MongoDB + Elasticsearch or only Elasticsearch? - mongodb

We have a new project there for index a large amount of data and for provide real time. I have also complexe search with facets, full text, geospatial...
The first prototype is to index in MongoDB and next, into Elasticsearch, because I had read that Elasticsearch does not apply a checksum on stored files and the index can't be fully trusted.
But since last versions (in the version 1.5), there is now a checksum and I'm guessing if we can use Elasticsearch as primary data store ? And what is the benefit to use MongoDB in addition to Elasticsearch ?
I can't find up to date answer about thoses features in Elasticsearch
Thanks a lot

Talking about arguments to use Mongo instead of/together with ES:
User/role management.
Built-in in MongoDB. May not fit all your needs, may be clumsy somewhere, but it exists and it was implemented pretty long time ago.
The only thing for security in ES is shield. But it ships only for Gold/Platinum subscription for production use.
ES is schemaless, but its built on top of Lucene and written in Java. The core idea of this tool - index and search documents, and working this way requires index consistency. At back end, all documents should be fitted in flat lucene index, which requires some understanding about how ES should deal with your nested documents and values, and how you should organize your indexes to maintain balance between speed and data completeness/consistency. Working with ES requires you to keep some things about schema in mind constantly. I.e: as you can index almost anything to ES without putting corresponding mapping in advance, ES can "guess" mapping on the fly but sometimes do it wrong and sometimes implicit mapping is evil, because once it put, it can't be changed w/o reindexing whole index. So, its better to not treat ES as schemaless store, because you can step on a rake some time (and this will be pain :) ), but rather treat it as schema-intensive, at least when you work with documents, that can be sliced to concrete fields.
Mongo, on the other hand, can "chew and leave no crumbs" out of almost anything you put in it. And most your queries will work fine, `til you remember how Mongo will deal with your data from JavaScript perspective. And as JS is weakly typed, you can work with really schemaless workflow (for sure, if you need such)
Handling non-table-like data.
ES is limited to handle data without putting it to search index. And this solution is good enough, when you need to store and retrieve some extra data (comparing to data you want to search against).
MongoDB supports gridFS. This gives you ability to handle large chunks of data behind the same interface. I.e., you can store binary data in Mongo and retrieve it within the same interface, from your code perspective.

Well, choose the right tool for the right job. If you require searching capabilities such as full text search, faceting etc, then nothing can beat a full fledged search engine. ElasticSearch(ES) or Solr is just a matter of choice.
You can actually feed(index) documents into ES for searching and then fetch the complete details for a particular entry from MongoDB or any other database.
I can make your task easier, do take a look at my open source work that's using MongoDB, ES, Redis and RabbitMQ, all integrated at one place, here on github
Please note that the application is built in .Net C#.

After having used Elasticsearch on production, I can add up to this thread few notes :
We securized our Elasticsearch clustering via a reverse proxy which check client certificate authenticity at request time before letting the query in : it proves that there is multiple way to add authentication anyway. (If you need more accuracy in security, like by using roles, there is few plugins that can be added to manage permissions)
Elasticsearch mapping and settings (tuning) are really important concepts to fully understand before going on production with it, and that's no that easy to get how everything works quickly.
Clustering and horizontal scaling is very flexible and easy to set up
The suite tools (Kibana, beats, etc ..) are a very convinient way to gather logs, expose key data, etc ...
Search features are extremely advanced, you can really do amazing things when you master a bit how full text search works (fuzzyness, boosting, scoring, stemming, tokenizer, analyzers, and so on ...).
API's are a bit scattered and there is not unique ways to achieve something. And some API are really WTF to use, like the bulk insert API: you need to pass binary data, with JSON format (ofc don't forget end of line characters) and repeating some fields multiple times. This is very verbose and I guess it's legacy code like we all have in our projects ;).
Last thing : if you develop a Java project, do not use Hibernate Search to duplicate data from a datasource to your ES cluster, we had so much issues with Hibernate Search, if we had to do that again, we'd do that manually.
Now about the real question :
To my mind, using only Elasticsearch is sufficient and may reduce complexity of having a multiple NoSQL storage systems.
I think it's worthy when you are doing a duo Relational and Transactional database + NoSQL search engine, but having two system which roughly serves the same purposes is a bit overkilled

I have recently developed a feature in my company,
we wanted to perform some searches and rank the result according to its relevance on multiple factors and conditions.
So in my application, we were already using MongoDB as Db,
So on ElasticSearch index, I exported some of the fields from MongoDB that I want to perform search and filters on.
So according to required conditions I prepared my mongo query and elasticsearch query also and performed the search. Then I filtered and sorted the result according to my need.
The whole flow will was designed in such a way that,
even if there is an error from ES, mongo will fetch the records.
If I get the result from ES then, mongo result will depend on ES result.
This is how I used mongo and ES in combination.
Also, don't forget to properly handle all updates, deletes and new record insertions.
And Just to Know, results for me were Really Good.


