Entity Framework Detach an entity and the related entities gone - entity-framework

When I use Entity Framework, I want to query out a record in a context and add it to another context with the same schema, after query out the record, I detach it from the context, but the related entities are all away, is there any way to solve it?
Thanks in advance!

This is "by design". EF can detach entities only one by one but in the same time EF doesn't support object graphs composed of attached and detached entities. Because of that when you detach entity it will break all relations to the rest of attached object graph. Detaching whole object graph is currently not supported but you can vote for this feature on Data UserVoice.
As a workaround you can turn off lazy loading on your context, use eager loading described by #CodeWarrior to load exactly data you need to pass to other context. Once you have data loaded serialize them to stream and immediately deserialize them to the new instance of the object graph. This is the way how to make deep clone of entity graph which is detached but has all relations intact (turning lazy loading off is needed otherwise serialization will load all other navigation properties as well which can result in much bigger object graph then expected). The only requirement is that your entities must be serializable by serializer of your choice (be aware of circular references which usually require some special handling or additional attributes on your entities).

Are you asking how to load the child entities? If so, you can do eager loading with the .Include method. Given a Person class and a PhoneNumber class where Person has a collection of PhoneNumber, you could do the following:
List<Person> People = db.People.Where(p => p.Name = "Henry")
Or you can do what is called explicit loading where you load your entities and call the .Load method on the collections of child and related entities that you want to load. Generally you do this when you do not have LazyLoading enabled (and LazyLoading is enabled by default in 4.0+ don't recall in previous versions).
Regardless of how you query and load them, you will have to detach entities that you want to attach to a different context.
Here is a link to a pretty good MSDN article on loading entities.


EF Load Multiple Entity References in one call to Load()

Using EF6.
I have a list of entity items that are detached from a dbContext. I'd like to explicit load several of the entities related to them, sometimes with through 2 or 3 levels of navigation.
I'd also like to do all this object graph loading in a single DB call if possible.
If its not possible with explicit loading techniques, I will just re-query the database for those specific item Ids and use eager loading at that point (since there is no other state I need to worry about at this point).

How entity framework track the loaded entities? what are their life cycle?

I am relatively new to entity framework, all the documents or books I can find are talking about how to use the framework, or which model should be used, but short of explanation how the framework works in depth.
For instance, when I load the entities from the database via either LINQ query or framework methods, are those entities thread safe? In another words can they be shared with other threads? If so how EF controls the consistency?
When control goes out of context, are those entities gone or still in memory? After .SaveChanges are those entities gone? What is the life cycle?
Can an expert in EF explain the above points in details please.
Thanks in advance.
The life cycle of loaded entities is more-or-less tied to that of the Entity Context which loaded them. Hence in many examples you will see:
using (var ctx = new Context())
// ... do work
} // The context gets disposed here.
Once the context is disposed (at the end of the using statement, e.g.), you should no longer treat entities that were loaded inside the context as if you can load additional information from them. For example, don't try accessing navigation properties on them. To avoid problems, I usually find it best to create a DTO that has only the exact data that I expect people to be able to use, and have that be the only value that leaves the using statement.
using (var ctx = new Context())
var q = from p in ctx.People
select new PersonSummary{Name = p.Name, Email = p.Email};
return q.ToList(); // This will fully evaluate the query,
// leaving you with plain PersonSummary objects.
Entity Contexts are not thread-safe, so you shouldn't be trying to load navigation properties and such from multiple threads for objects tied to the same context, even within the context's lifecycle.
For instance, when I load the entities from the database via either LINQ query or framework methods, are those entities thread safe? In
another words can they be shared with other threads? If so how EF
controls the consistency?
The ObjectContext class is not tread safe. You must have one object context per thread or to create you own thread synchronization process. This way the consistency is managed by the ObjectContext since it tracks all the objects' state.
When control goes out of context, are those entities gone or still in memory? After .SaveChanges are those entities gone? What is the life
ObjectContext class inherit from IDisposable interface so you can, and should, use USING statement when using Entity Framework. This way they're gone after you close the using statement. If you DO NOT dispose the context they keep being tracked, only their states are changed. Disposing ObjectContext instances will also make sure that the database connection is properly disposed and you are not leaking database connections.
So, the big question is:
Where and when should EF live?
Theses ORM should be treated as the Unit of Work pattern, that is, the ORM object should live until the business task is done.
In my specific scenarios I use an IoC container like Windsor that does the heavy lifting for me. In an ASP.NET MVC app for example, Windsor can create a Context per Web Request. With this you don't have to write a lot of using statements throughout your code. You can read more about it here:
Windsor Tutorial - Part Seven - Lifestyles
Here's a link that explains it in more details directly from the guy that helps build the framework at Microsoft:
Entity Framework Object Context Life Cycle compared to Linq to Sql Data Context Life Cycle
You can write a test application to observe the behavior of the context tracker.
If you retrieve an entity from a context, then dispose of that context, then create a new instance of the context and attempt to save a change to the entity you retrieved earlier, it will complain that it is already tracking an entity with that ID.

