Coffeescript compilation fails for no apparent reason - coffeescript

When I try to compile this script (first.coffe):
some_object =
property_a : 123
property_b : "hello"
I get following error:
In, Parse error on line 2: Unexpected 'INDENT'
but when I use "try coffeescript" functionality of coffeescript website, everything seems to work fine, because output is exactly this:
var some_object;
some_object = {
property_a: 123,
property_b: "hello"
What am I doing wrong? I work on Ubuntu, so coffescript was installed from repositories.

It might have something to do with your text editor. I know I've had trouble before with indent settings and line endings. Try opening it up in a different editor if you are using VIM.

Ubuntu 11.10 has an up-to-date CoffeeScript package. Older versions of Ubuntu may have a CoffeeScript package that is too old. If you are using an Ubuntu older than 11.10, uninstall that package and install a newer CoffeeScript.


VSCode says "Failed to run custom build command" on cbindgen, but it actually works

I have a Rust (2021) lib. It compiled fine.
I added a file with this in it:
extern crate cbindgen;
use std::env;
fn main() {
let crate_dir = env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap();
.expect("Unable to generate bindings")
Next, I added this to the bottom of Cargo.toml:
cbindgen = "0.20.0"
Finally, I added a cbindgen.toml file with the contents of this:
If I run 'cargo build' the .h file appears as expected and there's no errors from cargo in the terminal window.
However, VS Code has the entire Cargo.toml underlined under every word with red squiggles and there's an error message at the bottom saying 'failed to run custom build command for lib_name'.
I cannot find a solution to this (have removed everything and re-added, cleaned out target folder, etc) and though it's not breaking anything, it's kinda off-putting that this glaring error keeps showing.
Any pointers on how to solve this would be grately appreciated.
Additional requested info:
The Cargo.toml at issue looks like this:
name = "rush_engine"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
publish = false
# See more keys and their definitions at
crate-type = ["cdylib", "staticlib"]
chrono = "0.4"
cbindgen = "0.20.0"
The VSCode extensions I'm using are:
rust-lang.rust (version 0.7.8)
...that's literally it. I don't see anything else rust related in running extensions.
Something Francis Gagné (thanks!) said got me wondering and experimenting. That's how I found a solution.
The solution (for me) was uninstall the official Rust extension, then install the rust-analyzer extension. This seems to have the exact same functionality, and it's not red-squiggling my entire Cargo.toml file, too!

What does the rust-analyzer error "could not resolve macro `$crate::format_args`" mean and how do I fix it?

I'm using rust-analyzer version 0.2.408 on Visual Studio Code.
I'm writing a command line application that involves centering text in the terminal. This is the function I wrote to do this:
use console::{Alignment, pad_str};
fn get_padded_row(row: &str, width: u16, symbol: Option<char>) -> String {
let symbol = symbol.unwrap_or(' ');
return pad_str(row, width as usize, Alignment::Center, None)
.replace(' ', &symbol.to_string());
This function works perfectly fine, and there were no errors with it. Then I wrote a test:
mod tests {
use crate::get_padded_row;
fn row_padding_dashes() {
let padded_row = get_padded_row("hello", 15, Some('-'));
padded_row, "-----hello-----".to_string(),
"`get_padded_row` was not correct, got `{}`", padded_row
The code still works perfectly fine. Both cargo run and cargo test work, the function passes the test, and cargo check returns no issues. But rust-analyzer gives an error, highlighting everything from the tr}; in the use statement to the p right after return: "could not resolve macro $crate::format_args rust-analyzer(macro-error)". Searching for this error returns nothing. VSCode links me to rust-analyzer user manual, which says only "This diagnostic is shown for macro expansion errors". Restarting VSCode and reinstalling rust-analyzer have done nothing. The error always comes back, and highlighting the same oddly specific region. The only way I've found to get rid of it while keeping rust-analyzer installed is to remove the test.
Judging from how the error is about macro expansion, and how removing the test fixes the issue, I'd imagine it's caused by the #[test] macro, but it's strange that rustc finds no issues at all with my code while rust-analyzer is freaking out about this error. So far, I've had better experiences with rust-analyzer than with the official Rust VSCode extension, but I'm on the verge of switching back to fix this issue.
This is a bug in rust-analyzer. For now, you can disable the warning in your settings.json:
"rust-analyzer.diagnostics.disabled": [
The bug was fixed on nightly, so you could install the nightly binary of rust-analyzer from GitHub, or you could just wait a couple days for the fix to land on stable.
Alternatively, you could downgrade to rls version 0.2.400, because the bug was caused by a commit in version 0.2.408:
Extensions Icon -> rust-analyzer -> Manage (gear icon) -> Install Another Version
Three months later and there seems to be a bug with Nightly release? Unsure.
I added unresolved-macro-call to Diagnostics: Disabled settings for rust-analyzer.
I've tried many things, read the open issue on github, etc which is tagged as solved, but persists here.
For vscode users, open settings (json) and disable by adding:
"rust-analyzer.procMacro.enable": false

coq Error: Cannot find library abstract_algebra in loadpath

I am testing one of the contrib libraries of coq called corn:
But I can't get the files to pass compilation. According to the README file, the package compiles with coq-8.4pl4. But when I tested that version, I got an error message:
coqc algebra\RSetoid -R . CoRN
File "d:\temp\corn/algebra\RSetoid.v", line 26, characters 0-32:
Error: Cannot find library abstract_algebra in loadpath
I also tried the latest 8.4 version (8.4pl6) and 8.5 beta 2, and got similar errors. The problem line itself reads:
Require Import abstract_algebra.
I am not familiar with this library (abstract_algebra). Does anyone know about this library, where to get it, or how to fix this error?
(I googled around the error message, and there was no mention of the abstract_algebra library).
Thanks in advance.

