facebook: Post to a user's wall AS the app - facebook

I would like to know if it is possible to post to a user's wall AS an app. So, my app would be interpreted like a user and writes on the wall of the target user. So far, I only found ways to post to a user's stream as himself with some information of my app attached.
Is this possible? If so, how ? (I am using the PHP and JS SDK)

Yes this is possible but not advisable because Facebook is going to stop this method pretty soon. Basically your app can only publish to a user's own wall in the future.


Posting something that happened to Facebook through an HTML Button

I've looked through several tutorials on using the Facebook API, but none of them address what I'm trying to do.
I'm working on a website for a small college. When the user applies online, they would like it to redirect to a page with a link that will put a post on your Facebook wall that says, "Billy just applied to Awesome State College" with a link to apply and an image of some sort (probably the school's logo).
I guess it would be similar to the way Facebook games throw up posts, saying "Gertrude just clubbed 300 baby seals in 'Clubbing Baby Animals Pro'!" But I wouldn't need to create a whole new Facebook app for this, would I?
Posting on a user's wall requires an access token, which you can get with the help of
one of Facebook SDKs, which will need your app id.
Reference for posting on user's wall:
See section Publishing.
You can use Facebook Javascript SDk as the need is simple:

Allow user to post to friends wall as user (not as app)

Is there a way (perhaps through a rest api or graph api) to allow a user of my application to write on a friends wall without the usual 'on behalf of' or posted by my application? I know many people will not authorize an application that can post on your behalf, but I'd still like my users to be able to easily write on friends walls (without leaving the game page). I'm fine with it not promoting my game in any way - it should look just like it would if done through Facebook's site. I know there is something like this for Google+ using their mobile restful interface. Is this possible for Facebook and if so, how?
No, I don’t think there is a way of doing that. If a user uses an app to create content, then it will show that he used this app.

How to make wall posts made by users on app's facebook page

Is there anything I need to do to make posts users make on their wall via a custom ios application using it's own facebook app id, also appear on app's (facebook app it uses I mean) own facebook page?
I would expect this to appear automatically but it doesn't seem to be the case.
In order to read one's Facebook wall, you need the access token to authenticate reading. This will give you access to all non-public wall posts. From this, you can pass the newly posted content to your page through the feed action.
Reference: http://php-academy.blogspot.com/2011/04/how-to-post-from-facebook-app-to.html
Enjoy and good luck!

How can I log into Facebook as a user from an iPhone app so I can post to their wall?

I have an app that must send a game score to someone's Facebook wall, but I don't know how to sign them in from the app.
Can you sign into facebook using only url parameters or PHP code? Something like: http://facebook.com?login=**myusername**&password=**thepass** using GET OR POST. If so, how?
No. To post to a user's wall on Facebook, you'll need to have them install an app you write with the publish_stream permission, and then you can use the scores endpoint to publish those scores.
No, Facebook would have never coded this as it is quite the security vulnerability for brute forcing users' passwords.
You should take a look at the Facebook API.

How to show a post also on the user stream?

I developed a simple app on Faceobok that posts something on user wall. My issue is that the post isn't seen on wall stream, so he/she will probably never read it.
I developed this app in PHP with Facebook PHP-SDK and to post on user's wall i use: $facebook->api($userId .'/feed/','post',$attachment).
Is it possible to show the post also on user' stream? (Maybe I forget to add a key/value in the attached array...)
Alternatively, is it possible to send a notification to the user in place of post or a notification linking to the wall post?
The post is personalized, so this is why I don't use a facebook page.
Thanks in advance.
Maybe you want to send them an app-to-user request …? http://developers.facebook.com/docs/requests/
But keep in mind that you have to delete these requests yourself, once the user followed them.
Posting on the user stream is not possible (posts are visible just on user's friends stream).
Notification are not allowed, just for requests.