Aggregate Root support in Entity Framework

How can we tell Entity Framework about Aggregates?
when saving an aggregate, save entities within the aggregate
when deleting an aggregate, delete entities within the aggregate
raise a concurrency error when two different users attempt to modify two different entities within the same aggreate
when loading an aggregate, provide a consistent point-in-time view of the aggregate even if there is some time delay before we access all entities within the aggregate
(Entity Framework 4.3.1 Code First)
EF provides features which allows you defining your aggregates and using them:
This is the most painful part. EF works with entity graphs. If you have an entity like Invoice and this entity has collection of related InvoiceLine entities you can approach it like aggregate. If you are in attached scenario everything works as expected but in detached scenario (either aggregate is not loaded by EF or it is loaded by different context instance) you must attach the aggregate to context instance and tell it exactly what did you changed = set state for every entity and independent association in object graph.
This is handled by cascade delete - if you have related entities loaded, EF will delete them but if you don't you must have cascade delete configured on the relation in the database.
This is handled by concurrency tokens in the database - most commonly either timestamp or rowversion columns.
You must either use eager loading and load all data together at the beginning (= consistent point of view) or you will use lazy loading and in such case you will not have consistent point of view because lazy loading will load current state of relations but it will not update other parts of aggregate you have already loaded (and I consider this as performance killer if you try to implement such refreshing with EF).
I wrote GraphDiff specifically for this purpose. It allows you to define an 'aggregate boundary' on update by providing a fluent mapping. I have used it in cases where I needed to pass detached entity graphs back and forth.
For example:
// Update method of repository
public void Update(Order order)
context.UpdateGraph(order, map => map
.OwnedCollection(p => p.OrderItems);
The above would tell the Entity Framework to update the order entity and also merge the collection of OrderItems. Mapping in this fashion allows us to ensure that the Entity Framework only manages the graph within the bounds that we define on the aggregate and ignores all other properties. It supports optimistic concurrency checking of all entities. It handles much more complicated scenarios and can also handle updating references in many to many scenarios (via AssociatedCollections).
Hope this can be of use.

Entity Framework Service Layer Update POCO

I am using the Service Layer --> Repository --> Entity Framework (Code-First) w/POCO objects approach, and I am having a hard time with updating entities.
I am using AutoMapper to map my Domain Objects to my View Models and that works good for getting the data, no how do I get that changes back into the database?
Using pure POCO objects, I would assume that there is no sort of change tracking, so I see my only option is to handle it myself. Do you just make sure that your View Models have the EXACT same properties as your Domain Objects? What if I just change a field or two on the View Model? Won't the rest of the fields on the Domain Object get overwritten in the database with default values?
With that said, what is the best approach?
So what I am stumbling on is this, lets take for example a simple Customer:
1) The Controller has a service, CustomerService, that calls the services GetCustmoerByID method.
2) The Service calls into the CustomerRepository and retrieves the Customer object.
3) Controller uses AutoMapper to map the Customer to the ViewModel.
4) Controller hands the model to the View. Everything is great!
Now in the view you do some modifications of the customer and post it back to the controller to persist the changes to the database.
I would assume at this point the object is detached. So should the model have the EXACT same properties as the Customer object? And do you have to make hidden fields for each item that you do not want to show, so they can persist back?
How do you handle saving the object back to the database? What happens if your view/model only deals with a couple of the fields on the object?
If you're using EF Code First, i.e: the DbContext API, then you still do have change tracking which is taken care of by your context class.
after making changes to your objects, all you have to do is call SaveChanges() on your context and that will persist the changes to your database.
Since you are creating a "copy" of the entity using AutoMapper, then it's no longer attached to your context.
I guess what you could do is something similar to what you would in ASP.NET MVC (with UpdateModel). You can get the original entity from your context, take your ViewModel (which may contain changed properties) and update the old entity, either manually (just modified properties), or using AutoMapper. And then persist the changes using context.SaveChanges().
Another solution would be to send the model entity as [part of] the ViewModel. This way, you'll have your entity attached to the container and change tracking will still work.
Hope this helps :)
You are absolutely right that with a detached object you are responsible for informing the context about changes in your detached entity.
The basic approach is just set the entity as modified. This works for scalar and complex properties but it doesn't work for navigation properties (except FK relations) - for further reading about problems with navigation properties check this answer (it is related to EFv4 and ObjectContext API but same problems are with DbContext API). The disadvantage of this approach is that all fields in DB will be modified. If you just want to modify single field you still have to correctly fill others or your database record will be corrupted.
There is a way to explicitly define which fields have changed. You will set the modified state per property instead of whole entity. It is little bit harder to solve this on generic approach but I tried to show some way for EFv4 and for EFv4.1.
I agree with #AbdouMoumen that it's much simpler to use the model entities at the view level. The service layer should provide an API to persist those entities in the data store (db). The service layer shouldn't dumbly duplicate the repository lawyer (ie: Save(entity) for every entity) but rather provide a high level save for an aggregate of entities. For instance, you could have a Save(order) in the service layer which results in updating more basic entities like inventory, customer, account.

Ado Entity Framework when should you use attach/detach

In ADO.net EF, when should you call the context.Attach() and the context.Detach() methods and how do these calls affect the data being returned or being inserted?
This is one of those questions where, "If you have to ask, you probably should not be doing it." The Entity Framework will implicitly attach entities in cases where it is obvious that this needs to happen. You really only ever need to explicitly attach and detach entities in cases where you are using more than one ObjectContext at once. Because this can be quite confusing, due to the implicit attachment which happens in the course of normal Entity Framework operations, I strongly recommend that people new to the Entity Framework use only one ObjectContext at a time. If you do this, you should never need to explicitly call Attach or Detach.
Calling, say, Attach does not really affect the data returned, insofar as it's scaler properties are concerned. But if it refers to other entities which are already loaded into the context into which it is attached, then these properties will be pre-populated without explicit loading. That said, entities returned from a query are already attached, so you cannot attach them.
Attaching Objects (Entity Framework)
Detaching Objects (Entity Framework)