import private google fusion table to google docs spreadsheet - urlfetch

I want to build a chart to google fusion table. I know there is an option to do it with fusion table but I need to do that using google spreadsheet.
How do I import a private fusion table to a spreadsheet?
function getdata(authToken) {
query = encodeURIComponent("SELECT * FROM tableid");
var URL = "" + query;
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(URL, {
method: "get",
headers: {
"Authorization": "GoogleLogin auth=" + authToken,
return response.getContentText();
The code above gives me the table headers only.

Don't set each cell individually as in the example below unless you need to process each bit of data. Using this is about 10x faster:
var rows = o.length;
var columns = o[0].length;
cell.offset(<startrow>, <startcolumn>, rows, columns).setValues(o);

After a deep research, finally i figured it out after a deep search and reading here.
This is how it looks for the code google docs spreadsheet app script:
function onOpen()
var tableID = '00000' // Add the table ID of the fusion table here
var email = UserProperties.getProperty('email');
var password = UserProperties.getProperty('password');
if (email === null || password === null) {
email = Browser.inputBox('Enter email');
password = Browser.inputBox('Enter password');
UserProperties.setProperty('password', password);
} else {
email = UserProperties.getProperty('email');
password = UserProperties.getProperty('password');
var authToken = getGAauthenticationToken(email,password);
query = encodeURIComponent("SELECT * FROM tableID");
var URL = "" + query;
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(URL, {
method: "get",
headers: {
"Authorization": "GoogleLogin auth=" + authToken,
var tableData = response.getContentText();
var o = Utilities.parseCsv(response.getContentText());
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var cell = doc.getRange('a1');
var index = 0;
for (var i in o) {
var row = o[i];
var col = 0;
for (var j in row) {
cell.offset(index, col).setValue(row[j]);
function getGAauthenticationToken(email, password) {
password = encodeURIComponent(password);
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("", {
method: "post",
payload: "accountType=GOOGLE&Email=" + email + "&Passwd=" + password + "&service=fusiontables&Source=testing"
var responseStr = response.getContentText();
responseStr = responseStr.slice("Auth=") + 5, responseStr.length);
responseStr = responseStr.replace(/\n/g, "");
return responseStr;
After that you can do whatever you want in the spreadsheet.
BTW, I still think there is a simple way to import a private table into a spreadsheet automaticly.


TypeError: Cannot read property 'getChild' of null - Apps Script

I am a newbie and am trying to use a script to send our school website's feeds
to our Google Chat (Google Workspace for Edu).
I found a code here that works like a charm with the testing Url (,
but returns me an error when I point to our school's website.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'getChild' of null
Here is the code and below the Debug error
// URL of the RSS feed to parse
var RSS_FEED_URL = "";
//"; <- this works!
// Webhook URL of the Hangouts Chat room
var WEBHOOK_URL = " [..]";
// When DEBUG is set to true, the topic is not actually posted to the room
var DEBUG = false;
function fetchNews() {
var lastUpdate = new Date(PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("lastUpdate"));
var lastUpdate = new Date(parseFloat(PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("lastUpdate")) || 0);
Logger.log("Last update: " + lastUpdate);
Logger.log("Fetching '" + RSS_FEED_URL + "'...");
var xml = UrlFetchApp.fetch(RSS_FEED_URL).getContentText();
var document = XmlService.parse(xml);
// var items = document.getRootElement().getChild('channel').getChildren('item').reverse();
var items = document.getRootElement().getChild('channel').getChildren('item').reverse();
Logger.log(items.length + " entrie(s) found");
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var pubDate = new Date(items[i].getChild('pubDate').getText());
var og = items[i].getChild('og');
var title = og.getChild("title").getText();
var description = og.getChild("description").getText();
var link = og.getChild("url").getText();
Logger.log("------ " + (i+1) + "/" + items.length + " ------");
// Logger.log(description);
if(pubDate.getTime() > lastUpdate.getTime()) {
Logger.log("Posting topic '"+ title +"'...");
postTopic_(title, description, link);
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty("lastUpdate", pubDate.getTime());
Logger.log("> " + count + " new(s) posted");
function postTopic_(title, description, link) {
var text = "*" + title + "*" + "\n";
if (description){
text += description + "\n";
text += link;
var options = {
'method' : 'post',
'contentType': 'application/json',
'payload' : JSON.stringify({
"text": text
UrlFetchApp.fetch(WEBHOOK_URL, options);
Thank you in advance for your help!
Debugger errors

Email multiple cells to recipient instead of one email per cell using Apps Script

