How can I have UITableViewCells with rounded corners? - iphone

My app has a ManagedObject that has different types of fields
So, I want it for the user to edit each one and also have it display different info for each.
If you look at the Calendar app, when you Add an Event, you'll notice Title/Location in one cell, Starts/Ends in another, Repeat... so on.
So... in Interface Builder I have all my UITableViewCells but they are all squared. Not with neatly rounded corners.
Is this done with IB and I'm missing a setting? Are they all different views amassed in one place?
I know I will have to custom code each one. I just want the rounded corners first.

To get rounded UITableViewCells, change the style of your UITableView from "Plain" to "Grouped". This can be done in Interface Builder. Then, since it's actually the edges of each section that get rounded, put each cell in its own section.

For me the problem was that I made a subview of UITableViewCell and put all my controls in there. If you do that, then you'll see the corners cut. After dragging everything on the content view, the problem was solved.


how to create a sectioned TableView for profile in iPhone

I saw this picture on Internet:
the section with the add Photo Frame and two rows (First, Last)...
How do you achieve a design like that!!!
I only know how to make rows (static and dynamic) in xCode using the full width of the screen but not in a single section but not making such a divisiĆ³n and adding a frame out of the other two rows
my designs are like this
Any help I'll appreciate
thanks in advance
It's not really clear that the example you've given is actually embedding the first, last part into a table view. It could just as easily be a single cell that has embedded views with borders to look like rows. Here are a few ways I see to accomplish the view you've given.
Have them be actual rows - but use a custom cell layout that offsets the 'First' and 'Last' labels to be further to the right. Then create a UIImageView for the profile that sits on top of the UITableView cells, but inside of it. Basically insert it as the first subview of the UITableView. It should cover the top left of those top two cells. You can do this since those cells have a static known hight and you've set the left offset. Another option would be just inserting it into your top cell, but having it overflow the bounds and setting clipsToBounds = NO.
Make the entire top view a custom UIView that uses CALayers or CoreGraphics to manually draw the lines and layout such that it looks like part of the table view. Set that as the TableView header, or the first section Header.
There are a lot more things you can do like changing frame layout as well.
you can achieve this with the use of xib read carefully and if you don't understand anything you can ask me again it's bit tricky
in you xib create a UIView and design for your photo and firstname, lastname cells with the use of textfields image views and all and then take a UITableView.
now drag your UIView and drop it on your UITableView so that it will be considered as your table header and your first section now will be as you designed like photo with firstname and lastname fields.
i've done this in manier projects of mine so hope this way you can also do this thing and ask me if you need any help.

How Can I Recreate This UITableView Look?

Right now I have a standard UITableView that is empty by default and the user can add cells to it.
I noticed this app starts with no cells and is empty (like you cant see lines) but my standard view always has the lines like standard table view.
I thought it may be a grouped table style but the edges are not curved like the grouped style is.
Does anyone have any ideas?
The lines between cells are controlled by the separatorStyle property of your tableView. To remove the lines simply set:
tableView.separatorStyle = UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleNone;
Your other options are UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleSingleLine and UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleSingleLineEtched.
You can hide the separator lines by setting their color to the same color as your background, e.g.
tableView.separatorColor = [myApp theColorOfMyBackground]; // A UIColor object
Make sense?
The cells in your picture are likely custom cells, but you didn't really ask about that. :-)
EDIT: As noted in another answer seperatorStyle can be used to simply "turn off" the lines. That's a better way to do it.
This is a good question. +1 What app is this? Does the view you show above actually "scroll" even though only 2 rows are showing? I am wondering if it is a truly a table view. It could be a series of UIViews added to a UIScrollView with a dark background.
Assuming the programmer knows how tall the "rows" are, then they can add them with a pixel spacing over the charcoal background. With the UIScrollView, the programmer can define the contentSize.
If more views were added to extend past off the screen and the contentSize was appropriately defined, the USScrollView would automatically allow scrolling at that point.
Selecting a "row" could be easily handled by UIGesture controls on each UIView.
After seeing the app, Delivery by JuneCload, it is definitely using a UITableView with custom cell views. As Mark and Matt have answered.

How to design rounded boxes and separators (like the App Settings view)?

I am wondering what is the good way to design interfaces such as the one in the Settings view on an application, for instance :
What I want to do is the nice round rectangle to separate categories and horizontal line separators between categories, I can have a label, text field, slider or any other control in each line...
Do we need to use an image in the background, that seems quite dirty to me, and I cant find any control in IB that seem to do the same kind of layout.
So, how is this done?
Use a UITableView and set it's style to UITableViewStyleGrouped. Remember that the standard UITableViewCell's will just let you show some text and you may need to create custom UITableViewCell's to achieve more (for example, a on-off switch).
If you wan't to customise it you can add a background image. To do this, place a UIImageView behind the UITableView and make sure you set the UITableView background colour to clear:
theTableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
To seperate the categories make use of the "sections".
Basically, you can use grouped table.You can have sections with different/same number of rows.

Multiple UITextFields grouped together like a UITableView section

I'm looking for a clean way to implement a login screen in my iPhone application. I'd like it to appear as a grouped UITableView section with rounded corners and a separator line below between rows (like e.g. the sections in the Settings app). However, I'd like to give it a slightly smaller cornerRadius than the default setting of a UITableView section.
Another thing I'd like to do in that screen is to add a "register as new user" button which causes the whole screen to slide up, presenting the registration screen. There will be a background image that spans both screens vertically and should slide up with together with the content.
I was first thinking to just make a UITableView, set it to grouped, add two sections (one for login and one for registration), add some space between them and disable manual scrolling on the UITableView. However, I found that putting a background image correctly behind a UITableView and to make that scroll together with its content is a bit tricky..
Perhaps I shouldn't be using a UITableView and just write some code myself that can wrap multiple views (each containing a label and a textfield) together into something that appears like a UITableView section? I've been searching around but surprisingly it appears that not too many others are trying to solve this same problem.
Any suggestions would be very welcome!
Sounds like a UITableView is overkill for what you need. I would just create a custom UIViewController and have it handle the layout of all of your subviews as well as any animation you desire.
Just have the parent view take up more space than the device's screen. Then, when you want everything to slide up, animate a change to that view's frame property.

iPhone UIImage overlapping text

I have a view with a UIScrollView, UIImageView for a background, and a UITextView. I have created several other views just like this and they all come out okay - with a background image and scrollable text but for some reason, now I can't make that work. Either my image overlaps all of the text so that I can't read it or the UITextView default background (white) shows up so that the user can't see the background image. What could be causing this problem?
Do you use Interface Builder or build the views hierarchy in code?
In both cases you should make sure that the order of your views is correct.
In IB the view that you want to appear on top of all the rest has to be under the rest of the views.
In code, make sure that the text view is the last to be added to the hierarchy.
You could also use the next code in order to check if this is the problem:
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:textView];
Okay, it must have had something to do with choosing the delegate. I can't say that I completely understand how I fixed it but it had to do with declaring the delegate in IB.