Facebook SDK fan page app issue - facebook

In the last couple of days I've been building a new Facebook app that lets a user add a PHP CMS to their fan page that lets them build a full 'minisite' without any design or programming knowledge.
But, when I try to get the current page ID that the app is installed on, I don't get anything.
I'm using both HTTP and HTTPS, but I get nothing from either of them.
The code I'm trying to pull the data with is:
require "src/facebook.php";
$app_id = “MY APP ID”;
$app_secret = “MY APP SECRET”;
$facebook = new Facebook(array(‘appId’ => $app_id,
‘secret’ => $app_secret,
‘cookie’ => true));
$signed_request = $facebook->getSignedRequest();
$page_id = $signed_request["page"]["id"];
$page_admin = $signed_request["page"]["admin"];
$like_status = $signed_request["page"]["liked"];
$country = $signed_request["user"]["country"];
$locale = $signed_request["user"]["locale"];
echo "<br>". $pageid;
echo "<br>". $page_admin;
echo "<br>". $like_status;
And im having these error messages:
Notice: Use of undefined constant “247517918644221” - assumed '“247517918644221”' in /home/hazvuv/hazvuvp.com/why/index.php on line 6
Notice: Use of undefined constant “d7750be2ef0934bea4e2e8fe65a42a2a” - assumed '“d7750be2ef0934bea4e2e8fe65a42a2a”' in /home/hazvuv/hazvuvp.com/why/index.php on line 7
Notice: Use of undefined constant ‘appId’ - assumed '‘appId’' in /home/hazvuv/hazvuvp.com/why/index.php on line 9
Notice: Use of undefined constant ‘secret’ - assumed '‘secret’' in /home/hazvuv/hazvuvp.com/why/index.php on line 10
Notice: Use of undefined constant ‘cookie’ - assumed '‘cookie’' in /home/hazvuv/hazvuvp.com/why/index.php on line 11
Notice: Undefined index: appId in /home/hazvuv/hazvuvp.com/why/src/base_facebook.php on line 213
Notice: Undefined index: secret in /home/hazvuv/hazvuvp.com/why/src/base_facebook.php on line 214
Notice: Undefined variable: pageid in /home/hazvuv/hazvuvp.com/why/index.php on line 22
What am i doing wrong?

Your script has unicode quotes and double quotes and PHP does not recognize them. See ‘ vs ' and ” vs ". It is hard to tell but they are different. Go through the code and replace the unicode quotes/double quotes with ascii quotes manually typed from you keyboard.

replace quotations marks (“ ” ‘ ’) with regular quotes (' and ")


Error: ' Can't use string ("") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" ' in combination with google recaptcha v2. Works on local machine but not on webhost

I am very new to Perl and was just assigned the quick task to change the reCAPTCHA to reCAPTCHA v2.
On my local machine this works fine, however when I push the new version of the login form to the webhost, the form does not seem to work. I get the following error:
AH01215: Can't use string ("") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at login_new.cgi line 68, line 1.: [........]
The code snippet is based on the documentation I found here: https://metacpan.org/pod/Captcha::reCAPTCHA::V2
And according to the error log my error is somewhere in here (line 68):
if ($submit) {
my $response = $cgi->param('g-recaptcha-response');
my $result = $captcha->verify($captcha_private_key, $response );
if ($result->{success}) # This is line 68
This is quite confusing to me, especially since it is working on my local machine. Could you please help? Best regards and thank you in advance!
The Verify Function has a bug. I just looked at the implementation. in case that "$res" isn't 'successful' it wont give you back the wanted hash reference.
As a quick workaround I would check if your my $result is equal to "" if thats the case the verify function failed.
In the long run you should probably submit that bug to the creator of the module.
disclaimer: I havent downloaded the module and just looked at the source without actually trying my workaround so take it with a grain of salt and try it in a safe environment first
sub verify {
my ($self, $secret, $response, $remoteip) = #_;
# ... more code here, removed for better readability
my $res = $self->{ua}->post_form(
if ($res->{success}) {
my $content = decode_json $res->{content};
if ($content->{success}){
return { success => 1 };
} else {
return { success => 0, error_codes => $content->{'error-codes'} };

Perl CGI script print (utf-8 encoded - japanese html) over http (apache httpd) getting truncated

