How can I get Compass to work in Visual Studio via NuGet? - nuget

My developer friend who has the luxury of developing in a non-Windows environment has been raving about Compass. I finally decided I wanted to give it a try. I'm tired of trying to keep up with all of the intricacies of cross-browser CSS.
So, I found it on NuGet, and installed it.
I installs to my solutions root directory in the packages directory:
It comes with a Readme that states the following message:
Ruby Compass v. 0.12.2
Compass is installed in its own NuGet package dir, and available by
'compass' command in "packages\Ruby.Compass." folder.
To compile Compass files during build, add the next line to the
project pre-build events:
"$(SolutionDir)packages\Ruby.Compass.\compass" compile
So, I placed the line in my pre-build events, saved, and tried to build my project. However, I get an error as follows:
The command
""$(SolutionDir)packages\Ruby.Compass.\compass" compile "$(ProjectDir)."" exited with code 1.
Notice: It actually shows the full path to the ProjectDir and SolutionDir as it's supposed too in the error message. I replaced them with the tokens to keep the project name unanimous.
Let me mention that I tried variations of the suggestion pre-build line:
"$(SolutionDir)packages\Ruby.Compass.\compass" compile "$(ProjectDir)"
"$(SolutionDir)packages\Ruby.Compass.\compass" compile "$(ProjectDir)css"
"$(SolutionDir)packages\Ruby.Compass.\compass" compile "$(ProjectDir)css\test.scss"
The first one just removed that trailing .. The second one pointed it to the directory where all my css files are stored. The third one pointed it to the exact file I was trying to compile was located.
I opened up compass.cmd which is the file it is calling, and it looks like the following:
#echo off
"%~dp0ruby\bin\compass" %*
I'm assuming this calls the compass file in the ruby/bin folder, which looks like this:
# This file was generated by RubyGems.
# The application 'compass' is installed as part of a gem, and
# this file is here to facilitate running it.
require 'rubygems'
version = ">= 0"
if ARGV.first
str = ARGV.first
str = str.dup.force_encoding("BINARY") if str.respond_to? :force_encoding
if str =~ /\A_(.*)_\z/
version = $1
gem 'compass', version
load Gem.bin_path('compass', 'compass', version)
From there, I'm not sure what is going on. I'm not a Ruby person.
Is there an issue that I'm overlooking here?
Has anyone else been able to install Ruby.Compass via NuGet?
How can I get this working in Visual Studio without having to fight with Ruby?

"Note that, if there are issues with your SCSS files, you will receive some variation of the error below.
Error 36 The command "del "C:Projectspubliccss*.css" /S
compass compile "C:Projectspublic" --force" exited with code 1.
Open your Output window (click View -> Output or press Ctrl+W, O), and select “Build” in the “Show output from:” menu. Scroll up until you find your command in the log and you should get a little more insight into what portion of the command failed."


or-tools: build examples on vs2022

I've downloaded the binaries: or-tools_VisualStudio2022-64bit_v9.3.10497
I'm using vs2022 on win10. My shell has cygwin in the path if it's related.
I ran
%comspec% /k "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
cl.exe is in the path, and which.exe finds it.
I ran make test_cc, but it complained
the cl command was not found in your PATH
exit 127
make: *** [Makefile:271: test_cc] Error 127
The var CXX_BIN was empty even though which cl returned the correct path. I set it manually to cl.
Then, there was a complaint about echo and a newline, which I commented out. Then, it couldn't find md, so I created manually md objs.
A few of the examples were built, but then it stopped with another error. For now, I just got what I want:
make run SOURCE=examples/cpp/
but probably there was an easier way to get it?
I tried to build it from the source using cmake. Doesn't work off-the-shelf as well:
Build abseil-cpp: OFF
CMake Error at C:/prj-external-libs/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake:824 (_find_package):
By not providing "Findabsl.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "absl", but
CMake did not find one.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "absl" with any of
the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "absl" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
"absl_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "absl"
provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been
Call Stack (most recent call first):
cmake/deps.cmake:33 (find_package)
CMakeLists.txt:304 (include)
If finds gurobi95.dll, but it can't find the function GRBtunemodeladv.
On failure, solve.exe crashes with (unknown) names in the stack trace. Need to add debug symbols and graceful error handling.
cmake looks more promising, and I was missing dependencies. Should give it a flag -DBUILD_DEPS:BOOL=ON.
OR-Tools depends on few external dependencies so CMake build will try to find them using the idiomatic find_package() => your distro/env(vcpkg ?) must provide them, just regular CMake stuff here.
note: we provide few findFoo.cmake here
We also provide a meta option to build statically all our dependencies, simply pass -DBUILD_DEPS=ON cmake option at configure time.
You can also build only some of them, please take a look at
Concerning Gurobi and GRBtunemodeladv symbol, this one has been removed by last version of Gurobi so we fix it in v9.4/main/stable branch...