How can I get Compass to work in Visual Studio via NuGet?

My developer friend who has the luxury of developing in a non-Windows environment has been raving about Compass. I finally decided I wanted to give it a try. I'm tired of trying to keep up with all of the intricacies of cross-browser CSS.
So, I found it on NuGet, and installed it.
I installs to my solutions root directory in the packages directory:
It comes with a Readme that states the following message:
Ruby Compass v. 0.12.2
Compass is installed in its own NuGet package dir, and available by
'compass' command in "packages\Ruby.Compass." folder.
To compile Compass files during build, add the next line to the
project pre-build events:
"$(SolutionDir)packages\Ruby.Compass.\compass" compile
So, I placed the line in my pre-build events, saved, and tried to build my project. However, I get an error as follows:
The command
""$(SolutionDir)packages\Ruby.Compass.\compass" compile "$(ProjectDir)."" exited with code 1.
Notice: It actually shows the full path to the ProjectDir and SolutionDir as it's supposed too in the error message. I replaced them with the tokens to keep the project name unanimous.
Let me mention that I tried variations of the suggestion pre-build line:
"$(SolutionDir)packages\Ruby.Compass.\compass" compile "$(ProjectDir)"
"$(SolutionDir)packages\Ruby.Compass.\compass" compile "$(ProjectDir)css"
"$(SolutionDir)packages\Ruby.Compass.\compass" compile "$(ProjectDir)css\test.scss"
The first one just removed that trailing .. The second one pointed it to the directory where all my css files are stored. The third one pointed it to the exact file I was trying to compile was located.
I opened up compass.cmd which is the file it is calling, and it looks like the following:
#echo off
"%~dp0ruby\bin\compass" %*
I'm assuming this calls the compass file in the ruby/bin folder, which looks like this:
# This file was generated by RubyGems.
# The application 'compass' is installed as part of a gem, and
# this file is here to facilitate running it.
require 'rubygems'
version = ">= 0"
if ARGV.first
str = ARGV.first
str = str.dup.force_encoding("BINARY") if str.respond_to? :force_encoding
if str =~ /\A_(.*)_\z/
version = $1
gem 'compass', version
load Gem.bin_path('compass', 'compass', version)
From there, I'm not sure what is going on. I'm not a Ruby person.
Is there an issue that I'm overlooking here?
Has anyone else been able to install Ruby.Compass via NuGet?
How can I get this working in Visual Studio without having to fight with Ruby?
"Note that, if there are issues with your SCSS files, you will receive some variation of the error below.
Error 36 The command "del "C:Projectspubliccss*.css" /S
compass compile "C:Projectspublic" --force" exited with code 1.
Open your Output window (click View -> Output or press Ctrl+W, O), and select “Build” in the “Show output from:” menu. Scroll up until you find your command in the log and you should get a little more insight into what portion of the command failed."

Boost.Python __init__() should return None, not 'NoneType'

I have a whole bunch of working C++ code that I want to write Python bindings for. I'm trying to use Boost.Python since it seems to be the easiest way to get this working, but it isn't cooperating. Here's part of the code for the extension module I'm trying to build:
BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(libpcap_ext) {
using namespace boost::python;
.def("getAvailableDevices", &PacketEngine_getAvailableDevices);
Bjam seems to be a pain and refuses to recognize my Pythonpath or allow me to link with libpcap, so I'm using CMake. Here's my CMakeLists file, which can import and build everything just fine (outputs as expected):
FIND_PACKAGE(Boost 1.55.0)
find_package(PythonLibs REQUIRED)
FIND_PACKAGE(Boost 1.55.0 COMPONENTS python)
ADD_LIBRARY(pcap_ext MODULE PacketWarrior/ PacketWarrior/PacketEngine.h PacketWarrior/ PacketWarrior/Packet.h PacketWarrior/
MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find correct Boost version. Did you set BOOST_ROOT?")
And my file that attempts to utilize the module:
import libpcap_ext
engine = libpcap_ext.PacketEngine()
print engine.getAvailableDevices()
But whenever I try to run the module, I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "../", line 2, in <module>
engine = libpcap_ext.PacketEngine()
TypeError: __init__() should return None, not 'NoneType
I'm assuming it's because Boost.Python is trying to use Python 3 and my system default is Python 2.7.3. I've tried changing my user-config.jam file (in my boost_1_55_0 directory) to point to Python 2.7 and tried building:
# Configure specific Python version.
# using python : 2.7 : /usr/bin/python2.7 : /usr/include/python2.7 : /usr/lib ;
Boost.Python's installation instructions [0] seem to fail for me when I try to build quickstart with bjam (lots of warnings), so I tried following the Boost Getting Started instructions [1] to build a Python header binary, which is I think what is causing this problem. Any recommendations as to how to fix this would be amazing, I've spent hours on this.
This error is probably due to linking against the wrong Python library. Make sure your extension as well as the Boost Python library are linked against the Python installation you are using to import the module.
On Linux you can check against which libraries you've linked with ldd. On OS X otool -L does the same thing. So, for example
otool -L
otool -L /path/to/libboost_python-mt.dylib
should list the Python library they are linked against.
With CMake you can use the variable PYTHON_LIBRARY to change which Python library is used. As an example, on the command line you can set it with
cmake -DPYTHON_LIBRARY="/path/to/libpython2.7.dylib" source_dir
Lastly, on OS X a quick and dirty way (i.e. without recompiling) to change the dynamically linked libraries is install_name_tool -change.