view based vs windows based iphone application - iphone

REF: XCode
what is the differences between view based vs windows based iphone application?
Where are you going to use view based and windows based application?
Example? what does facebook use?

In regards to your question about the difference between View-based and Window-based templates, a View template gives you a Window template with a UIView already added and configured to display in the window, while the Window template gives you a blank slate with no default view set up.

About Windows, Views, and Controls
Understanding iPhone Views, Windows and the View Hierarchy
Usually only one window in UIWindow application. Apps can and ususally have multiple views, for example there are multiple views in a your typical iOS navigation application


How do I create tabs for an iPhone app without using the Tab Bar?

I am teaching myself iOS5 with Xcode 4.2.1 and did a bit of digging into tabs. I found information on tab bars and how to make them do a lot of neat things, however, I have not found any information on how to create this type of tab:
I came to the conclusion that this type of tab cannot be created using a Tab Bar app or utilizing the toolbar in some fancy way, based on the research I have done. How can I create this type of tab for an iPhone app?
You can use multiple customized 'UIButton' objects, or a customized 'UISegmentedControl', that when tapped change the contents of 'UIView' which gives you the desired effect.

In Xcode 4 which is the better app Window based or view based?

I am very new to iOS development. I am going to start a new project which is mostly related to to the database. Can you suggest what should I start from Window or view based app?
A view-based app only have one view, and includes a nib. However, window based app don't include a nib or a view, it's for add your own view.
I would chose view-based
1.There is no such difference in both
In View Based app you will get a default view controller in window.
In Window Based app you will not get anything by default already added in window, you have to add your own view.
They're used for different things. Neither is better than the other.
If you're a total rookie, I'd go with View based. It comes wired up with more stuff for you by default, and lets you work on your app's functionality rather than the details of getting stuff on the screen. It also limits you in ways that Window based doesn't, but for your level that's probably a good thing.
Anyway you have to make ViewController if you make project using window based.
Make your project using window based and View based. and compare both. So you can find what is different.
and iOS can have many view on only one window.

Beginner Question: Navigation Based Application iPhone

Okay, so I am a beginner at Cocoa and I've decided to try to make my first app. I went into Xcode and made a new app, I chose Navigation Based Application because it was the first one on the list.I need a tutorial that teaches me how to make a simple Navigation Based Application for the iPhone. I want it to be able to allow me to control what shows up when I click the '+'.
To see how navigation-based applications work, it would be suggestible to choose view-based application instead and work from there.
I would also suggest watching: Navigation & Tab Bar Controllers

how to create multiple pages in Xcode iphone apps

i am starting my experience with iphone sdk. and i have a question, which is i am trying to create two pages to the app but i don't know how to link them or design them. like when i start the Xcode i find one page named View to design in it, i want to make that page a welcoming page then the user choose one of the three choices he see in that page. Once he clicked on one of them the program take him to the next page or the page he chose.
thank you
The standard approach on iPhone is a drill-down. Place a UINavigationController in your NIB, make the root-level view your welcome page. Then navigate to dependent views by invoking pushViewController on that navigation controller.
This is a very high-level description; you'd have to fill a lot of blanks. If you create a new project and specify a "navigation-based application", you'll get quite a bit of boilerplate code for this approach.
You really need a good book, I recommend Beginning iPhone 3 Development by Apress.
Take a look at using UIViewController's
- (void)presentModalViewController:(UIViewController *)modalViewController animated:(BOOL)animated
method. You can display your initial view, and when the user presses one of the buttons, display the intended view over top. If you build a new project, and choose "Utility Application" you will get some sample code for how this works.

TabBar app or Navigation Bar App?

i have recently started working on iPhone but i am completely confused which application is best for the programming.. i mean TabBar Application, Navigation based app or window based . As we generally need all tab bar and navigation bar in our application In that case which application i should use??? Please explain it.
The need for a TabBar, NavBar, or Window based application is mostly subjective. This will depend on:
How you want the application to look
Whether or not you need the functionality of the nav and tab bars
Window only applications are typically the EASIEST to implement, at first, but do not provide the necessary functionality that many people are use to. Window/OpenGL based applications are ideal for games that require "full screen."
TabBar applications are perfect for applications that have several main "sections." Akin to a website that has "blog", "products", and "contact us", you can have many sections with the TabBar.
NavBar applications let you stack up additional views, one at a time, that you can transition to as necessary. A typical implementation of this is a "drill-down" menu.
Good luck!
If you are wondering which user interface element to use, I recommend reading the "Navigation Bars, Tab Bars, Toolbars, and the Status Bar" section of the iPhone Human Interface Guidelines.
If you're asking which application template to start from, it doesn't really matter. You won't be locked into a particular type of application if you start from a particular template. You can even start multiple templates, and copy across the relevant code and interface elements that Apple provides for you to combine functionality.