Lauching JRuby from Aptana Studio 3 on Windows XP - windows-xp

I'm running Aptana 3.0.6 on Windows XP
I also have JRuby 1.6.4 installed and the bin directory on my PATH
I'm very confused about how to launch JRuby from the console or by running a script.
Aptana looks for ruby on the PATH, but JRuby is launched with JRuby.
As far as I can tell it is not possible to launch JRuby as Ruby on Windows.
Has anyone found a way of using JRuby in Aptana on Windows?
On a Unix/OSX box I could use rvm to handle this. Pik on windows doesn't help though.

I ran into the same problem. Found a clue in another post on this site. From Linux or Mac, you would just create a sym-link called ruby to your jruby executable and be done with it. Without that benefit in Windows (thanks Bill!), you can create a wrapper script in your jruby bin directory (ruby.bat) that will effectively do the same thing (assuming you already have jruby/bin in your path). It was posted elsewhere as just referencing "jruby". I found I had to include the full path for Aptana to resolve the reference.
#C:\devel\jruby-1.6.5\bin\jruby %*


How to compile something using arm-none-eabi-gcc on windows

I am trying to build a project for a raspberry pi 4, using windows 10 as the building platform, I have the compiler installed, arm-none-eabi-gcc however every piece of information I've learned about it relates to how to run it on a linux machine, and I don't really want to run a vm just to load the linux environment, so how do I run the compiler on windows 10, Do I run it from Cmd? or is there a different method to do this?
You could check this PreBuilt GNU Toolchain for building natively on Win10.
Otherwise you could also setup a WSL environment in your win10, then you would also be able use any linux toolchains.
You can download the IDE DS-5 Community Edition
You can download the toolchains:
Then follow the steps in this tutorial:
You should have the arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe for Windows Compile.
Also, you have the linux environment like MinGW and use installed terminal(xterm).
then, you have to copy the .so files into MinGW /lib or /usr/lib folder under C:/MinGW.
Hope this would be helpful for you.

Vim plugin does not recognize existing Perl support

I've been using the CoqIDE plugin for Vim on Linux machines for editing Coq files. Now I'm trying to install it on Windows 8. But when I try to source the plugin, I get
Your vim doesn't support Perl. Install it before using CoqIDE mode.
which is strange, because with :version I clearly see +perl/dyn included. Is this different from the +perl that I need?
I heard somewhere that you need to have Perl installed before Vim to get a Perl-enabled Vim, so I tried that as well. I uninstalled Vim, installed Strawberry Perl (64bit), and reinstalled Vim. Still the same problem.
If the solution involves manually compiling binaries, I would really appreciate detailed instructions as I don't have any experience with it.
+perl/dyn just specifies that Vim has been compiled with dynamic Perl support; it doesn't yet check that the Perl library can be loaded successfully. To do that, try executing a Perl command, e.g.:
:perl VIM::Msg("Hello")
This probably yields on your system:
E370: Could not load library perl510.dll
Sorry, this command is disabled: the Perl library could not be loaded.
Next, you'd then have to investigate whether a proper Perl version has been installed and the DLL is accessible (though the PATH).
Download DWIMPerl for windows. I'm running win7 64 and gvim 7.4.2. Using strawberryperl and activeperl resulted in :echo has('perl') to yield 0. By switching to DWIMPerl (and ensuring my PATH env variables are proper) :echo has('perl') now yields 1 using the standard gvim distribution. This is important for vim extensions like dbext which require proper support for perl interfaces.

Installing Canopy in OSX and Linux in same home directory

I have a networked home directory, which is used by linux and OSX machines. I want to install the linux and OSX versions of Canopy so that I can use it from any machine.
I first installed the linux version by running the '.sh' file. Despite asking where I wanted to put Canopy, the installer puts most of the stuff in ~/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/. This is a problem because later, when I try to install Canopy in OSX, it just assumes again that Canopy is in ~/Library/Enthought so somethings will be overwritten but other binaries will be kept untouched, and the whole thing doesn't work in OSX or Linux.
Is there a way to force the linux version to be installed somewhere else? From the documentation it seems that it used to be ~/Enthought, but it doesn't work for me.
I suspect the problem is with having your locations.cfg file in ~/.canopy which is shared by both the versions of Canopy. Can you try the following:
Install the Linux version of Canopy and run it.
Remove your ~/.canopy/locations.cfg
Install your OSX version, and see if that works?
When you go back to running your Linux version, it'll again prompt you for install locations for the user environment, where you could select the old Linux install location.
Even if this works, I'm not sure, this would be too convenient. Let me know, how it goes. :)

Compile GTK+ with Cygwin

I have created an application in linux with GTK2 as GUI. It uses some linux-specific headers (e.g. arpa/inet.h) so to run under Windows I have to compile it with Cygwin. I downloaded the latest installer and choose to install GTK2 and its dependencies. My program compiled fine. But it needs X server to be running! I has old-style, ugly graphics and it doesn't open in a different window, like all Windows' applications do, but inside X server's window. Because of this it can't be portable. I found that guide, which is exactly what I need, but I get an error when I run "make" for GTK2 (undefined reference for _IID_IFilePersist, although I have uuid installed - also tried it with gtk2.20). Can you suggest what to do to build my application with cygwin? Or what do I need to install for the "_IID_IFilePersist" error? Thanks in advance!
There's prebuilt packages for windows that doesn't rely on X.
If you don't want X server to be running, then you're going to have to port the linux-specific parts of your code and compile with MinGW rather than Cygwin.

Can't run eclipse on netbook MSi wind! HELP

I just got this MSI wind netbook and tried to run eclipse on it. I installed JDK6 on the netbook already. Whenever I open eclipse there is nothing show up on the screen except a "warning sound" that alerts. What is the problem here?
ps.I just started learning java.
Most likely the Eclipse starter program can't find where you installed Java. Since Eclipse is a Java program, it needs a JRE installed (comes with the JDK typically) to run. Assuming you're running Windows on your MSI Wind, check to make sure the java executable is on your path in your computer environment settings (windows key + printscreen button, or windows key + pause button are the shortcuts to open the computer properties dialog if I remember correctly. Then go to advanced).
You can test if java is on the path by opening a cmd.exe shell window and typing 'java'. If it says it cannot find java, then you need to fix the path.
See this link for additional troubleshooting details:
You could try reinstalling the JDK. Perhaps having it on a different disk than the default (D: versus C:) is causing some trouble? It certainly isn't a problem with the hardware, I'm running Eclipse on Windows on an MSI Wind.
Use "Add/Remove programs" in the control panel to remove the java versions you have installed.
Then visit "" and use it to install Java, and verify that it is working. You do not need more than that to use Eclipse.