Environment settings
OS : RHEL 6.6 (kernel 2.6.32) - x86_64
httpd : httpd-2.2.15-39
perl : 5.10.1-136
I am using a static html page with Perl-CGI defined variables in the static html. This html is read in through perl, and then passed to a perl CGI script for eval.
While reading the static html, I am using UTF-8 encoding like
open( IN ,"<:encoding(UTF-8)", $file_path )
After reading the status HTML page, the output is passed back to the CGI script through a variable and then pressed in to eval to evaluate the variables.
Finally, the eval(uated) output from CGI is print which can be read through http daemon.
In the CGI script I am using
binmode(STDIN, ':encoding(UTF-8)');
binmode(STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)');
The static HTML looks something like this
When I check the output of print in the CGI script, I see the complete output as desired, like this
However on the Browser, the hidden input fields are getting truncated in an unwanted manner. Like this
When I checked the wireshark output for the text/html, which is being printed back from the server to the browser, this is also getting truncated.
Like this
The HTML header has proper Content-Type and charset declaration.
The same code is working fine with EN language
The same code is working fine with zh(chinese) language as well.
When the language is set to japanese in the browser, and we read from HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE that it is 'ja', than we print the japanese specific data.
We are not using cgid module of apache.
Are we supposed to use some special encoding for japanese language??
Or it is a double encoding issue. I have tried removing the encoding when I am reading the static html file, however, that also did not help.
The same code is working fine with RHEL 5.x (2.6.18-308), and perl-CGI-Session (4.42-2), perl (5.8.8-38) httpd (2.2.3-63), there was no perl-CGI in RHEL-5.x.
I kind of found the solution to the problem. In our code we used to add a data in the CGI::Session object, which had the language. In the following form
$session->param( KEY_SESSION_LANG, $code ).
Where $session is a CGI::Session object and KEY_SESSION_LANG is 'language' and $code is something that we get from HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE. When we see 'en' we used to set it as perl constant 'en', when we got 'ja' we used to set it as perl constant 'ja'.
When we used to form the session object we used to get a session file as (perl version RHEL 5.x (2.6.18-308) & perl-CGI-Session-4.42-2 ) for JA language we used to get the following in the cgi file
cat cgisess_e31c8d21af82b59fd064babc7ca25c01
$D = {'_SESSION_ID' => 'e31c8d21af82b59fd064babc7ca25c01','_SESSION_ETIME' => 6000,'language' => 'ja','permit' => 'yes','_SESSION_REMOTE_ADDR' => '','_SESSION_CTIME' => 1441090386,'execute' => 'yes','_SESSION_ATIME' => 1441090387,'_SESSION_EXPIRE_LIST' => {}};*a = \undef;;$D
For perl CGI Session in RHEL 6.6 this is coming out to be
cat cgisess_e31c8d21af82b59fd064babc7ca25c01
$D = {'_SESSION_ID' => 'e31c8d21af82b59fd064babc7ca25c01','_SESSION_ETIME' => 6000,'language' => *a,'permit' => 'yes','_SESSION_REMOTE_ADDR' => '','_SESSION_CTIME' => 1441090386,'execute' => 'yes','_SESSION_ATIME' => 1441090387,'_SESSION_EXPIRE_LIST' => {}};*a = \undef;;$D
language data for ja is becoming *a. The same is also reflected when we use perl dumper for getting in memory data.
I checked the /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/CGI/Session.pm and it had following information in it
=head1 A Warning about UTF8
Trying to use UTF8 in a program which uses CGI::Session has lead to problems. See RT#21981 and RT#28516.
In the first case the user tried "use encoding 'utf8';" in the program, and in the second case the user tried "$dbh->do(qq|set names 'utf8'|);".
