iTunes app link not opening iTunes - iphone

I just released an iPhone app and am updating its support site. I've used the iTunes Link Maker to create a link like below. One time, it opened iTunes, the rest of the times, it has not. I've tried closing iTunes, accessing the link from both Safari and Chrome, but each time I only see the iTunes preview in the browser.
My App on the App Store
ANSWER: (see discussion below)
Pulling the href from the "View in App Store" link in iTunes Connect:
My App on the App Store
NOTE: Trailing params might be different in your own case.

I usually grab the link from the apps' detail page in iTunes Connect. There's a link named View in App Store that has worked for my so far. Just make sure to replace the locale identifier (defaults to us) in the link if your app is available in multiple stores.

Just use iTunes Link Maker and remove the country code (i.e. "us") out of the link and it would always work open iTunes always and not a browser on the way (if there is iTunes installed on the target system).
You can also remove the app_name you don't really need it (if your app name would be changed nothing happen, actually the name is ignored).


Before submission iphone app store link not working

After looking at a dozen or more posts on here about how to create a link to open your application in the App Store, none of them have worked (most are from '09-'10).
Many of those posts even say it should work before submitting your app, as long as you have made the app in iTunesConnect, and copy the app id there.
When I try the "View in App Store" link in ITC it says: "The item you've requested is not currently available in the U.S. store."
My app binary has not been submitted yet, is it possible to test this link at this point?
You cannot view apps in the iTunes store that have not been approved yet. That means the links won't work until the app has gone through the review process. The URL for the app store link should look like this:
You can get the app number in the "Manage Applications" link of iTunes connect. This technique hasn't failed for me yet.
Hope this helps!

How to create App Store links which launch iTunes automatically?

We discovered that the most successful app developer "Tapbots" has a special kind of link to the App Store.
First, the link looks like this: It is a clever affiliate link:
And then it gets redirected to this:
After redirection iTunes starts on my mac. On the iPad the App Store app launches. We tried to modify this last link to match our app. But when clicking on it it shows this iTunes web page only and never launches iTunes.
The iTunes web page says "Open iTunes to buy and download apps". Sounds like "do it yourself" and nothing happens.
Does this only happen with affiliate links? I found no documentation from Apple which explains how to make a link that launches iTunes automatically.
It appears that you have to link to itms:// instead of http://
You can do this with the iTunes linkmaker. If you need help with it there is a pretty good FAQ here.
There are two ways to guarantee that on the desktop that the iTunes Stpre loads and you don't stop on the iTunes Preview page.
1.) It's an affiliate link.
2.) The link includes "&ls=1"
I would encourage you to go after #1 as there is absolutely no reason to link to iTunes and not affiliate it.

Update the content of the iphone application

I have uploaded some application on the iTunes Connect and its status is "Ready for sale" but now require to change some content of the application on the iTunes Connect like support URL or marketing URL etc.
So its require to add the new version of the application or with in that version i can change the content and if possible then i have done as per it but content is not updated on the live means in the itunes but when i see the iTunes Connect i will find the updated content over there but in real anyone see the app on the App Store then they find the old content only.
So now what all are the steps i require to update the content.
You do not need to add a new version in order to change the metadata. Just update itunesConnect and it will replicate to the app store. This might take a while.
Note that you can not change categories or keywords without resubmitting a new binary.
Select the app icon on itunes and then view detail, and then edit your provided info

Is it possible to find out itunes link for iOS application before it being submitted to appstore?

In my application I need to have one link which is directly conncect to the app store and it is the link of my application on iTunes App Store. Can anyone please let me know how to do it?
When you add the app to iTunes Connect, it gets an Apple ID (a 9 or 10 digit number). You can use a URL of the form<your_id> to link to your app in the store, for example if your Apple ID was 417817520.
The link will only work after the app has been approved of course.
You can now use Short Links:
Just strip all white space from the app name. More in this Apple tech note:
We can generate the app link before the application being submitted to iTunes app store for review.
Here you need to follow the below mentioned steps.
(1) First login to your app store developer account and go to iTunes Connect.
(2) Then go to the option "Manage Your Applications".
(3) Now create new application here and add meta data and all the information about the application like Description, Category, Keywords, Price, etc. which can be edited later. Here you just remaining with the binary submission which you can do after adding the app store link.
(4) After creating your application here from the "Manage Your Application" section, you will get the Application listed. Now you select the app and then in the top menu click on More -> View on App Store.
(5) Now copy the link opened in the browser and that is the link of your application.
- Where appname = name of the application
- id123456789 = it will be the ID of your App
These are the simplest steps to create APP store link before the app being submitted to app store actually.
Let me know if you need more help.
You can just use[your company name]/[your app name].
Both the company name and the app name are without spaces and lowercase.

URL for sending a user to the app review page on device's app store

What's the URL to launch in order to bring the iTunes App Store to the front, and open it to show the Reviews page of an app?
I want to send my users to the "Write a Review" page.
Some other SO answers provided URLs like the one below, but it doesn't seem to work:
Any suggestions for a URL that'll work on iPhone and iPad?
Update: iOS 4.2 seems to have fixed this and links now open the App Store app directly rather than the review page.
This article Dissecting iTunes links explains everything.
Heading straight to a review form
It’s also possible to send someone
straight to the review form for an
Simply replace the ID with your app’s
ID to create a URL for your app.
On a desktop or laptop, this will take
you directly to the review form in
iTunes for the app or item. On an
iPhone or iPod touch, this will open
MobileSafari, then open iTunes or the
App Store app on the reviews page,
leaving the user only one tap away
from writing a review.
To find out an item’s ID, right (Mac &
PC) or control-click (Mac) on a link
to the item in iTunes and select Copy
Link. The result will look something
like this.
The ID is the number in the URL after
It might be worth noting that this URL
was created using iTunes 8. I don't
think there’s a way to create review
links in iTunes 9, so maybe this URL
is being phased out. Use with caution.
Update: #mareMtl has provided an
alternative review link for apps.
Please note that it only works on
iPhone OS devices.
I tried a bunch of different links, this is only one working for me on iPhone AND iPad consistently:
Check out Appirater -
Every time the user launches your app, Appirater will see if they’ve used the app for 30 days and launched it at least 15 times. If they have, they’ll be asked to rate the app, and then be taken to your app’s review page in the App Store.
this works for me:
Am using Appirater for Rating my App
These links in AppiRater
// for ios6 or earlier
NSString *templateReviewURL = #"itms-apps://";
// for ios7
NSString *templateReviewURLiOS7 = #"itms-apps://";
These links works fine .
But takes me to "Details" page of the app .
But it should go to "Ratings and Reviews" page..
suggest me any idea
iTunes has a link maker you can use to get the URL. Tested on my app. It works.
For Requesting for rate and review to user after iOS 10.3+
The SKStoreReviewController allows users to rate an app directly from within the app through a dialog box. The only downsite is that you can only request StoreKit to display the dialog, but can't be sure if it will.
import StoreKit
func requestToRate() {