Allow user to post to friends wall as user (not as app) - facebook

Is there a way (perhaps through a rest api or graph api) to allow a user of my application to write on a friends wall without the usual 'on behalf of' or posted by my application? I know many people will not authorize an application that can post on your behalf, but I'd still like my users to be able to easily write on friends walls (without leaving the game page). I'm fine with it not promoting my game in any way - it should look just like it would if done through Facebook's site. I know there is something like this for Google+ using their mobile restful interface. Is this possible for Facebook and if so, how?

No, I don’t think there is a way of doing that. If a user uses an app to create content, then it will show that he used this app.


Facebook Graph Api Is it possible to know, if a user use a specific application, or game

Using Facebook Graph Api, is it possible, for a web site with FB Login implemented, to know if a user use, or have installed, a specific application, or game.
I want to create a community around certain game on facebook, and would use this to prevent non user of the app to register on my site.

is it possible to make a Facebook canvas app that is not a game?

I am interested in creating a canvas app that will work as a communication tool that will use facebook user's friends lists. Is it possible to make a facebook canvas app that is actually a tool and not a game? Or is this agains facebook's policies? I couldn't find a direct answer for this question anywhere, so I thought I would ask here.
Of course you can create Apps too, but you will still not get the full friend list of the user, only those who are using the App (with /me/friends).
You can use taggable_friends to tag friends, But you are not allowed to use those for something else - only for tagging.
According to the Facebook docs, invitable_friends is only for Games - and of course it has to be used for inviting friends only.

Is a third party website allowed to post messages on facebook, on behalf of another site?

So here's my use case:
A user sees a cool product on a shopping website (
They want to share this product with their friends on facebook
They however want to pass the information to an intermediary site ( - that i'm trying to develop), that posts to facebook on my behalf.
My questions:
Is this even allowed by facebook? i.e. can put a widget on, so that a person visiting can share on facebook via
If yes, could you point me to helpful bits on the facebook developers API page?
Just want to clarify: the APIs and most questions/examples on the internet point towards sharing directly from to facebook, by registering as an App with facebook.
I however want to register as an App, and then putting a widget of on any page (such as allows me to share on facebook by passing information to
As far as I know there is no Facebook guidelines that restrict what you want to achieve, so I may safely say that yes, you can create an app so that a person visiting can share on facebook via . I can even mention a well know service that is doing the same, Disqus.
How you can implement this feature is a little up to you but may I suggest what Disqus or apps like it are doing is, they use the JavaScript API of Facebook to integrate and are mostly enabled within an iframe that loads content from their domain. The exchange of information between and is done by the JavaScript loader which loads the necessary iframe then. The other things you would like to check would be Dialogs which you may use for different cases, or you may do it on your own using the FB.api and make API calls to the Graph API for sharing data.

How to use Facebook Application to write a notification to Users

i'm developing an application for a university exam, using Appengine and Gwt (Google products) and i'd like to implement Facebook this way:
- give the ability to a FB user to login to the application through facebook (did this implementing the oAuth2.0 flow, so now i have the user's access token and his permissions)
- since the application is for being notified when a professor publishes some material for his course (this is all handled by appengine), i'd like to notify the user when a professor publishes some material, through a wall post or a note from my application in a way that it writes to the user something about the new published material.
I've been looking through EVERY single resource online, and couldn't find an answer: a lot of similar questions but no answers.
Writing the POST is not a problem, and for the moment i'm trying with the api graph explorer.
I manage to write on the user's wall/note as if he's writing himself or (if the user likes the application) write all the likers a wall post/note (but the same to everyone).
But i don't find a way to send personalized wall posts/notes to every user in response to some specific material published.
FB doesn't allow to do this because is considered spamming?
You can't directly post things to your user's wall as a way of notifying them - wall posts are intended to be things the user posts from within your app (for instance, they find something in your app interesting and choose to share it with their friends, so they click a 'Share' button).
You could try using an App-Generated Request ( This will increment the user's Bookmark Counter, and when they click on it they will enter your app and you can show them the latest news.
OR, you could ask for the 'email' permission for your app, and send the user an email notification when something is new.

Liking a page on behalf of a user?

I'm trying to get a user to 'Like' a page via the SDK. User is signed in and I get a valid access tokken form the cookie. My APP has asked for permissions read_stream and publish_stream. I can successfully do things like post to their wall, etc. But when my APP tries to 'Like' a page, I get the error back:
OAuthException: (#3) Application does not have the capability to make this API call.
Am I missing some other permission, or is there a setting I have to turn on in my APP? I'm at a loss here.
You can't like a Page on behalf of a user (Bugzilla discussion). You can, however, like posts, comments, and photos on behalf of a user.
Edit 7/9/2012
Since bugzilla no long exists, the bug linked above is inaccessible. Google doesn't have a cached version of the page, so I ran another search. The best thing I could come up with was this Google Code Discussion regarding the ActionScript API.
Facebook makes brief mention of Publishing likes via the Graph API in the documentation, but doesn't say one way or another whether you can like a Page on behalf of a user - just "Objects" which (probably arguably) are not "objects" in Facebook-lingo.
My thought is, the API to like page is available, but is only offered to white listed applications (such as, the Facebook iOS and Android applications) written by "special" publishers. There's obvious reasons why Facebook wouldn't want/allow developers to create like connections on the graph. It would be taken advantage of by spammers and other nefarious developers and would deteriorate the meaning of what a "like" represents for a page on Facebook.
My guess is, you'd have to make a pretty strong case to Facebook about why you need/want access to the Page's Like connection (for publishing) before they'd even consider giving you access. I'd also guess that they'd want to verify that you're doing only user initiated like creations (in such a way that the iOS application would handle it) so as to protect the reptutation/meaning of a "like" action.
Actually this is NOT true, but you have to do a complicated Javascript / UIWebView process in order to display a Facebook 'page' of JUST the like button on your view, and this like button you can configure in the JavaScript / Objective-C (using string replacement) to be any Facebook page url you like.
Facebook's platform policies don't allow for a web-based like button aside from using the officially supported options
Those options doesn't require using OAuth or the Open Graph api. However, facebook just added support for mobile apps to send like actions through opengraph.
I'm not sure if they intend to allow sites to customize their like buttons or just apps...
Liking works for me with the iOS SDK using the graph api: