Is there a way to get around space usage issues when using long field names in MongoDB? - mongodb

It looks like having descriptive field names (the ones I like the most) can take much space in the memory for big collections. I don't like the idea of giving them short and cryptic names to save memory, neither do I like the idea to translate field names to shortened fields somewhere in the application.
Is there a way to tell mongo not to store every field name as text?

For now the only thing you can do is to vote and wait for SERVER-863 to be solved. After almost a year of discussion the status of this issue has been changes to planned but not scheduled...
The workaround is to use document mapping libraries likes Spring Data Document or morphia (in Java world) and work with nicely named objects. But the underlying database names are still cryptic.

If you are using an "object-document mapper" library to access MongoDB, many of them provide facilities for using descriptive names within your application code, but storing short names in the database. If your application has a data access layer, it may be possible for you to implement this logic in your application code, as well.
Since you haven't said what language you're using, or whether you're using an ODM at all, I provide any more guidance on which ODMs might fit your needs.


MongoDB + Elasticsearch or only Elasticsearch?

We have a new project there for index a large amount of data and for provide real time. I have also complexe search with facets, full text, geospatial...
The first prototype is to index in MongoDB and next, into Elasticsearch, because I had read that Elasticsearch does not apply a checksum on stored files and the index can't be fully trusted.
But since last versions (in the version 1.5), there is now a checksum and I'm guessing if we can use Elasticsearch as primary data store ? And what is the benefit to use MongoDB in addition to Elasticsearch ?
I can't find up to date answer about thoses features in Elasticsearch
Thanks a lot
Talking about arguments to use Mongo instead of/together with ES:
User/role management.
Built-in in MongoDB. May not fit all your needs, may be clumsy somewhere, but it exists and it was implemented pretty long time ago.
The only thing for security in ES is shield. But it ships only for Gold/Platinum subscription for production use.
ES is schemaless, but its built on top of Lucene and written in Java. The core idea of this tool - index and search documents, and working this way requires index consistency. At back end, all documents should be fitted in flat lucene index, which requires some understanding about how ES should deal with your nested documents and values, and how you should organize your indexes to maintain balance between speed and data completeness/consistency. Working with ES requires you to keep some things about schema in mind constantly. I.e: as you can index almost anything to ES without putting corresponding mapping in advance, ES can "guess" mapping on the fly but sometimes do it wrong and sometimes implicit mapping is evil, because once it put, it can't be changed w/o reindexing whole index. So, its better to not treat ES as schemaless store, because you can step on a rake some time (and this will be pain :) ), but rather treat it as schema-intensive, at least when you work with documents, that can be sliced to concrete fields.
Mongo, on the other hand, can "chew and leave no crumbs" out of almost anything you put in it. And most your queries will work fine, `til you remember how Mongo will deal with your data from JavaScript perspective. And as JS is weakly typed, you can work with really schemaless workflow (for sure, if you need such)
Handling non-table-like data.
ES is limited to handle data without putting it to search index. And this solution is good enough, when you need to store and retrieve some extra data (comparing to data you want to search against).
MongoDB supports gridFS. This gives you ability to handle large chunks of data behind the same interface. I.e., you can store binary data in Mongo and retrieve it within the same interface, from your code perspective.
Well, choose the right tool for the right job. If you require searching capabilities such as full text search, faceting etc, then nothing can beat a full fledged search engine. ElasticSearch(ES) or Solr is just a matter of choice.
You can actually feed(index) documents into ES for searching and then fetch the complete details for a particular entry from MongoDB or any other database.
I can make your task easier, do take a look at my open source work that's using MongoDB, ES, Redis and RabbitMQ, all integrated at one place, here on github
Please note that the application is built in .Net C#.
After having used Elasticsearch on production, I can add up to this thread few notes :
We securized our Elasticsearch clustering via a reverse proxy which check client certificate authenticity at request time before letting the query in : it proves that there is multiple way to add authentication anyway. (If you need more accuracy in security, like by using roles, there is few plugins that can be added to manage permissions)
Elasticsearch mapping and settings (tuning) are really important concepts to fully understand before going on production with it, and that's no that easy to get how everything works quickly.
Clustering and horizontal scaling is very flexible and easy to set up
The suite tools (Kibana, beats, etc ..) are a very convinient way to gather logs, expose key data, etc ...
Search features are extremely advanced, you can really do amazing things when you master a bit how full text search works (fuzzyness, boosting, scoring, stemming, tokenizer, analyzers, and so on ...).
API's are a bit scattered and there is not unique ways to achieve something. And some API are really WTF to use, like the bulk insert API: you need to pass binary data, with JSON format (ofc don't forget end of line characters) and repeating some fields multiple times. This is very verbose and I guess it's legacy code like we all have in our projects ;).
Last thing : if you develop a Java project, do not use Hibernate Search to duplicate data from a datasource to your ES cluster, we had so much issues with Hibernate Search, if we had to do that again, we'd do that manually.
Now about the real question :
To my mind, using only Elasticsearch is sufficient and may reduce complexity of having a multiple NoSQL storage systems.
I think it's worthy when you are doing a duo Relational and Transactional database + NoSQL search engine, but having two system which roughly serves the same purposes is a bit overkilled
I have recently developed a feature in my company,
we wanted to perform some searches and rank the result according to its relevance on multiple factors and conditions.
So in my application, we were already using MongoDB as Db,
So on ElasticSearch index, I exported some of the fields from MongoDB that I want to perform search and filters on.
So according to required conditions I prepared my mongo query and elasticsearch query also and performed the search. Then I filtered and sorted the result according to my need.
The whole flow will was designed in such a way that,
even if there is an error from ES, mongo will fetch the records.
If I get the result from ES then, mongo result will depend on ES result.
This is how I used mongo and ES in combination.
Also, don't forget to properly handle all updates, deletes and new record insertions.
And Just to Know, results for me were Really Good.

Database design: Postgres or EAV to hold semi-structured data

I was given the task to decide whether our stack of technologies is adequate to complete the project we have at hand or should we change it (and to which technologies exactly).
The problem is that I'm just a SQL Server DBA and I have a few days to come up with a solution...
This is what our client wants:
They want a web application to centralize pharmaceutical researches separated into topics, or projects, in their jargon. These researches are sent as csv files and they are somewhat structured as follows:
Project (just a name for the project)
Segment (could be behavioral, toxicology, etc. There is a finite set of about 10 segments. Each csv file holds a segment)
Mandatory fixed fields (a small set of fields that are always present, like Date, subjects IDs, etc. These will be the PKs).
Dynamic fields (could be anything here, but always as a key/pair value and shouldn't be more than 200 fields)
Whatever files (images, PDFs, etc.) that are associated with the project.
At the moment, they just want to store these files and retrieve them through a simple search mechanism.
They don't want to crunch the numbers at this point.
98% of the files have a couple of thousand lines, but there's a 2% with a couple of million rows (and around 200 fields).
This is what we are developing so far:
The back-end is SQL 2008R2. I've designed EAVs for each segment (before anything please keep in mind that this is not our first EAV design. It worked well before with less data.) and the mid-tier/front-end is PHP 5.3 and Laravel 4 framework with Bootstrap.
The issue we are experiencing is that PHP chokes up with the big files. It can't insert into SQL in a timely fashion when there's more than 100k rows and that's because there's a lot of pivoting involved and, on top of that, PHP needs to get back all the fields IDs first to start inserting. I'll explain: this is necessary because the client wants some sort of control on the fields names. We created a repository for all the possible fields to try and minimize ambiguity problems; fields, for instance, named as "Blood Pressure", "BP", "BloodPressure" or "Blood-Pressure" should all be stored under the same name in the database. So, to minimize the issue, the user has to actually insert his csv fields into another table first, we called it properties table. This action won't completely solve the problem, but as he's inserting the fields, he's seeing possible matches already inserted. When the user types in blood, there's a panel showing all the fields already used with the word blood. If the user thinks it's the same thing, he has to change the csv header to the field. Anyway, all this is to explain that's not a simple EAV structure and there's a lot of back and forth of IDs.
This issue is giving us second thoughts about our technologies stack choice, but we have limitations on our possible choices: I only have worked with relational DBs so far, only SQL Server actually and the other guys know only PHP. I guess a MS full stack is out of the question.
It seems to me that a non-SQL approach would be the best. I read a lot about MongoDB but honestly, I think it would be a super steep learning curve for us and if they want to start crunching the numbers or even to have some reporting capabilities,
I guess Mongo wouldn't be up to that. I'm reading about PostgreSQL which is relational and it's famous HStore type. So here is where my questions start:
Would you guys think that Postgres would be a better fit than SQL Server for this project?
Would we be able to convert the csv files into JSON objects or whatever to be stored into HStore fields and be somewhat queryable?
Is there any issues with Postgres sitting in a windows box? I don't think our client has Linux admins. Nor have we for that matter...
Is it's licensing free for commercial applications?
Or should we stick with what we have and try to sort the problem out with staging tables or bulk-insert or other technique that relies on the back-end to do the heavy lifting?
Sorry for the long post and thanks for your input guys, I appreciate all answers as I'm pulling my hair out here :)