Until this problem is understood and corrected, users are advised to avoid UTF8 in conjunction with CGI::Session.
For details, see: http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=28516 (and ...id=21981).
This document is also available in Japanese.
Now when I used the perl dumper following things happened. I quote below from my offical analysis presented on our local development portal
I think the problem is because of perl-CGI-Session OSS package, please see the analysis below.
Some inputs from the CGI session source code.
## Inputs ##
From the file /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/CGI/Session.pm
## Following are the status of CGI session, set internally after modification to any of the parameters ##
sub STATUS_NEW () { 1 } # denotes session that's just created
sub STATUS_MODIFIED () { 2 } # denotes session that needs synchronization
sub STATUS_DELETED () { 4 } # denotes session that needs deletion
sub STATUS_EXPIRED () { 8 } # denotes session that was expired.
--snip --
I::Session - persistent session data in CGI applications
# Object initialization:
use CGI::Session;
$session = new CGI::Session();
$CGISESSID = $session->id();
We are setting the "language" parameter in the session object. (We create a CGI object, set cookie to it, to get sid, and through sid get the session object). For setting up the language parameter we do
$session->param( 'language', ); ---> language_value = en(english) or ja(japanese). When we have completed the printing of the HTML page in /opt/packageManager/pm_gui/cgi/status.cgi file, I checked the cgi session object it is as follows
For EN Language
Before executing session flush
[09/10/2015 16:13:41] [23722] <ERROR> status.cgi : 267 :
$VAR1 = bless( {
'_STATUS' => 2,
'_DATA' => {
'_SESSION_ETIME' => 6000,
'_SESSION_ID' => '995d11334f2c39b95b3fdb86cecd9655',
'permit' => 'yes',
'language' => 'en',
Then after this when I flush the session as $session->flush() and check the session object it is
[09/10/2015 16:13:41] [23722] <ERROR> status.cgi : 270 :
$VAR1 = bless( {
'_STATUS' => 0,
'_DATA' => {
'_SESSION_ETIME' => 6000,
'_SESSION_ID' => '995d11334f2c39b95b3fdb86cecd9655',
'permit' => 'yes',
'language' => 'en',
Inference 1: session status changed after doing flush. This is good, and should be done.
For JP Language
Before executing session flush
[09/10/2015 16:14:54] [31910] status.cgi : 267 :
$VAR1 = bless( {
'_STATUS' => 2,
'_DATA' => {
'_SESSION_ID' => '1cd1b7860af4c71264f3969fe74e7a44',
'_SESSION_ETIME' => 6000,
'language' => *a
Then after this, when I flush the session as $session->flush() and check the session object it is NOT THERE. SCRIPT CRASHES HERE IT SELF
Inference 2 : Doing flush with language JP, is terminating the session, and that is why the session gets destroyed. And that is why, ending data in response is truncated
Due to the wrong value being set in memory, in session object, and then the implicit flush by CGI session is failing on the disk. Which results in termination of the session object, and in between termination of session, and and data loss of HTML.
I checked the actual code in sessions.pm file and it seems to be coming in from here
sub param {
my ($self, #args) = #_;
# USAGE: $s->param($name, $value);
# USAGE: $s->param($name1 => $value1, $name2 => $value2 [,...]);
# DESC: updates one or more **public** records using simple syntax
if ((#args % 2) == 0) {
my $modified_cnt = 0;
while (my ($name, $val) = each %args) {
if ( $name =~ m/^_SESSION_/) {
carp "param(): attempt to write to private parameter";
next ARG_PAIR;
$self->{_DATA}->{ $name } = $val; ----> HERE
return $modified_cnt;
As a solution, we stopped putting 'ja' value as a perl constant, but now are putting it as a string "ja" and it seems to be working fine now.

