Entity Framework Service Layer Update POCO - entity-framework

I am using the Service Layer --> Repository --> Entity Framework (Code-First) w/POCO objects approach, and I am having a hard time with updating entities.
I am using AutoMapper to map my Domain Objects to my View Models and that works good for getting the data, no how do I get that changes back into the database?
Using pure POCO objects, I would assume that there is no sort of change tracking, so I see my only option is to handle it myself. Do you just make sure that your View Models have the EXACT same properties as your Domain Objects? What if I just change a field or two on the View Model? Won't the rest of the fields on the Domain Object get overwritten in the database with default values?
With that said, what is the best approach?
So what I am stumbling on is this, lets take for example a simple Customer:
1) The Controller has a service, CustomerService, that calls the services GetCustmoerByID method.
2) The Service calls into the CustomerRepository and retrieves the Customer object.
3) Controller uses AutoMapper to map the Customer to the ViewModel.
4) Controller hands the model to the View. Everything is great!
Now in the view you do some modifications of the customer and post it back to the controller to persist the changes to the database.
I would assume at this point the object is detached. So should the model have the EXACT same properties as the Customer object? And do you have to make hidden fields for each item that you do not want to show, so they can persist back?
How do you handle saving the object back to the database? What happens if your view/model only deals with a couple of the fields on the object?

If you're using EF Code First, i.e: the DbContext API, then you still do have change tracking which is taken care of by your context class.
after making changes to your objects, all you have to do is call SaveChanges() on your context and that will persist the changes to your database.
Since you are creating a "copy" of the entity using AutoMapper, then it's no longer attached to your context.
I guess what you could do is something similar to what you would in ASP.NET MVC (with UpdateModel). You can get the original entity from your context, take your ViewModel (which may contain changed properties) and update the old entity, either manually (just modified properties), or using AutoMapper. And then persist the changes using context.SaveChanges().
Another solution would be to send the model entity as [part of] the ViewModel. This way, you'll have your entity attached to the container and change tracking will still work.
Hope this helps :)

You are absolutely right that with a detached object you are responsible for informing the context about changes in your detached entity.
The basic approach is just set the entity as modified. This works for scalar and complex properties but it doesn't work for navigation properties (except FK relations) - for further reading about problems with navigation properties check this answer (it is related to EFv4 and ObjectContext API but same problems are with DbContext API). The disadvantage of this approach is that all fields in DB will be modified. If you just want to modify single field you still have to correctly fill others or your database record will be corrupted.
There is a way to explicitly define which fields have changed. You will set the modified state per property instead of whole entity. It is little bit harder to solve this on generic approach but I tried to show some way for EFv4 and for EFv4.1.

I agree with #AbdouMoumen that it's much simpler to use the model entities at the view level. The service layer should provide an API to persist those entities in the data store (db). The service layer shouldn't dumbly duplicate the repository lawyer (ie: Save(entity) for every entity) but rather provide a high level save for an aggregate of entities. For instance, you could have a Save(order) in the service layer which results in updating more basic entities like inventory, customer, account.


Entity Framework 6 AsNoTracking<TEntity>(), but for a single entity

I'm working on a unit of work and repository set-up for Entity Framework, where I want to make sure only changed entities, that have been through an Update method on the repository, are actually saved to the database.
The IQueryable extension, AsNoTracking, makes sure that all entities fetched from the IDbSet are not being tracked, but if I want to read a single entity, by it's primary key (using Find()), there seems to be no way to make sure the entity isn't tracked?
I don't want to Detach/Attach, as that ruins the options to, lazily, fetch complex properties.
What am I missing?
Find has no AsNoTracking. That's because Find first tries to find the requested entity in the (tracked!) context cache (the state manager). It goes to the database if it's not there, so for a subsequent second time Find it doesn't have to do this roundtrip again.
So, Find is all about tracked entities.
Use Single(OrDefault) (+ AsNoTracking) if you want to get one entity without tracking.

Hiding certain properties of EF generated entity classes

I'm using the Database-first EF model, and use breezeJs for the client-side data management.
Let's say I have a table [User] in my database, with a field called 'AccessCode'. I want to expose the User object through breeze to the clientside, but do not want to expose the AccessCode property. As far as I know, I have the following options:
Make the AccessCode property on the EF generated entity class
Create a DTO and omnit the AccessCode property. DTO is
exposed to the client side.
2nd option doesn't work well with breeze, since we should be able to add/modify the User object directly from clientside.
Is there anything wrong with the first option? My concern is that if we make the property internal, the change will be wiped the next time the model is updated. I know if we want to enforce validations, we can use partial classes with the entity class, but we can't do that here.
What would be the best way to achieve the data-hiding here?
DTOs are almost always the right answer when you want to hide pieces of data from different layers.

how can i know when a self-tracking entity has been changed?