trying to connect postgresql to go but I'm getting an error

I've imported a module called "". before I ran my code, I inserted this in the terminal % go get Then when i tried to run my code, I'm getting an error message in the terminal
'no required module provides package go.mod file not found in current directory or any parent directory; see 'go help modules'
Running go mod tidy will sync your go.mod and go.sum file with the imports in your code, this will add missing dependencies and remove unnecessary ones. Should solve your issue.

C/C++ debugger failing to create and write to raise.c in WSL using VSCode

I am trying to develop in C on WSL(2) (using Ubuntu) for a university course but am having trouble using the built in debugger for C/C++ in VSCode (installed via the C/C++ extension.
For my testings, I am running this code:
#include <assert.h>
int main() {
return 0;
When running into the assert, the debugger errors and VSC displays the following message on the bottom right corner:
Unable to open 'raise.c': Unable to read file 'vscode-remote://wsl+ubuntu/build/glibc-eX1tMB/glibc-2.31/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c' (Error: Unable to resolve non-existing file 'vscode-remote://wsl+ubuntu/build/glibc-eX1tMB/glibc-2.31/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c').
I have tried every single tutorial, github issue and stackoverflow question's answer but nothing has worked.
I have reason to believe that this has to do with VSC not having some kind of permissions to write/create files because if I press on Create File (which is prompted in the message), It says:
Unable to write file 'vscode-remote://wsl+ubuntu/build/glibc-eX1tMB/glibc-2.31/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c' (NoPermissions (FileSystemError): Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/build')
but, if I create the folder /build and chmod 777 it, it is able to create the file, but not write anything into it.
Does anyone have a method to solve this?
Also, what is raise.c and why do I need it anyways?
According to the GDB skip function: add it to "SetupCommands" under "configurations" in Launch.json:
"description": "Skip glibc files",
"text": "-interpreter-exec console \"skip -gfi build/glibc-YYA7BZ/glibc-2.31//**/*\""
But no problem, add WSL + Ubuntu / or VSL + ubuntu, it will ignore the path, it does not solve the problem, which may be valid for other environments, but it is not valid if VSCode uses remote connection. According to article number 811:Disable "Unable to open file" during debugThe developers say that the "Skip" command is also looking online, currently (January 27, 2019) I do not know of any other way. But there are other solutions under this issue, no need to compile Glibc library:
Execute this:
$ sudo apt install glibc-source
$ cd /usr/src/glibc
$ sudo tar xvf glibc-2.31.tar.xz
The "2.31" should be changed to the actual version number Source, and can be seen through the "LS" command. Then add that in "settings" in Launch.json
"sourceFileMap": {
"/build/glibc-YYA7BZ": "/usr/src/glibc"
The "YYA7BZ" is changed to the GLIBC suffix appears in the error message. If this method is not valid, you can change the path to: c:/users//AppData/ / / /local packages canonicalGroupLimited.ubuntuonWindows_79RHKP1FNDGSC / /localstate / / rootfs usr/src/glibc, where 79RHKP1FNDGSC should change the folder name on your own system.
Now searching for terminal error information:
Done "/usr/bin/gdb" --interpreter=mi --tty=${DbgTerm} 0<"/tmp/Microsoft-MIEngine-In-p3q623bu.gbr" 1>"/tmp/Microsoft-MIEngine-Out-s4xm3p6g.lqk"
according to the error when executing: ends Call After launching an instance of 'std :: logic_error'This is caused by an empty pointer. One of the possible causes of this problem is that I forgot to add the necessary parameters to add a run program in the "Args" list in "Configurations" in Launch.json.
See this procedure, similar error but in different environment.
In my case, I used try{}catch{} to print the error and saw what was, had nothing to do with raise.c

How to build Qtkeychain with Windows?