CakeEmail::viewVars - CakePHP

I am trying to set the variable $purchase to use in my email template per the following configuration:
App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email');
$email = new CakeEmail();
$email->template('new_order_email', 'default');
$email->from(array('info#mydomain.com' => 'A Great Site'));
$email->subject('Order details');
But this doesn't work when I attempt to use the $purchase variable in the template. Instead, the email which is sent contains the following error:
Notice (8): Undefined variable: purchase
[APP/View/Emails/html/new_order_email.ctp, line 2]
This indicates that $purchase is not available, even though I did set that variable using the CakeEmail:viewVars(); function. Any ideas why I am having this problem?
Use this:
$email->viewVars(array('purchase' => $purchase));
the quickest and shortest way:
it will pass the var $purchase as the same key 'purchase' into the email viewVars and is exactly what you need here.
you can also quickly add more variables this way:
$html = 'foo';
$url = '/my/url';
$email->viewVars(compact('purchase', 'html', 'url'));
Look at my answer Here
in your email template print this. then you will be able to see all your variables :)

Net::Google::Spreadsheets 500 error, what am I doing wrong?

I'm trying to use Net::Google::Spreadsheets to manipulate a Google Docs spreadsheet (side note: you may have seen my previous question where I was trying to work from the inside of Google Docs, now I'm trying a different angle)
I'm trying an example pretty much straight out of the perldoc:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::Google::Spreadsheets;
my $service = Net::Google::Spreadsheets->new(
username => 'my.email#gmail.com',
password => 'mypassword'
my #spreadsheets = $service->spreadsheets();
# find a spreadsheet by key
my $spreadsheet = $service->spreadsheet(
title => 'Perl Test' # This is a spreadsheet I manually created already
# find a worksheet by title
my $worksheet = $spreadsheet->worksheet(
title => 'Sheet1'
my $cell = $worksheet->cell({col => 1, row => 1});
# update input value of a cell
$cell->input_value('new value');
When I run my code, I get this error:
request for 'https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/worksheets/tNdoUPkz7MhRAtVoBaaZVHQ/private/full?title=Sheet1' failed:
500 Internal Server Error
Internal Error
at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Net/Google/DataAPI/Role/Service.pm line 96
Net::Google::DataAPI::Role::Service::request('Net::Google::Spreadsheets=HASH(0x167ce60)', 'HASH(0x1c63ba8)') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Net/Google/DataAPI/Role/Service.pm line 158
Net::Google::DataAPI::Role::Service::get_feed('Net::Google::Spreadsheets=HASH(0x167ce60)', 'https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/worksheets/tNdoUPkz7MhR...', 'HASH(0x1a38d58)') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Net/Google/DataAPI.pm line 106
Net::Google::Spreadsheets::Spreadsheet::worksheets('Net::Google::Spreadsheets::Spreadsheet=HASH(0x1a36460)', 'HASH(0x1a38d58)') called at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Net/Google/DataAPI.pm line 119
Net::Google::Spreadsheets::Spreadsheet::worksheet('Net::Google::Spreadsheets::Spreadsheet=HASH(0x1a36460)', 'HASH(0x1a38d58)') called at spreadsheet_test.pl line 22
And then if I try to open up the Perl Test spreadsheet from within Google Docs, Google itself gives me the equivalent of a 500 error.
So what am I doing wrong?

Twitter RSS feed, [domdocument.load]: failed to open stream:

i'm using the following:
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$arrFeeds = array();
foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('item') as $node) {
$itemRSS = array (
'title' => $node->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue,
'desc' => $node->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->nodeValue,
'link' => $node->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->nodeValue,
'date' => $node->getElementsByTagName('pubDate')->item(0)->nodeValue
array_push($arrFeeds, $itemRSS);
for($i=0;$i<=3;$i++) {
$newDate=date('G:ia l F Y ',$tweetDate);
if($i==0) { $b='style="border:none;"'; }
$tweetsBox.='<div class="tweetbox" ' . $b . '>
<div class="tweet"><p>' . $tweet . '</p>
<div class="tweetdate">#' . $newDate .'</div>
return $tweetsBox;
to return the 4 most recent tweets from a given timeline (XXXXX is the relevant feed)
It seems to work fine but i've recently been getting the following error sporadically:
PHP error debug
Error: DOMDocument::load(http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/XXXXXX.rss) [domdocument.load]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway
I've read that the above code is dependant on Twitter beign available and I know it gets rather busy sometimes. Is there either a better way of receiving twits, or is there any kind of error trapping i could do to just to display "tweets are currently unavailable..." ind of message rather than causing an error. I'm usnig ModX CMS so any parse error kills the site rather than just ouputs a warning.
I know this is old, but I was just searching for the same solution for a nearly identical script for grabbing a twitter timeline. I ended up doing this, though I haven't been able to thoroughly test it.
I defined the twitter url as a variable ($feedURL), which I also used in $doc_load. Then, I wrapped everything except for the $feedURL into this conditional statement:
$feedURL = "http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/XXXXXXXX.rss"
$headers = #get_headers($feedURL);
if (preg_match("/200/", $headers[0])){
//the rest of you original code in here
else echo "Can't connect user-friendly message (or a fake tweet)";
So, it's just checking the headers of the the feed's page, and if its status is 200 (OK), then the rest of the script will execute. Otherwise, it'll echo a message of your choice.
(reference: http://www.phptalk.com/forum/topic/3940-how-to-check-if-an-external-url-is-valid-andor-get-file-size/ )
ETA: Or even better, save a cached version of the feed (which will also ensure you don't go over your API limit of loads):
$cache_file = dirname(__FILE__).'/cache/twitter_cache.rss';
// Start with the cache
$mtime = (strtotime("now") - filemtime($cache_file));
if($mtime > 600) {
$cache_rss = file_get_contents('http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/75168146.rss');
$cache_static = fopen($cache_file, 'wb');
fwrite($cache_static, $cache_rss);
echo "<!-- twitter cache generated ".date('Y-m-d h:i:s', filemtime($cache_file))." -->";
else {
$cache_rss = file_get_contents('http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/75168146.rss');
$cache_static = fopen($cache_file, 'wb');
fwrite($cache_static, $cache_rss);
//End of caching
Then use $cache_file in your $doc->load($cache_file) statement instead of the actual feed url.
(Adapted from here: http://snipplr.com/view/8156/twitter-cache/).