Storing and managing Forex trading tick data

I'm building a data visualization system for Forex trading and I'm exploring ways of storing the historical Forex trading tick data that I have.
The data are in the form of currency pair (e.g. USD/CAD) chronological ticks of Ask and Bid prices. At the end of the day I need my data to be indexed in Elasticsearch and what I searching for is the best way to get them there.
I found a couple of approaches online; they start out simple but then get complicated. I'm wondering if adding that extra complexity is worth it. Some of my options are:
Storing tick data on PostgreSQL and then via a plugin sync them to Elasticsearch (here)
Storing tick data on PostgreSQL, push them to Logstash and then to Elasticsearch
Finally, storing tick data on PostgreSQL, push them to Redis, then to Logstash, and then to Elasticsearch
My intuition says that solution No 2 would be the ideal one, but what is considered best practice?
It's a good idea to store your data in a long-term storage DB, such as PostgreSQL or similar. That way you can decide at any time whether you need to change your mappings, add fields, remove fields, change their types, or what have you, and then you can easily rebuild your ES index/indices without too much trouble from your primary source of truth (i.e. PostgreSQL) and you always have clean data in ES.
I don't know ZomboDB (solution 1) so I can't really speak for it, all I know is that I'm generally not too fond of tying two different technologies together, it makes it hard to upgrade any of them in case you need/must/want to apply patches or benefit from new features in either of them.
Unless you have big and costly transformations to do on your source data, I feel that solution 3 doesn't bring much, i.e. the additional step of storing data in an intermediary Redis, doesn't bring much in my opinion (your mileage may vary here). It's a good idea to use a temporary store, such as Redis or Kafka, when you may lose data along the pipeline, but in this case, since you have your data in PostgreSQL, you don't really run the risk of losing anything. If at all, you can relaunch your pipeline and rebuild a few days of data.
That leaves solution 2, which would be fine given the information at hand. Using the Logstash JDBC input, you can easily retrieve the latest changes and forward them to ES every x minutes.
Eric from ZomboDB here. I wanted to try and answer your question as it relates to ZDB.
ZomboDB is really designed for full-text searching within Postgres. It's important to note that it's not a tool to synchronize your PG data to Elasticsearch. It's a fully-functional Postgres index type (akin to the built-in types like btree, gin, and gist) that happens to be backed by Elasticsearch. The fact that ZomboDB uses Elasticsearch is really an implementation detail.
While ZDB does provide a number of UDFs that expose access to ES' aggregate facilities, again, it's really designed for text searching.
So if your data is really just pairs of numbers, you're probably better off using ES directly -- especially if you're loading in one batch per day. There's no doubt that ZDB could provide superior aggregate performance compared to standard Postgres "GROUP BY" queries (because it passes it through to Elasticsearch), but you're paying a heavy operational penalty for a limited use-case.
If, on the other hand, your ask/bid data comes with a lot of related metadata, and:
You need PG to be your source of truth,
You need to text-search that metadata (with or without aggregation support), and
You don't want to learn ES and introduce another database system to your application, then...
... ZomboDB could be right for you.
I suspect Stack Overflow isn't the place to get into this, so feel free to contact me via the ways ZDB's github page recommends.