I'm trying to build my OwnCloud client. I'm using "Generic Build Instructions" from this link -
I'm stuck at 3 step with an error:
Could NOT find Qt5Keychain (missing: QTKEYCHAIN_LIBRARY)
I downloaded Qtkeychain and compiled it using this link -
Everything is in my C disk. PATHS are set correctly. Can someone tell me what am missing here.
Adding PATH photo:
Adding a photo to be clear what am talking about:
How did you compile qtkeychain?
With the environment variable %QTDIR% set correctly, e.g. C:\Qt\Qt5.6.0\5.6\msvc2015, you should be able to compile qtkeychain
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" .
and get a 32bit file named "libqt5keychain.dll.a".
You can then add the directory containing this file to your Windows path environment variable. This should work (it does for Nextcloud, at least).

How can I fix tests in Ember testem with errors such as 'could not load', 'failed', 'could not find module' or 'died'?

I managed to get a couple of EAK/grunt based Ember apps upgraded to 1.11 with HTMLBars, and then got them migrated to Ember CLI/Brocolli. The unit tests were setup for karma test runner so I'm looking at how to get those running in the CLI projects now, but I didn't write the tests and really have no experience with unit testing javascript modules.
Searching around the iNet, I can see that others have also used karma becasue of its coverage output and are trying to get it to work with Ember CLI, but that Ember Core isn't supporting it, though they say anyone should be able to get it set up with a custom addon. I'm also trying to use the 'testem' runner to see what sticks with that.
The Ember site does have an 'automating tests with runners' page for v1.10, with sections on 'testem' and 'karma', but it doesn't appear for v1.11 so I can't tell from that site what is or isn't relevant. But it seems like I should be able to work out a solution for the karma test runner, so I added the old devDependencies to the project package.json:
"karma": "^0.12.31",
"karma-chai": "~0.1.0",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "~0.1.2",
"karma-coverage": "~0.2.1",
"karma-firefox-launcher": "~0.1.3",
"karma-junit-reporter": "~0.2.1",
"karma-mocha": "~0.1.3",
"karma-phantomjs-launcher": "~0.1.2",
"karma-sinon-chai": "~0.1.5"
I also dropped the old 'karma.conf.js' (along with a few other karma confs) in the project and updated the paths inside (from 'vendor' to 'bower_components'). I did find a 'ember-cli-karma' node mode and installed it, but it seems to just have a 'package.json'. It has no docs and seems like just a stubbed out starter project with no implementation. I also installed 'karma', 'karma-cli' and 'testem' node modules.
The testem docs say to add you src and test files to 'testem.json', but with out examples I don't know what that means; a list of every src and test file? With what path; relative, absolute? Forward slashes, backslashes? preceded with / or ./ or ../? I just left them out because I think the system just finds the src and tests by convention.
When I run 'karma init' I get:
this.line = this.line.slice(this.cursor);
TypeError: Cannot read property 'slice' of undefined
When I run 'testem' I get:
Open the URL below in a browser to connect.
...then the project's '../tests/index.html' loads in a browser, but is not able to 'find' any of the asset files (css, js) so nothing executes or renders correctly. I just see template expressions ({{content-for 'head'}}, etc).
When I run 'ember test' I get:
Building...BuildingBuilding.Building..Building...Built project successfully.
# tests 0
# pass 0
# fail 0
# ok
No tests were run, please check whether any errors occurred in the page (ember test --server) and ensure that you have a test launcher (e.g. PhantomJS) enabled.
When I run 'ember test --server' I get:
The test index.html loaded in a browser with a test report. When I uncheck 'hide passed tests' the report indicates '29 passed, 28 failed'. It has 11 sections where a particular test may have 3 problems such as 'could not load', 'failed', 'could not find module', 'attempting to register an unknown factory' or 'died'.
With this, I'm obviously running testem and not karma, so may as well work on getting testem working and figure out karma later. If there were more examples and migration troubleshooting docs I might have a systematic way to work through some of these problems.
I ran into "No tests were run,..." problem recently after a node upgrade. I fixed it with a:
npm install -g phantomjs
This provides some additional options as well:
I had the Cannot read property 'slice' of undefined error on MS Windows, running via MSys2. I have solved it by using karma init from an ordinary cmd prompt.