by Zend Tool.
I copied the latest version of stable Zend Framework(1.10.2) to the Zend folder inside Php\Pear and now its works like cake for me :)
Thanks for all your suggestions!
Download latest version of framework files from this link http://www.zend.com/community/downloads & then extract zip file where you will get folder structure like ZendFramework-1.11.12/library/Zend, So from this folder copy Zend folder to Xampp/php/PEAR/zend folder. Then Go to command mode type Zf --help. Now it shows all the commands.
Now also check version of zend-framework in command mode by typing as
zf show version
it should show as version as zend Framework Version: 1.11.12
Check your version, maybe db-table is newer than your version. I just tried the same command you used (zf create db-table Guestbook guestbook) and it worked.
When i write zf show version it responds 1.11.0dev. What does your version say? If it's low, consider updating after following the changelog and testing the rest of your application with the new version of zf.