ElasticSearch vs. MongoDB for Caching User Data

Up to this point, I have been using MongoDB (Node.js + Mongoose) to save posts which belong to a user, so that I can later retrieve them to display in a stream (just like Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
It recently became necessary to allow the user to deeply search his stream; MongoDB's search was insufficient, so I implemented ElasticSearch on my servers (Amazon EC2 m1.large instances running CentOS, FWIW).
My question: I'm now in a position that I'm duplicating the data between MongoDB (where the user's stream is cached) and ElasticSearch (where it is searched).
Is there any disadvantage to moving my cache ENTIRELY into ElasticSearch, getting rid of the MongoDB all together? It seems a waste to double the storage, and there's no other place that I'm accessing this data (it is only used when presenting/searching the stream of posts).
Specifically, I want to make sure I'm not overlooking anything re: performance. I like the idea of reducing MongoDB as a bottleneck, yet I worry about the memory overhead of ElasticSearch. MongoDB runs on its own server in my cloud setup, whereas ElasticSearch is running on the same instances as node.js. This means I would have MORE ElasticSearch servers (the node.js servers are in an auto-scaling array), but they each are not DEDICATED servers (unlike MongoDB).
The only big obstacle to using ES as a "primary datasource" is that there isn't a good backup mechanism right now. The ES team is working on it and expect it to be out by the end of the year, but in the mean time, you'll have to implement your own backup scripts.
As far as performance, it's really hard to say because almost every situation is unique. ES benefits from memory - so more is always better. In particular, sorts/filters/facets/geo all like to eat memory. If you aren't doing much in the way of faceting, for example, you may be fine with less memory.
ES doesn't need to run on a dedicated node...but it will happily use as many resources as you give it.
Another option is to use just the elastic search indexes. You can choose to not save data in a readable format, so you search in ES and then retrieve documents from MongoDB to your user as needed.
The question bellow comments exactly on that.
Storing only selected fields and not storing _all in pyes/elasticsearch

Log viewing utility database choice

I will be implementing log viewing utility soon. But I stuck with DB choice. My requirements are like below:
Store 5 GB data daily
Total size of 5 TB data
Search in this log data in less than 10 sec
I know that PostgreSQL will work if I fragment tables. But will I able to get this performance written above. As I understood NoSQL is better choice for log storing, since logs are not very structured. I saw an example like below and it seems promising using hadoop-hbase-lucene:
But before deciding I wanted to ask if anybody did a choice like this before and could give me an idea. Which DBMS will fit this task best?
My logs are very structured :)
I would say you don't need database you need search engine:
Solr based on Lucene and it packages everything what you need together
ElasticSearch another Lucene based search engine
Sphinx nice thing is that you can use multiple sources per search index -- enrich your raw logs with other events
Scribe Facebook way to search and collect logs
Update for #JustBob:
Most of the mentioned solutions can work with flat file w/o affecting performance. All of then need inverted index which is the hardest part to build or maintain. You can update index in batch mode or on-line. Index can be stored in RDBMS, NoSQL, or custom "flat file" storage format (custom - maintained by search engine application)
You can find a lot of information here:
See which fits your needs.
Anyway for such a task NoSQL is the right choice.
You should also consider the learning curve, MongoDB / CouchDB, even though they don't perform such as Cassandra or Hadoop, they are easier to learn.
MongoDB being used by Craigslist to store old archives:

