UIView to Editable PDF. Possible? - iphone

I am trying to convert a UIView to pdf (iOS). I managed to do it by using renderInContext. However, it captures the whole UIView as an "image" which is not really what I want. The questions and answers I found on stackoverflow gives me the same result of using the renderInContext.
I want to convert the whole UIView (with my textfields etc.) to editable pdf. Which means the pdf file after converting still enables the user to edit what was already written in the textfields in the pdf (the pdf file will be sent to email and edited in the computer).
Is this possible? If so, how can I go about doing this?


tinyMCE - is it possible to prevent the cut and paste of images (base64) in the textbox?

TinyMCE 4: I have implemented the image file/upload from local source, using php to save the uploaded file into a directory, with tinyMCE referencing this image. Works fine. This leaves a simple html text file to save in the database.
However, I see that the user can just cut and paste an image directly into the textbox, resulting in the image showing up and becoming a base64 image string, which defeats the purpose of storing only html text. Now the text could become extremely long if this base64 image is not prevented.
Is there a way to prevent this image paste action in tinyMCE? Or better yet, a way to automatically convert this paste into an image file and have it stored in the same place as the other images on the fly?
I know I could convert base64 images to a jpg files and store after submitting the form to a php handler, but would seek a simpler answer if possible.
The documentation is your friend for this issue. TinyMCE can certainly help you convert the images on the fly as they are pasted into the editor:
You can also stop the images from appearing in the first place if that is your preference:

iTextSharp embeded fonts issue when converting to text

It's obviously very easy to render text from PDF doc using PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage. However when dealing with PDF created with embedded fonts I immediately stumbled into encoding issues.
Is there a generic method that will handle whatever font since i dont have any control on how pdf is created. My task is simple - convert pdf to text.
I've obviously searched for days before posting but could not find answer.
Thank you in advance!

copy paste text and image both to clipboard in iphone app

I am working on an app where I want to copy some text and image and allow user to paste it anywhere. I know it is done using UIPasteboard and I have implemented copying of image but now I want to copy image and text both and then let user paste it. There can be several images and text messages which can come in any order. It is like a paragraph being written with text and images. Is this possible? Can someone suggest me how can I achieve it?
You can put anything you wish in the pasteboard, including multiple entries like of type UIPasteboardTypeListString and another of type UIPasteboardTypeListImage, and even another of type #"My Made-Up Type". Think of it as a shared mutable dictionary.
It's up to the receiving application to understand what to do with them.

Adding annotation in Pdf

How can I add annotation to an existing pdf file? I saw libHaru library.But it doesn't allow editing existing file. How can i overcome it?
After running into this issue recently, I had to piece together a few ideas to make it work.
A few questions:
What type of annotation are you doing?
Do you have a png file of the pdf?
What are you doing with the file after it is appended?
Convert pdf to image file either programmatically or before adding to the bundle.
Have appending done and saved on another layer of the view (OpenGL as an example).
Merge/Combine the two image layers.
Draw new combined image pdf.

Programmatically Generate PDF from HTML on iPhone

I am looking for a way to programmatically (in obj-c) generate a PDF file from a local html file. I am dynamically generating the html from user inputs, I need to create the PDF and send it to the user (via email). I am having difficulty with the PDF generation portion.
I have the code to create a PDF using CGPDFContextCreateWithURL but I am struggling with drawing the page using quartz.
I have searched extensively on SO as well as the internet to no avail.
Any help is much appreciated!
To generate a pdf from an HTML, you need to render the html into a web view, and take snapshots of the web view, and render them into an image context.
The tutorial might be helpful:
I've written a little piece of code that takes an NSAttributedString from DTCoreText, and renders it into a paged PDF file. You can find it on my GitHub Repository. It won't render images or complex html, but it should serve for most uses. Plus, if you're familiar with CoreText, you can extend my PDF frame setter to generate these items.
So what it does now: Give it an HTML string, and it will use DTCoreText to generate an NSAttributedString, then render that into a PDF. It hands back the location that it saved the PDF file in the app's Documents folder.
Why not use a WebService, send the HTML page to this and retrieve the PDF-file ?
That way you can use iTextSharp and C#, and you're done in about 2 minutes.
Plus (if you're evil) you can store and see all the data on your server.
I haven't tried this myself so i have nothing to offer concrete but I'd have to imagine there has to be an easy way to do this on iPhone due to the imaging model. I'd look deeper into the documentation.
As to pushing back with the client that is up to you but there are probably multiple reasons for wanting to keep everything local. Frankly I would not be pleased at all to here from somebody I hired that he couldn't manage this particular task. So think long and hard about this push back. Oh even if you do push back a webserver is a poor choice. I'd go back a step further and investgate why you need something in HTML in the first place.
I've never tried this so I have no idea if it'll work, but how about loading the HTML into a UIWebView, and then make the view draw itself into a PDF context? E.g.
UIWebView *webview = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(...)];
[webview loadHTMLString:html baseURL:...];
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webview {
CGPDFContextRef pdfContext = CGPDFContextCreateWithURL(...);
[webview.layer drawInContext:pdfContext];
I made it by following this SO: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13342906/448717
In order to maintain the same content's proportions I had to multiply the size of the WKWebView 1.25 times the printableRect's size set for the UIPrinterRenderer, as the screen points differs from the PostScript's... I guess.