Currently I'm working on a script that checks values of one column and based on that send email containing information from another column. Everything works perfectly except one thing - it send one email per value and I'd like to send all the values in one email. Can someone please help with the issue ?
const helpsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("ID").getSheetByName('Sheet');
const date = helpsheet.getRange(1,10).getValue();
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("ID2");
const sh = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet2');
const data = sh.getRange('A2:c'+sh.getLastRow()).getValues();
var recipients = 'EMAIL#EMAIL';
var subject = 'SUBJECT';
let overdueValue = r[2];
if (overdueValue > date)
let path = r[0];
to: recipients,
subject: subject,
htmlBody: 'Hi guys ' + path +'!<br><br>Best regards,'
} ```
Of course I can't test this because 1st I don't want a bunch of emails to myself and 2nd I don't have a data set that matches your data, but I'm pretty sure this will do what you want. What I do is build an array of rows that pass the sniff test using the Array push method below. Then when I have all the rows that pass I send one email.
I have edited this post to include functions to create an html table.
function test() {
try {
const helpsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("ID").getSheetByName('Sheet');
const date = helpsheet.getRange(1,10).getValue();
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("ID2");
const sh = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet2');
const data = sh.getRange('A2:c'+sh.getLastRow()).getValues();
var pre = "Hello";
var post = "Best regards";
var recipients = 'EMAIL#EMAIL';
var subject = 'SUBJECT';
var passed = [];
data.forEach( r => {
let overdueValue = r[2];
if (overdueValue > date) {
if( passed.length > 0 ) { // maybe nothing passed the test
var html = createHTMLfile(true);
html = html.concat("<p>"+pre+"</p>");
html = html.concat(createTable(passed));
html = html.concat(createHTMLfile());
html = html.concat("<p>"+post+"</p>");
MailApp.sendEmail( {
to: email,
subject: subject,
htmlBody: html });
catch(err) {
I have added the additional functions to create the table. You are welcome to play with the <style>s.
function createHTMLfile(pre) {
if( pre ) {
return "<html><head><style>table, td { border: thin solid black; border-collapse:collapse; text-align:center }</style></head><body>";
else {
return "</body></html>";
function createTable(data) {
try {
var width = 600/data[0].length;
var table = "<table>";
function addCell(value) {
table = table.concat("<td style=width:"+width+"px>");
table = table.concat(value.toString());
table = table.concat("</td>");
function addRow(row) {
table = table.concat("<tr>");
row.forEach( addCell );
table = table.concat("</tr>");
data.forEach( addRow )
table = table.concat("</table>");
return table;
catch(err) {

I'm trying to send an automated anniversary list. my code returns no errors but is sending no emails

function sendAnniversaryCampaing(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("");// Sheet Url
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");// Make Sure Sheet name matches at the bottom
var templateId = '157YoH_ngoESR-pwNUXfFj0dUwDYXBqOd6RCgB_cJVsQ';// the template doc with placeholders
var cDate = new Date(); //Present Day,
for(var i =2 ;i<=sheet.getLastRow(); i++){
var anDate = sheet.getRange(i,4).getValue(); // Date from SpreadSheet
var name = sheet.getRange(i,2).getValue();
var toMail= sheet.getRange(i,3).getValue();
sendMail(sheet,templateId,name,toMail);//sheet doesn't appear to be used in sendMail() Edited by Cooper.
sheet.getRange(i,5).setValue("Anniversary email sent");
function sendMail(sheet,templateId,name,toMail){
var docId = DriveApp.getFileById(templateId).makeCopy('temp').getId();
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(docId);// the temp copy
var body = doc.getBody();
body.replaceText('#name#',name);// update the temp doc
doc.saveAndClose();// save changes before conversion
var url = ""+docId+"&exportFormat=html";
var param = {
method : "get",
headers : {"Authorization": "Bearer" + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()}
var htmlBody = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,param).getContentText();
var trashed = DriveApp.getFileById(docId).setTrashed(true);// delete temp copy
MailApp.sendEmail(toMail,'Anniversary Campaing'+name,' ' ,{htmlBody : htmlBody});// send to myself to test
Try this:
function sendAnniversaryCampaing(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("");// Sheet Url
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");// Make Sure Sheet name matches at the bottom
var templateId = '157YoH_ngoESR-pwNUXfFj0dUwDYXBqOd6RCgB_cJVsQ';// the template doc with placeholders
var cDate = new Date().valueOf(); //Present Day,
for(var i=2;i<=sheet.getLastRow(); i++){
var anDate=new Date(sheet.getRange(i,4).getValue()).valueOf(); // Date from SpreadSheet
var name=sheet.getRange(i,2).getValue();
var toMail= sheet.getRange(i,3).getValue();
sheet.getRange(i,5).setValue("Anniversary email sent");

How to get the data without breaking the call in the Facebook Graph API?