NoSQL & AdHoc Queries - Millions of Rows

I currently run a MySQL-powered website where users promote advertisements and gain revenue every time someone completes one. We log every time someone views an ad ("impression"), every time a user clicks an add ("click"), and every time someone completes an ad ("lead").
Since we get so much traffic, we have millions of records in each of these respective tables. We then have to query these tables to let users see how much they have earned, so we end up performing multiple queries on tables with millions and millions of rows multiple times in one request, hundreds of times concurrently.
We're looking to move away from MySQL and to a key-value store or something along those lines. We need something that will let us store all these millions of rows, query them in milliseconds, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, use adhoc queries where we can query any single column, so we could do things like:
FROM leads WHERE country = 'US' AND user_id = 501 (the NoSQL equivalent, obviously)
FROM clicks WHERE ad_id = 1952 AND user_id = 200 AND country = 'GB'
Does anyone have any good suggestions? I was considering MongoDB or CouchDB but I'm not sure if they can handle querying millions of records multiple times a second and the type of adhoc queries we need.
With those requirements, you are probably better off sticking with SQL and setting up replication/clustering if you are running into load issues. You can set up indexing on a document database so that those queries are possible, but you don't really gain anything over your current system.
NoSQL systems generally improve performance by leaving out some of the more complex features of relational systems. This means that they will only help if your scenario doesn't require those features. Running ad hoc queries on tabular data is exactly what SQL was designed for.
CouchDB's map/reduce is incremental which means it only processes a document once and stores the results.
Let's assume, for a moment, that CouchDB is the slowest database in the world. Your first query with millions of rows takes, maybe, 20 hours. That sounds terrible. However, your second query, your third query, your fourth query, and your hundredth query will take 50 milliseconds, perhaps 100 including HTTP and network latency.
You could say CouchDB fails the benchmarks but gets honors in the school of hard knocks.
I would not worry about performance, but rather if CouchDB can satisfy your ad-hoc query requirements. CouchDB wants to know what queries will occur, so it can do the hard work up-front before the query arrives. When the query does arrive, the answer is already prepared and out it goes!
All of your examples are possible with CouchDB. A so-called merge-join (lots of equality conditions) is no problem. However CouchDB cannot support multiple inequality queries simultaneously. You cannot ask CouchDB, in a single query, for users between age 18-40 who also clicked fewer than 10 times.
The nice thing about CouchDB's HTTP and Javascript interface is, it's easy to do a quick feasibility study. I suggest you try it out!
Most people would probably recommend MongoDB for a tracking/analytic system like this, for good reasons. You should read the „MongoDB for Real-Time Analytics” chapter from the „MongoDB Definitive Guide” book. Depending on the size of your data and scaling needs, you could get all the performance, schema-free storage and ad-hoc querying features. You will need to decide for yourself if issues with durability and unpredictability of the system are risky for you or not.
For a simpler tracking system, Redis would be a very good choice, offering rich functionality, blazing speed and real durability. To get a feel how such a system would be implemented in Redis, see this gist. The downside is, that you'd need to define all the „indices” by yourself, not gain them for „free”, as is the case with MongoDB. Nevertheless, there's no free lunch, and MongoDB indices are definitely not a free lunch.
I think you should have a look into how ElasticSearch would enable you:
Blazing speed
Schema-free storage
Sharding and distributed architecture
Powerful analytic primitives in the form of facets
Easy implementation of „sliding window”-type of data storage with index aliases
It is in heart a „fulltext search engine”, but don't get yourself confused by that. Read the „Data Visualization with ElasticSearch and Protovis“ article for real world use case of ElasticSearch as a data mining engine.
Have a look on these slides for real world use case for „sliding window” scenario.
There are many client libraries for ElasticSearch available, such as Tire for Ruby, so it's easy to get off the ground with a prototype quickly.
For the record (with all due respect to #jhs :), based on my experience, I cannot imagine an implementation where Couchdb is a feasible and useful option. It would be an awesome backup storage for your data, though.
If your working set can fit in the memory, and you index the right fields in the document, you'd be all set. Your ask is not something very typical and I am sure with proper hardware, right collection design (denormalize!) and indexing you should be good to go. Read up on Mongo querying, and use explain() to test the queries. Stay away from IN and NOT IN clauses that'd be my suggestion.
It really depends on your data sets. The number one rule to NoSQL design is to define your query scenarios first. Once you really understand how you want to query the data then you can look into the various NoSQL solutions out there. The default unit of distribution is key. Therefore you need to remember that you need to be able to split your data between your node machines effectively otherwise you will end up with a horizontally scalable system with all the work still being done on one node (albeit better queries depending on the case).
You also need to think back to CAP theorem, most NoSQL databases are eventually consistent (CP or AP) while traditional Relational DBMS are CA. This will impact the way you handle data and creation of certain things, for example key generation can be come trickery.
Also remember than in some systems such as HBase there is no indexing concept. All your indexes will need to be built by your application logic and any updates and deletes will need to be managed as such. With Mongo you can actually create indexes on fields and query them relatively quickly, there is also the possibility to integrate Solr with Mongo. You don’t just need to query by ID in Mongo like you do in HBase which is a column family (aka Google BigTable style database) where you essentially have nested key-value pairs.
So once again it comes to your data, what you want to store, how you plan to store it, and most importantly how you want to access it. The Lily project looks very promising. The work I am involved with we take a large amount of data from the web and we store it, analyse it, strip it down, parse it, analyse it, stream it, update it etc etc. We dont just use one system but many which are best suited to the job at hand. For this process we use different systems at different stages as it gives us fast access where we need it, provides the ability to stream and analyse data in real-time and importantly, keep track of everything as we go (as data loss in a prod system is a big deal) . I am using Hadoop, HBase, Hive, MongoDB, Solr, MySQL and even good old text files. Remember that to productionize a system using these technogies is a bit harder than installing MySQL on a server, some releases are not as stable and you really need to do your testing first. At the end of the day it really depends on the level of business resistance and the mission-critical nature of your system.
Another path that no one thus far has mentioned is NewSQL - i.e. Horizontally scalable RDBMSs... There are a few out there like MySQL cluster (i think) and VoltDB which may suit your cause.
Again it comes to understanding your data and the access patterns, NoSQL systems are also Non-Rel i.e. non-relational and are there for better suit to non-relational data sets. If your data is inherently relational and you need some SQL query features that really need to do things like Cartesian products (aka joins) then you may well be better of sticking with Oracle and investing some time in indexing, sharding and performance tuning.
My advice would be to actually play around with a few different systems. However for your use case I think a Column Family database may be the best solution, I think there are a few places which have implemented similar solutions to very similar problems (I think the NYTimes is using HBase to monitor user page clicks). Another great example is Facebook and like, they are using HBase for this. There is a really good article here which may help you along your way and further explain some points above.
Final point would be that NoSQL systems are not the be all and end all. Putting your data into a NoSQL database does not mean its going to perform any better than MySQL, Oracle or even text files... For example see this blog post:
I'd have a look at;
MongoDB - Document - CP
CouchDB - Document - AP
Redis - In memory key-value (not column family) - CP
Cassandra - Column Family - Available & Partition Tolerant (AP)
HBase - Column Family - Consistent & Partition Tolerant (CP)
Hadoop/Hive - Also have a look at Hadoop streaming...
Hypertable - Another CF CP DB.
VoltDB - A really good looking product, a relation database that is distributed and might work for your case (may be an easier move). They also seem to provide enterprise support which may be more suited for a prod env (i.e. give business users a sense of security).
Any way thats my 2c. Playing around with the systems is really the only way your going to find out what really works for your case.

