custom UIToolbar without using background image - iphone

I want to make uitoolbar to have separation like this one. But i do not want to use it as background image.
any idea how to do it?
This one is only three section, and if it has four section of course the column will become have four section.
Thank you

You can use 3 buttons instead of toolbar and for separation you can adjust the frame of buttons accordingly. Give it a try. This will look like toolbar.


How to add two custom rightBarButtonItems without a margin between them?

I create UIToolbar with interface builder and want to add two custom right buttons, but without a space between them. I don't want solution to reset a margin from the right edge, because I found it here but want only reset margin between buttons.
How should I do this?
Instead of a button, use an UISegmentedControl and set its momentary property to yes.
Add one segment for each button you want (in this case two segments)
Then add an IBAction and use a switch to know what index has been selected.
Index 0 first button, index 1 second button.
Create a bar button item with a custom view where that custom view has 2 UIButtons as subviews. In this way you can exactly size and position the buttons as you require.
To adjust space between UIBarButtonItem's you can use a UIBarButtonItem with style UIBarButtonSystemItemFixedSpace and setting its width property.
You can move items closer to eachother than the default spacing by setting the width of the spacer item to be a negative value.
One thing to consider is future-proofing whichever solution you choose. Buttons in iOS6 have nice borders and shading. They may not in the near future...

How could I create a custom tabbar similar to this

How could I create this custom tabbar and what does it consist of?
On you can find several TabBar implementations similar to this.
iOS 5 now allows to change the background image of the tabbar but this kind of custom control is much more complex.
You would basically need to write your own view and controller that would change between views, move the arrow accordingly and activate/deactivate the buttons.
As of the elements it consists of, i would say
One background image used for every element
The different icons in normal and selected state
A UILabel for every element
The blue divider
The arrow, separate from the divider to simplify the animations...
To see how a tabbar with an indicator could be coded check out this project on GitHub for a Twitter-like tabbar.

How to design rounded boxes and separators (like the App Settings view)?

I am wondering what is the good way to design interfaces such as the one in the Settings view on an application, for instance :
What I want to do is the nice round rectangle to separate categories and horizontal line separators between categories, I can have a label, text field, slider or any other control in each line...
Do we need to use an image in the background, that seems quite dirty to me, and I cant find any control in IB that seem to do the same kind of layout.
So, how is this done?
Use a UITableView and set it's style to UITableViewStyleGrouped. Remember that the standard UITableViewCell's will just let you show some text and you may need to create custom UITableViewCell's to achieve more (for example, a on-off switch).
If you wan't to customise it you can add a background image. To do this, place a UIImageView behind the UITableView and make sure you set the UITableView background colour to clear:
theTableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
To seperate the categories make use of the "sections".
Basically, you can use grouped table.You can have sections with different/same number of rows.

How can I have UITableViewCells with rounded corners?

My app has a ManagedObject that has different types of fields
So, I want it for the user to edit each one and also have it display different info for each.
If you look at the Calendar app, when you Add an Event, you'll notice Title/Location in one cell, Starts/Ends in another, Repeat... so on.
So... in Interface Builder I have all my UITableViewCells but they are all squared. Not with neatly rounded corners.
Is this done with IB and I'm missing a setting? Are they all different views amassed in one place?
I know I will have to custom code each one. I just want the rounded corners first.
To get rounded UITableViewCells, change the style of your UITableView from "Plain" to "Grouped". This can be done in Interface Builder. Then, since it's actually the edges of each section that get rounded, put each cell in its own section.
For me the problem was that I made a subview of UITableViewCell and put all my controls in there. If you do that, then you'll see the corners cut. After dragging everything on the content view, the problem was solved.

Custom UIToolBar from Images

I need to create a UIToolbar object that uses an image for the background. Most of the buttons are images as well, and rectangular. One button, however, is round and overlaps the toolbar like the Start button on the Windows task bar. See below.
I know that I will need to subclass the UIToolbar to paint the image for the toolbar -- I think. If so, does anyone have example code showing how to do this?
Furthermore, does anyone have any ideas on how to implement the larger round button? I'm thinking of another custom subclass for this, but not sure if there might be an easier way.
I can have the art guys chop the image anyway needed, which I'm sure the round button will need to be chopped some how.
Any ideas or sample code?
alt text
Maybe you'll find some inspiration at this tutorial : Recreating The Raised Center Tab Bar Button of Instagram, DailyBooth & Path
For the color, you can experiment with the tintColor property.
As for the rest, UIToolbar is not designed for this. You will need a custom component (probably based on UIView).
I think it is possible but hard.
Override the drawRect method of the toolbar to draw the whole image. Then add left and right buttons.
For the round button you can add one invisible button on the bottom middle of the View and another invisible button in the middle of toolbar. Of course, you can try to use the views instead of the buttons and track the user interaction manually.