DSP sound effect library for iPhone/iPad/iOS? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Any 3rd party, or built in stuff?

You can look at the MoMu release of the Synthesis Tool Kit (STK) library. It has a permissive license and is lightweight, however if depends what kind of "effects" you are looking for. It has all the building blocks to do sound synthesis and processing (class documentation here).

I think you should use this audio DSP library for iOS/OSX: NVDSP
It is easy to use but still produces high-quality results.
It didn't exist at the time of your question, but well, I think it's the best option today. And I really don't say that just because I wrote it! ;)

iOS 5 has some new built-in Audio Units for filters and some other simple effects. Before iOS 5, it appears that most audio app developers rolled their own DSP effect libraries (or purchased a commercial time-pitch library, etc)

Try this http://theamazingaudioengine.com/
Little late but might help someone else

Also late, but great sound effect libraries are made by LittleEndian.com


Where is to download a sample iPhone application source code written by Swift, the new language? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Does anyone know where to find a seed project written in Swift that I can use for learning?
So far, I have not been successful building or deploying any swift projects.
Any help will be appreciated.
If you mean deploy as in the App Store, you still can not do that since Xcode 6 and Swift are still in beta. However, if you want to see an app running in swift, you will need to follow a tutorial on the web. A good one is from Ray Wenderlich, and lets you program a game like candy crush all in swift, its a great way to see all the new code work. Hope this helps.
Edit #1
If you are looking for something a bit easier you might want to take a look at Apple's book about swift. It shows how to write the code and gives you samples and experiments to try. Here is a link to the book. And here is a link to a website that posted all the answers to Apple's experiments in the book.

What happened to OpenRT? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have been looking around for powerful raytracing interfaces and discovered references to OpenRT but can't seem to find it anywhere. Does it even still exist?
If it is gone, what is the most used library for raytracing that is powerful enough for realtime rendering.
My answer below is all I have managed to find.
I have continued my search and only seem to find OpenRL as it supports most of what I need. However I may end up writing my own wrapper or engine that suits my needs as there seems to be no mature solution. Thanks for the suggestions.
PowerVR Wizard GPUs by Imagination Technologies have been announced recently.
"Wizard is essentially an extension of Imagination’s existing PowerVR
Series6XT Rogue designs, taking the base hardware and adding the
additional blocks necessary to do ray tracing"
Possible, and seems to be the only, solution I have found is OpenRL.

What is the best way of learning Digital Image processing? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am quite interested in image processing. What is the best way of learning image processing -- whether to begin with MATLAB or OpenCV? I am familiar with C and C++.
Any books/videos/blogs to recommend?
MATLAB is easier to start with but it has limited library and slower implementation.
OpenCV, being a C/C++ library, is the most popular. You can access great tutorials and references for it. It is a well documented and open-source library. Also, there are many discussion forums, Q&A web-sites, and blogs (http://opencvpython.blogspot.com/ , http://opencv-code.com/) about it.
SimpleCV, being a python library, is a wrapper library on OpenCV. Hard to comment on that -since I didn't use it- but it might not cover all the broad methods of OpenCV. On the other hand, it is easier to play with, however not well-known. You may not find answers to your questions on the web.
Here is a guide-book for OpenCV.
Here is a guide-book for SimpleCV.
In any case, I suggest you not to memorize or copy. Do not ask for codes, ask for ideas. Read the books and learn about the methods you are going to use -like what convolution kernel is, what the alpha channel is, etc.- Thats what improves you and makes you capable of dealing with broader range of vision problems.
The only problem with MATLAB, for a beginner, is that it is really expensive. Some universities buy it without the Image Processing Toolbox, in which case it is not so useful. Octave is well supported by the open source community, that is another alternative
"Processing" is a language that is easy to learn and powerful. You might want to take a look at it.
OpenCV is a bit hard to learn at the start, but very powerful. There are enough examples available in OpenCV documentation pages, so I recommend OPenCV over the other two.

UIAccelerometer reference [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can anybody suggest to me some good applications that make use of UIAccelerometer Class and some references too ?
BubbleLevel is a sample app that's nice and simple, yet demonstrates the UIAccelerometer. First source of reference for the class is here.
progmr suggests that you're looking for ideas for applications that can make use of the UIAccelerometer. BubbleLevel already hints at one major use of the accelerometer - that of knowing the orientation of the device.
The other major use is (obviously) tracking the acceleration of the phone, allowing for the interpretation of gestures, for instance: not just shaking, but gestures like you might use when playing a Wii game. This doesn't necessarily lend itself directly to knowing the velocity of the phone! (Integrating the acceleration gives you velocity + some constant factor unknowable without calibration.)

Cocos2d Resources [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Any recommendations on good sites/resources on programming with the Cocos2d-iPhone game engine?
What worked for you? What is the canonical place for all things Cocos2d? Any sites you recommend? Best practices? Blogs?
Much appreciated
I have used those sites and have also found Ray Wenderlich's tutorials very useful.
Also there are several references available here too:
Happy coding! B)
I found these two questions have many great resources too:
I've found monitoring #cocos2d on Twitter can sometimes turn up some interesting articles. Cocos2D blog is usually pretty active and points out available tutorials once and a while like the following...
Take a look through their wiki as there is a bunch of useful articles there as well...
Cocos2d forums worked for most of my issues. riq, the author of Cocos is there answering many questions.
I have a Cocos2d Resources page that i keep updating as i find new material and learn more:
I'm sharing the generally re-usable parts of my source code together with cleaned up and bugfixed modifications or rewrites of other's code (credits given) as well as any link that i've used or find useful for cocos2d developers. I don't stop at cocos2d though, i also post links to solutions for issues every iPhone developer will come across sooner or later.