Frequent large, multi-record updates in MongoDB, Lucene, etc

I am working on the high-level design of a web application with the following characteristics:
Millions of records
Heavily indexed/searchable by various criteria
Variable document schema
Regular updates in blocks of 10K - 200K records at a time
Data needs to remain highly available during updates
Must scale horizontally effectively
Today, this application exists in MySQL and we suffer from a few huge problems, particularly that it is challenging to adapt to flexible schema, and that large bulk updates lock the data for 10 - 15 seconds at a time, which is unacceptable. Some of these things can be tackled by better database design within the context of MySQL, however, I am looking for a better "next generation" solution.
I have never used MongoDB, but its feature set seemed to most closely match what I am looking for, so that was my first area of interest. It has some things I am excited about, such as data sharding, the ability to find-update-return in a single statement, and of course the schema flexibility of NoSQL.
There are two things I am not sure about, though, with MongoDB:
I can't seem to find solid
information about the concurrency of
updates with large data sets (see my
use case above) so I have a hard
time understanding how it might
I do need open text search
That second requirement brought me to Lucene (or possibly to Solr if I kept it external) as a search store. I did read a few cases where Lucene was being used in place of a NoSQL database like MongoDB entirely, which made me wonder if I am over-complicating things by trying to use both in a single app -- perhaps I should just store everything directly in Lucene and run it like that?
Given the requirements above, does it seem like a combination of MongoDB and Lucene would make this work effectively? If not, might it be better to attempt to tackle it entirely in Lucene?
Currently with MongoDB, updates are locking at the server-level. There are a few JIRAs open that address this, planned for v1.9-2.0. I believe the current plan is to yield writes to allow reads to perform better.
With that said, there are plenty of great ways to scale MongoDB for super high concurrency - many of which are simiar for MySQL. One such example is to use RAID 10. Another is to use master-slave where you write to master and read from slave.
You also need to consider if your "written" data needs to be 1) durable and 2) accessible via slaves immediately. The mongodb drivers allow you to specify if you want the data to be written to disk immediately (or hang in memory for the next fsync) and allow you to specify how many slaves the data should be written to. Both of these will slow down MongoDB writing, which as noted above can affect read performance.
MongoDB also does not have nearly the capability for full-text search that Solr\Lucene have and you will likely want to use both together. I am currently using both Solr and MongoDB together and am happy with it.