Output redirects are not working running Perl program via Windows Task Scheduler - perl

I have Perl script configured to run periodically via Windows Task Scheduler.
Action: Start a program
Program: C:\Perl64\bin\perl.exe
Add arguments: script.pl config.json > output.txt 2>&1
or: script.pl config.json 2>&1 > output.txt
Start in: c:\path\to\scriptPL\
The program runs, but it gets either > or 2>&1 in $ARGV[1], instead of redirecting outputs. When running from the command prompt output redirects work.
What am I missing?

Output redirection may or may not work with the Task Scheduler. The workaround is to run your desired command (including output redirection) inside a batch file, and to call the batch file from Task Scheduler.
C:\Perl64\bin\perl.exe script.pl config.json > output.txt 2>&1


LSF job submission - stdout & stderr redirection

I've submitted my job by the following command:
bsub -e error.log -o output.log ./myScript.sh
I have a question: why are the output and errors logs available only once the job ended?
LSF doesn't steam the output back to the submission host. If the submission host and the execution host have a shared file system, and the JOB_SPOOL_DIR is in that shared file system (the spool directory is $HOME/.lsbatch by default) then you should see the stdout and stderr there. After the job finishes, the files there are copied back to the location specified by bsub.
Check bparams -a | grep JOB_SPOOL_DIR to see if the admin has changed the location of the spool dir. With or without the -o/-e options, while the job is running its stdout/err will be captured in the job's spool directory. When the job is finished, the stdout/stderr is copied to the filenames specified by bsub -o/-e. The location of the files in the spool dir is $JOB_SPOOL_DIR/<jobsubmittime>.<jobid>.out or $JOB_SPOOL_DIR/<jobsubmittime>.<jobid>.err
[user1#beta ~]$ cat log.sh
while :
echo "line $LINE"
sleep 1
[user1#beta ~]$ bsub -o output.log -e error.log ./log.sh
Job <930> is submitted to default queue <normal>.
[user1#beta ~]$ tail -f .lsbatch/*.930.out
line 1
line 2
line 3
According to the LSF documentation the behaviour is configurable:
If LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not set and you use the bsub -o option, the standard output of a job is written to a temporary file and copied to the file you specify after the job finishes.

sh: variable substitution with heredoc

cat "${pos}" | /usr/bin/iconv -f CP1251 -t UTF-8 | uniq | sed -En "/^CLIENT_ID.*/!p" | while read line
cat >> "$TMPFILE" << EOF
As you can see each iteration writes a SQL statement to a tmp-file.
I launched this script from a regular interactive shell and got the expected output. Launched from a cron job - nothing.
After investigating I found a problem. When I use "$TMPFILE" without "" the script works ok. Why does this happen?
OS: FreeBSD, bourne shell.
IIRC, cron doesn't source all the files that a login shell does, so you will end up with different settings for environment variables. Could be the path $TMPFILE is pointing to contains spaces when run from cron for example.
Also, on some systems (depending on setup), cron uses a different shell. So if you start your script from command line, for example /usr/bin/sh might be used, whereas when started by cron, /bin/sh is used. (I have no experience with *BSD, but I have observed this on linux.)

Start a perl script in a console from bash

I have a bash script that is a watchdog for a perl script. It checks to see if the perl script is running if it isn't I want it to start it in a console. To run the perl script directly from a console I use
usr/bin/xterm -e perl /path/to/file/script.pl
How would I get this to launch within a bash script?
Assuming the script is not already running:
while true; do
/usr/bin/xterm -e perl /path/to/file/script.pl


I am using Psexec to run a remote batch file. I pass input to psexec and redirect it to the remote batch file which seeks a filename as its input. However while redirecting, the file name becomes a garbage as ###&#* which means actual file name is not passed to batch file which the user gives. can anyone tell what might be the reason for this.
cd c:
set /P INPUT=Type input: %=%
echo Your input was: %INPUT%
copy %INPUT% \\remotemachineip\C$ && c:\psexec \\machineip cmd /k "c:\batchfile.bat arg1 < %INPUT% & del %INPUT%" -e -c -f -i
cd c:
set /P INPUT=Type input: %=%
echo Your input was: %INPUT%
copy %INPUT% \\remotemachineip\C$ && c:\psexec \\machineip cmd /k c:\batchfile.bat %INPUT% & del %INPUT% -c -f -i
the remote batch file which seeks input from the above batch file commands on the local machine. so %1(below command) is replaced by the %INPUT%(the second argument in the cmd.exe in the above code content) which the user enters and the sqlcmd command will be executed. so the input which the user passes in the above batch file will be successfully redirected to the below batch file(content) and the command(sqlcmd below) in it will be successfully executed.
SQLCMD -Sservername -d(databasename) -iC:LINKEDSERVER.sql -v filename="%1"
for e.g if I give %INPUT% as c:\inputfile.xls it will be redirected to SQLCMD command in place of %1, so it executes it as--
SQLCMD -Sservername -d(databasename) -iC:LINKEDSERVER.sql -v filename="c:\inputfile.xls"

Launching a Perl script without output

I'm making a script (Perl or shell) that launches a second Perl script. The script that it's launching has thousands of lines of output. So basically I want to make a script that launches another script without any output - and if possible run it within a screen session and then exit the script (yet keep the other running in the screen)? How can I do this?
When you launch your script direct output to /dev/null. To make a script run in the background use the & symbol. For example the follow will show nothing in the console and run in the background...
echo hi > /dev/null &
If you want to run in screen, you have to create a screenrc
echo "screen my_perl_program" > /tmp/$$.screenrc
echo "autodetach on" >> /tmp/$$.screenrc
echo "startup_message off" >> /tmp/$$.screenrc
screen -L -dm -S session1 -c /tmp/$$.screenrc
Then you can restore it with screen -S session1