Document similarity framework

I would like to create an application which searches for similar documents in its database; eg. the user uploads a document (text, image, etc.), and I would like to query my application for similar ones.
I have already created the neccesseary algorithms for the process (fingerprinting, feature extraction, hashing, hash compare, etc.), I'm looking for a framework, which couples all of these.
For example, if I would implement it in Lucene, I would do the following:
Create a custom "tokenizer" and "stemmer" (~ feature extraction and fingerprinting)
Than adding the created elements to the Lucene index
And finally using the MoreLikeThis class to find the similar documents
So, basically Lucene might be a good choice - but as far as I know, Lucene is not meant to be a document similarity search engine, but rather a term-based searchengine.
My question is: are the any applications/frameworks, which might fit for the above mentioned problem?
UPDATE: It seems like the process I described above is called Content Based Media (Sound, Image, Video.) Retrieval.
There are many projects that use Lucene for this, see: (Lire, Alike, etc.), but still didn't found any dedicated framework ...
Since you're using Lucene, you might take a look at SOLR. I do realize it's not a dedicated framework for your purpose either, but it does add stuff on top of Lucene that comes in quite handy. Given the pluggability of Lucene, its track record and the fact that there are a lot of useful resources out there, SOLR might help you get your job done.
Also, the answer that #mindas pointed to, links to the blog post describing the technical details at how to accomplish your goal with SOLR (but you probably already read that in meantime).
If I am getting correctly you have your own database, and you are searching if its duplicate, or copy/similar, in database while/after user uploads.
If That is the case, the domain is very big in comparison..
1) For Image you must use pattern matching, there are few papers available for image duplicate finder, on net, search for them you will get many options for that,
2) for Document there is again characteristically division
RTF, etc..
Each document carry different property, now here Lucene may help you but its search engine,
While searching for Language pattern, there are many things we need to check, as you are searching for similar(not exact same).
So, fuzzy language program will come handy.
This requirement is too large that the forum page will not be enough to explain everything anyways, I hope this much will do

How to store relational POCO's in nosql world?

We' re working on a project that has a relational object model and we would like to use a no/sql solution (couchdb) for some part of data storage. For example, there are users and applications which are related to each other via Applications UserId field (Or User property in DDD world)
What is the right way to store "user" data in couchdb in an "Application" document? With id for relation or to put the entire "user" object in "application" document? If i put the entire "user" object in Application document, updating an user will cause to update all Application documents that has an entire user info inside it.
We' re little bit confused so i' ll be very happy to hear some ideas about that.
Thank you.
Either approach is valid, depending on what reads and writes you need - if the user object almost never changes, a slow/complex write process doesn't matter and you may be able to avoid a lot of extra reads by including it in the application document. If it changes a lot, the slow/complex writes become the dominant issue and it makes more sense to just put a reference in your application document. This is actually one of the bigger differences between SQL and NoSQL - SQL has one correct normalized structure, with NoSQL you need to think about your requirements more.
That said, user almost always makes sense as a standalone object. However, you aren't limited to using just the user id in your application document - including a display name (which rarely changes) probably eliminates almost as many reads as including the whole user object.

Full Text Searching in Apple's Core Data Framework

I would like to implement a full text search in an iPhone application. I have data stored in an sqlite database that I access via the Core Data framework. Just using predicates and ORing a bunch of "contains[cd]" phrases for every search word and column does not work well at all.
What have you done that seems to work well?
We have FTS3 working very nicely on 150,000+ records. We are getting subsecond query times returning over 200 results on a single keyword query.
Presently the only way to get Sqlite FTS3 working on the iPhone is to compile your own binary and link it to your project. To my knowledge, the binary included in your own project will not work with Core Data. Perhaps Apple will turn on the FTS3 compiler option in a future release?
You can still link in your own Sqlite FTS3 binary and use it just for full text searches. This would be very similar to the way Sphinx or Lucene are used in Web App environments. Note you will still have to update the search index at some point to keep synchronicity with the Core Data stores.
Good luck !!
I assume that by "does not work well" you mean 'performs badly'. Full-text search is always relatively slow, especially in memory or space constrained environments. You may be able to speed things up by making sure the attributes you're searching against are indexed and using BEGINSWITH[cd] instead of CONTAINS[cd]. My recollection (can't find the cocoa-dev post at this time) is that SQLite will use the index for prefix matching, but falls back to linear search for infix searches.
I use contains[cd] in my predicate and this works fine. Perhaps you could post your predicate and we could see if there's an obvious fault.
Sqlite has its own full text indexing module:
You have to have full control of the SQL you send to the db (I don't know how Core Data works), but using the full text indexing module is key to speed of execution and simplicity in your SQL SELECT statements that do full text searching.
Using CONTAINS is fine if you don't need fast execution, but selects made with it can't make use of regular indexes so are destined to be slow, and the larger the database the slower it will be. Using real full text indexing allows same sort of searches as you can do with 'CONTAINS', but things are indexed for fast results even with large db's.
I've been working on this same problem and just got around to following up on my post about this from a few weeks ago. Instead of using CONTAINS, I created a separate entity with an instance for each canonicalized word. I added an index on the words (in XCode model builder) and can then use a BEGINSWITH operator to exploit the index. Nevertheless, as I just posted a few minutes ago, query time is still very slow for even small data sets.
There must be a better way! After all, we see this sort of full text search in lots of apps!