What I need to do to circumvent this issue, because when I request data for 2 months I already receive this error, when there is a break per day, I have the following call. With Little data works perfect, but when I increase the period the server brings me
User request limit reached","type":"OAuthException","is_transient":true,"code":17,"error_subcode":2446079,"fbtrace_id":"...
function solicitacaoAssicrona(){
var service = getService()
var batch = [{"method": "GET", "relative_url":"v3.2/act_1125789557444919/insights/impressions,reach,frequency,spend,campaign_name,account_name,clicks,cost_per_10_sec_video_view,cpm,cpp?level=campaign&since=2016-03-03&until=2019-03-04&time_increment=1&limit=100"}]
// var batchUrl = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(batch));
// Logger.log(batchUrl);
var url = "" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(batch))
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + service.getAccessToken()
var result = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
// response.forEach(function(resp){
// var resp = JSON.parse(resp.body);
// //Logger.log(JSON.stringify(resp, null, 2));
//// })
// })
I'Ve looked at the documentation, but to the moment without success!
That's the call I have
var metricas = [
var parameters = metricas.join(',');
var url = ' + parameters + '&level=ad&time_range[since]=2019-02-05&time_range[until]=2019-04-05&time_increment=1&limit=200'
It's to do with how much data you can retrieve with batch requests. For longer periods, you should divide it into smaller chunks, sequential to each other, thus retrieving the data needed in multiple requests. Have a look at this example:
From line 88 of the file, you can see how it can be divided in multiple requests.
function dateDelta(dObj, num) {
if (isNaN(num)) {
var dateStart = new Date(dObj);
} else {
var dateStart = new Date(dObj);
var dateStart = new Date(dateStart.setDate(dateStart.getDate() + num));
var dd = dateStart.getDate();
var mm = dateStart.getMonth()+1; //January is 0!
var yyyy = dateStart.getFullYear();
var dateStart = yyyy + "-" + mm + "-" + dd;
return dateStart;
var gStartDate = new Date(request.dateRange.startDate);
var gStartDate = new Date(dateDelta(gStartDate, -1));
var gEndDate = new Date(request.dateRange.endDate);
var gEndDate = new Date(dateDelta(gEndDate, +1));
var gRange = Math.ceil(Math.abs(gEndDate - gStartDate) / (1000 * 3600 * 24));
var gBatches = Math.ceil(gRange / 92);
if (gBatches < 2) {
var batch = [{"method": "GET", "relative_url": request.configParams.pageID + "/insights/page_fans,page_impressions,page_post_engagements?since=" + dateDelta(gStartDate) + "&until=" + dateDelta(gEndDate)}];
} else {
batch = [];
var iterRanges = gRange / gBatches;
for (i = 0; i < gBatches; i++) {
var iterStart = dateDelta(gStartDate, (iterRanges * i));
if (i == (gBatches - 1)) {
var iterEnd = dateDelta(gEndDate);
} else {
var iterEnd = dateDelta(gStartDate, (iterRanges * (i + 1)) + 1);
batch.push({"method": "GET", "relative_url": request.configParams.pageID + "/insights/page_fans,page_impressions,page_post_engagements?since=" + iterStart + "&until=" + iterEnd})
// Fetch the data with UrlFetchApp
var url = "" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(batch))

Reference Cell for Email Address

First code is what I am currently using, I am trying to get my email address to reference in a cell. I've found another script that does this but when I try to combine them, it doesn't work.
function getGoogleSpreadsheetAsExcel(){
try {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var url = ""
+ ss.getId() + "&exportFormat=xlsx";
var params = {
method : "get",
headers : {"Authorization": "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()},
muteHttpExceptions: true
var blob = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params).getBlob();
blob.setName(ss.getName() + ".xlsx");
MailApp.sendEmail("Email Address Here", "Subject Here", "Body of Email
Here", {attachments: [blob]});
} catch (f) {
And trying to combine this to it to reference cells for me instead of edited the script.
function sendEmails() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(sheet.getSheetByName('Email Test'))
var startRow = 2; // First row of data to process
var numRows = 2; // Number of rows to process
// Fetch the range of cells A2:B3
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, 2)
// Fetch values for each row in the Range.
var data = dataRange.getValues();
for (i in data) {
var row = data[i];
var emailAddress = row[0]; // First column
var message = row[1]; // Second column
var subject = "Sending emails from a Spreadsheet";
MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message);
Again both work on there own, but wont work when combined.
This is what I have compiled and it does send the email and attachement, but just to myself, no other recipients. Needing at least it to go to 6 other people at once.
function getGoogleSpreadsheetAsExcel(){
try {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var url = ""
+ ss.getId() + "&exportFormat=xlsx";
var params = {
method : "get",
headers : {"Authorization": "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()},
muteHttpExceptions: true
var blob = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params).getBlob();
blob.setName(ss.getName() + ".xlsx");
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
SpreadsheetApp.setActiveSheet(sheet.getSheetByName('Email Test'))
var startRow = 2; // First row of data to process
var numRows = 2; // Number of rows to process
// Fetch the range of cells A2:B3
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, 2)
// Fetch values for each row in the Range.
var data = dataRange.getValues();
for (i in data) {
var row = data[i];
var emailAddress = row[0]; // First column
var message = row[1]; // Second column
var subject = "Sending emails from a Spreadsheet";
MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message, {attachments: [blob]});
catch (f) {