1 activity vs an activity for each tab on a tab view - basic4android

I'm developing an app that has a tab control and would like to know the pro's and con's of using a single activity for the entire app vs having 1 activity for each tab on the tab view. I'm planning on using multiple activities in this app.


Open custom tabs in fragment

I have implemented custom tabs in my app and I have bottom navigation bar. When I click on any item in the bottom bar the fragment opens. Inside the fragment the custom tabs have to open. Custom tabs have to be open in a view not as a separate window.
Custom Tabs is not a View, but an entire Activity that is hosted in the browser process and handled as part of the application tasks stack. So, it can't be part of another Activity's view hierarchy and can only be used as a standalone Activity.
The Android WebView is a an Android View and can be used inside an Activity. But,
generally, content opened inside the WebView should be designed with the component in mind, as it doesn't support every API available to modern web apps (eg: push notifications).

Tabs like in Safari with SwiftUI

I'm planning an app, that offers the possibility, to handle itself multiple times in tabs. In other words: Imagine, that the app starts with tab1 and it shows the main screen. You can work as normal. Then you wanna check something in the app somewhere else, but you want to keep your work as it is, so you open a new tab und start navigating to the point you want to. Then you can switch back to tab1 or again to tab2 and everything will remain in these tabs. So it means I want to have multiple instances of the app in different tabs (as you would open a website several times in a tabbed browser).
Is this possible in iOS and if yes, how could I do that with SwiftUI? Would be perfect, if it looks like the tabs in Safari on macOS or iPadOS.

Facebook tab application - application controlled icons / tab translations?

Is it possible to control a tab icon?
over tab settings?
over an API?
Why I'm asking: I'm trying to implement top company information into tabs. It's just one application. I can manually change the icon if I create a new application for each tab.
Is it possible to create one application that controls loaded iframe URL and change the icon from tab settings?
I don't think this is possible. Have a look at the tabs section in the page document, you can only update three parameters: position, custom_name and is_non_connection_landing_tab

Dynamically loading multi-tab iPhone application?

Is it possible to create a multi-tab application that has a tab that will load based off a choice made at a menu in the beginning?
For example, if someone picked "tic tac toe" at the beginning menu, a "game" tab would load a tic tac toe screen instead of a chess or checkers screen.
If this is not clear, please comment.
Build the tab bar in code and then you just insert the appropriate game controller depending on what the user selects before you push the tab bar to screen.
Have the users decision persisted and on loading the game tab have it query which game the user selected. `NSUserDefaults would be an easy way to persist which game was chosen.

view based vs windows based iphone application

REF: XCode
what is the differences between view based vs windows based iphone application?
Where are you going to use view based and windows based application?
Example? what does facebook use?
In regards to your question about the difference between View-based and Window-based templates, a View template gives you a Window template with a UIView already added and configured to display in the window, while the Window template gives you a blank slate with no default view set up.
About Windows, Views, and Controls
Understanding iPhone Views, Windows and the View Hierarchy
Usually only one window in UIWindow application. Apps can and ususally have multiple views, for example there are multiple views in a your typical iOS navigation application