I have been working with the Entity Framework + Self-Tracking entities, and came out with a problem:
Is there any way to determine when an entity has been changed??
For example: If you have an entity User with two fields: Name and Password, you can know if an User instance has been changed making:
<user>.ChangeTracker.State != ObjectState.Unchanged;
My problem is when the User has a Person, and the person has a field Email. I want that if the email field is changed, then the corresponding User is changed too.
I have been trying with methods such as: <user>.StartTrackingAll(); but this does not work with navigation properties (or maybe i am doing something wrong). Some help about this can be found here.
Remember that the Self tracking entities are autogenerated via T4 templates, so the clases can't be modified.
First when wanting to know if any entity in a so-called object graph has changed you can recurse through all entities contained in trackable collections or one-to-one navigation properties of a root entity (user in your case). This way you can know if a person inside the root entity has changed. This is actually how I check complex object graphs for any changes in any of the contained entities. But also for checking out if any of these entities have critical validation errors (so the user can't persist them yet).
Remember that the Self tracking entities are autogenerated via T4 templates, so the clases can't be modified.
Not true. First of all you can modify the T4 template to generate more (complex) code to achieve the things you want. And second, it generates partial classes which can easily be extended with custom (non-generated) code.
If you change the email in the Person instance only that instance is correctly marked as modified. That is absolutely correct behaviour. What do you expect? Do you expect that change to property in related entity will propagate changed state to relations? That would make STEs completely useless because any single change to entity graph would make all entities in the graph modified and each this modification causes additional roundtrip to the database.
If you want to set User as modified when you are changing email simply create some method or handle some event and call person.User.MarkAsModified()

MVC2 Poco Update when properties are not mapped to View Model

I'm after some opinions \ best practice for handling updates to my repository in the following scenario:
I am using EF 4 with the POCO tt templates which creates nice clean clr objects.
For example's sake lets say I have a POCO object name Customer and a ViewModel called CustomerViewModel. CustomerViewModel has a public property for the Customer object which is populated with the POCO Customer object.The view references the Customer object on the CustomerViewModel. So far so good. Everything is displayed as expected.
When it comes time to update the CustomerViewModel is passed back and only the properties that were bound to the view are populated, fair enough.
What I have now is a POCO object that is missing some of the property values which are needed to update via the EF data context. For example, since I did not display the ID in the view, it was not hydrated back into the view model's Customer property. Not really surprising behaviour but I am wondering what the best way to handle this scenario is.
So here is the question:
Would it be better to map the properties that i don't display into hidden fields so that I have the complete POCO object on postback which is ready for updating to the Repository? (I'm thinking there is needles sending of data to and from the client here)
OR should I do a read of Customer before my update(assuming I have the ID) and then update the properties from my view model object. ( is this a needles read on the database ?).
OR is there another may altogether that I am missing.
I realise that maybe there is no one correct answer for this but I'd be interested to hear how others are handling this scenario.
I'm going to answer my own question here... maybe it was a silly question but the act of writing it out has made the answer more obvious..
The first option of populating hidden fields is a bad idea for too many reasons!! So I think I'll have to go with doing a read of the customer object on the post back and calling.
TryUpdateModel(customer, "Customer");
Where customer is the freshly read Customer and "Customer" is the property name on the view model.
It seems that this results in more data access than in a classic ASP where the object could have been shoved (rightly or wrongly) into Session !
Anyone care to add their 2c ?

How to get Entity Framework and MVVM to play nicely together?

I'm would like to use both EF and MVVM and am trying to see how they fit together. I can't find much in the way of examples so hope you guys can answer a few questions.
Let's say I have a single table in a database called Customer. I run the EF designer and get a data model.
The next step is to run some linq to get data out of the data model. Let's create a new class called CustomerRepository to do this.
Now I'm guessing the Model would call CustomerRepository.GetCustomers to get a list of customers.
Here is my question - CustomerModel has a list of customer objects that were defined by EF in the data model. How do I add validation attributes or any kind of validation to it?
There just seems to be a bit of a disconnect between EF and MVVM. I'm sure some of you have hit this before - any ideas? Any better ways of approaching this?
The validation, the business rules, the presentation of your Customer object should live in the ViewModel that will serve as a controller or presenter for your View.
In terms of how to create that ViewModel, you have a couple of options:
Include the Model as a property of the VM, and pass the model instance into the VM's constructor. You can then expose the Customer's properties and just wire them through to the underlying Model's corresponding properties.
Generate a ViewModel using T4 templates and Reflection (or preferably Introspection) to 'read' the Model, and generate the properties that will map directly to it.
Now you can add custom validation rules to the VM, such that when the appropriate command is sent from the View you can perform your business rules, and if appropriate you can update the Model using EF's API to persist those changes back to the database...