I am using Psexec to run a remote batch file. I pass input to psexec and redirect it to the remote batch file which seeks a filename as its input. However while redirecting, the file name becomes a garbage as ###&#* which means actual file name is not passed to batch file which the user gives. can anyone tell what might be the reason for this.
cd c:
set /P INPUT=Type input: %=%
echo Your input was: %INPUT%
copy %INPUT% \\remotemachineip\C$ && c:\psexec \\machineip cmd /k "c:\batchfile.bat arg1 < %INPUT% & del %INPUT%" -e -c -f -i

cd c:
set /P INPUT=Type input: %=%
echo Your input was: %INPUT%
copy %INPUT% \\remotemachineip\C$ && c:\psexec \\machineip cmd /k c:\batchfile.bat %INPUT% & del %INPUT% -c -f -i
the remote batch file which seeks input from the above batch file commands on the local machine. so %1(below command) is replaced by the %INPUT%(the second argument in the cmd.exe in the above code content) which the user enters and the sqlcmd command will be executed. so the input which the user passes in the above batch file will be successfully redirected to the below batch file(content) and the command(sqlcmd below) in it will be successfully executed.
SQLCMD -Sservername -d(databasename) -iC:LINKEDSERVER.sql -v filename="%1"
for e.g if I give %INPUT% as c:\inputfile.xls it will be redirected to SQLCMD command in place of %1, so it executes it as--
SQLCMD -Sservername -d(databasename) -iC:LINKEDSERVER.sql -v filename="c:\inputfile.xls"


SSMS agent job using scp command to transfer files to sftp is going to loop and not completing

Have tried different approaches to make the SSMs job working with SCP command with perl script. but the job is going into loop with out having a result.
PS : The script is working fine with running from command prompt directly.
command used in the perl script:-
$Command = "scp -i D:\File1\RS2\DataFeed\Code\PrivateKey.ppk -s $InternalFile$VendorName/$DestFileName";
system command used in perl
While running the command directly from windows cmd it is correctly placing file to the SFTP. but while running this perl script from ssms agent job it seems not working and the job is keep running without any results.
Any possible leads to the actual errors will be much appreciated
Detailed Steps :
Job in SSMS :
Step :
%_Debug% echo off
cd /d %0\..
pushd .
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------
rem Localize environment
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------
if exist DataFeed_Environment.cmd (
call DataFeed_Environment.cmd
) else (
echo DataFeed_Environment.cmd not found!!!
goto CmdUsage
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------
rem Run perl package
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto ErrorExit
goto Exit
rem -----------------------------------------------------
rem Command Usage
rem -----------------------------------------------------
Echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
echo DataFeed.cmd
echo Wraps the call to,
echo mails log upon errors.
echo Usage:
echo DataFeed.cmd
echo ----------------------------------
rem endlocal
rem popd
rem exit 1
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------
rem Error exit
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------
echo failed !!!
rem endlocal
rem popd
rem exit 1
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------
rem Exit
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------
rem endlocal
rem popd
rem exit 0
sub CopyDataFeedFileToSftp{
my ($DataFeedFileInternal, $DataFeedVendorName,$DataFeedFileName) = #_;
my($RetValue) = 1;
$Command = "C:\\Users\\hprasu\\Downloads\\OpenSSH-Win64\\scp.exe -i D:\\File1\\RS2\\DataFeed\\Code\\PrivateKey.ppk -s $DataFeedFileInternal a_Tne\#nasftp\$DataFeedVendorName/$DestFileName";
$RetVal = &CallSystem($Command);
if ($RetVal == 0) {
&ErrorExit("Unable to copy data feed file using SCP command:\n".$Command);
The above perl method is executing the System command
You should:
have full path to perl.exe and your perl script in job's command
escape all special characters in interpolated strings for Perl and
use full path for scp command since
operating system don't know where scp.exe is located (until it in the $PATH):
check filesystem permissions for all files in the command and perl script. Job should has access those files.
So command would be
$Command = "full_path\\scp.exe -i D:\\File1\\RS2\\DataFeed\\Code\\PrivateKey.ppk -s $InternalFile admin\$VendorName/$DestFileName";
Read this:

Output redirects are not working running Perl program via Windows Task Scheduler

I have Perl script configured to run periodically via Windows Task Scheduler.
Action: Start a program
Program: C:\Perl64\bin\perl.exe
Add arguments: config.json > output.txt 2>&1
or: config.json 2>&1 > output.txt
Start in: c:\path\to\scriptPL\
The program runs, but it gets either > or 2>&1 in $ARGV[1], instead of redirecting outputs. When running from the command prompt output redirects work.
What am I missing?
Output redirection may or may not work with the Task Scheduler. The workaround is to run your desired command (including output redirection) inside a batch file, and to call the batch file from Task Scheduler.
C:\Perl64\bin\perl.exe config.json > output.txt 2>&1

powershell $lastexitcode does not work when running batch files

I try to get the exitcode/errorlevel code from a bat file into the powershell script calling the bat file.
Althought the %ErrorLevel% is 1:
BAT file
for %%f in (.\createData\*.g.sql) do sqlcmd -b -U %UserName% -P %Password% -S %sqlClonedServer% -d %sqlClonedDatabaseName% -i %%f -r1 1> NUL
When I do in the powershellscript
$lastexitcode its ALWAYS 0 but the %ErrorLevel% says 1
$build = "c:\my.bat"
$state = & $build
I am pulling my hairs of this crap powershell full with bugs.
I have read these links but they did not help as the result is different:
How can I fix the $lastexitcode
echo %ERRORLEVEL% just writes the error code to stdout, after which the batch file exits normally.
If you want the batch script to actually return an error on exit, use exit /b [exitcode]:
for %%f in (.\createData\*.g.sql) do sqlcmd -b -U %UserName% -P %Password% -S %sqlClonedServer% -d %sqlClonedDatabaseName% -i %%f -r1 1> NUL
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%

Batch File Replace Extracted File

I have a .bat file that unzips a kml from a kmz. If I run the batch file again it prompts me if I want to replace the file. Is there away I can have it always replace the file without prompting the user or displaying a cmd window?
#echo off
md tempKml
cd tempKml
..\unzip ..\%1 >nul
cd ..
dir tempKml\*.kml /s/b
Use the -o option?
..\unzip -o ..\%1 >nul

Batch Script input redirection

Trying to run a program within Windows shell and send more input to the program and keep track of the output. Currently when running the program and sending more input it halts within the program expecting input and then the script sends the input after the program is quit.
cd \Users\user\Desktop\program
#echo "To start program, type "program -a [ipaddress] -r [port number] (EG: program -a xx.xx.xx.xx -r 99)"
program -a xx.xx.xx.xx
show devs
the "show devs" command does not show up until the program is quit. How would I properly call this to get "show devs" to be called within the instance of the program?
Pipe it!
echo "show devs" | program -a xx.xx.xx.xx
Check out the info from this pipes and redirect reference.
Also, enjoy the crazy color scheme from 1995.
As #Frozig said, though remember to escape the pipe if running from a batch file.
echo "show devs" ^| program -a xx.xx.xx.xx
If that doesn't work then the input redirection can be done if you are able to let the batch create a small temp file.
cd \Users\user\Desktop\program
echo show devs>tmp.tmp
#echo "To start program, type "program -a [ipaddress] -r [port number] (EG: program -a xx.xx.xx.xx -r 99)"
program -a xx.xx.xx.xx<tmp.tmp
del tmp.tmp