copy paste text and image both to clipboard in iphone app - iphone

I am working on an app where I want to copy some text and image and allow user to paste it anywhere. I know it is done using UIPasteboard and I have implemented copying of image but now I want to copy image and text both and then let user paste it. There can be several images and text messages which can come in any order. It is like a paragraph being written with text and images. Is this possible? Can someone suggest me how can I achieve it?

You can put anything you wish in the pasteboard, including multiple entries like of type UIPasteboardTypeListString and another of type UIPasteboardTypeListImage, and even another of type #"My Made-Up Type". Think of it as a shared mutable dictionary.
It's up to the receiving application to understand what to do with them.


tinyMCE - is it possible to prevent the cut and paste of images (base64) in the textbox?

TinyMCE 4: I have implemented the image file/upload from local source, using php to save the uploaded file into a directory, with tinyMCE referencing this image. Works fine. This leaves a simple html text file to save in the database.
However, I see that the user can just cut and paste an image directly into the textbox, resulting in the image showing up and becoming a base64 image string, which defeats the purpose of storing only html text. Now the text could become extremely long if this base64 image is not prevented.
Is there a way to prevent this image paste action in tinyMCE? Or better yet, a way to automatically convert this paste into an image file and have it stored in the same place as the other images on the fly?
I know I could convert base64 images to a jpg files and store after submitting the form to a php handler, but would seek a simpler answer if possible.
The documentation is your friend for this issue. TinyMCE can certainly help you convert the images on the fly as they are pasted into the editor:
You can also stop the images from appearing in the first place if that is your preference:

Paste from the clipboard in iOS

So I have 2 apps. One is a sensors app (built with XCode) that records data (text) with hardware wireless sensors. The other is a checklist/reference manual (built with Titaniam Appcelerator). Using custom URL schemes, they can instantiate each other.
What I am trying to do is paste any text data the sensors app copies to the clipboard into a text field in the reference manual app. I have a UIWebview showing html pages (the checklist) with a text box displayed now. To demo the capability, I have to touch the field and select paste. I was thinking that javascript might work, but all my research poo poo's that idea. Any thoughts about how to grab the text that is on the clipboard and display it programmatically in the reference manual app without having to touch the field and select paste?
Should I even be looking at the clipboard or should I be looking into modifying the custom URL scheme to pass data that way instead?
To get the text from the clipboard:
UIPasteboard *pasteboard = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard];
NSString *string = pasteboard.string;
if (string) {
// Do something
For more funcional communication between apps, take a look at URL Schemes.
So, I figured out a way to pass the data in the url with this tutorial. At the bottom it describes how to pass data after you set up the URL id for each app. Hope this helps someone.
Pasting in Swift
Get the pasteboard string with UIPasteboard.generalPasteboard().string.
The string is optional, so it must be unwrapped before being used.
if let pasteboardString = UIPasteboard.generalPasteboard().string {
// use the string, for example:
The original question is asking for something more complex than this. However, most people come here based on the question title rather than question content, so that I what I am answering here.

How to check if any apps are associated with file extension

I want to make "Open in.." function in my iOS application.
Is there any way to check if any app on this device is associated with file extension that i want to share?
If there are no apps on current device to open file with such an extension than UIDocumentInteractionController will not be displayed after clicking on "Open in.." button, but i want not to show this button in such case.
So the question is: how to check if any app on device can open some file with specific extension?
For example UIDocumentInteractionController has NSArray property icons.
It contains images of all aplications that can open the file with my extension. But if there are no applications it contans image of empty application.
So i can't check it using docInteractionController.icons.count == 0 for example. I am looking for other tricks.'
Thanks, in advance.
Although UIDocumentInteractionController does not offer a way to discover in advance whether there are any applications that can handle a document, -presentOpenInMenuFromRect: will return a flag indicating whether there were any applications that could open a document. This requires you to have already set up and presented the controller, which is not optimal.
There is a workaround for this, a little hacky but is functional: Before you invoke the "real" interaction controller, create a dummy one using a dummy document, and present it from the rect of the window's bounds. This guarantees that it will "appear" offscreen, so your user won't see it. At that point, you have the flag returned from -present, and you can immediately dismiss the dummy controller, and the proceed to show your UI appropriately.
On OSX, you can get a list of application bundle identifiers capable of handling a specific content type using LSCopyAllRoleHandlersForContentType. But on iOS, I don't think there is such a way.
If I find, I'll edit my answer.
Considering you are looking for other tricks, you can check if that one image in the icons array is the generic document icon.
If it is then you know that there is no app associated to handle that file type. But this approach will be OS version dependent as generic file icon may change.
From the official documentation:
To declare its support for file types, your app must include the
CFBundleDocumentTypes key in its Info.plistproperty list file. (See
“Core Foundation Keys”.) The system adds this information to a
registry that other apps can access through a document interaction
To me this indicates that the registry can only be accessed through UIDocumentInteractionController and so no, you would not be able to know in advance if there are any available apps for the file format (which would be totally in line with Apple's philosophy of not letting apps interact directly with each other).
as you said the icons property contains an image even with no applications present. I checked and all the other methods and properties of the controller do not give an hint about the apps that may open the current file format.
You said in case that no app can open the specified file format there is an "image of empty application". Maybe you can extract that icon and when the array icons only has one image check if the extracted image and the icon are the same?

UIView to Editable PDF. Possible?

I am trying to convert a UIView to pdf (iOS). I managed to do it by using renderInContext. However, it captures the whole UIView as an "image" which is not really what I want. The questions and answers I found on stackoverflow gives me the same result of using the renderInContext.
I want to convert the whole UIView (with my textfields etc.) to editable pdf. Which means the pdf file after converting still enables the user to edit what was already written in the textfields in the pdf (the pdf file will be sent to email and edited in the computer).
Is this possible? If so, how can I go about doing this?

not able to change image in UIImageView control

This seems to me as a bug because I have changed images with:
someImage.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"anotherImage.png"];
and I have never had a problem. so let me show you what I have:
I have placed an UIImageView:
note that imgObjetivos is conected to this UIImageView.
I have a method that get's called when clicking the following button:
and the method contains:
as you can see I just want to change the current image with:
so when I run the application in the simulator everything looks great:
and when I press the button the image changes successfully:
Now why is it that when I run the application on my iPad the image does not change!? when I press the button the image disappears instead of getting a new image like in the simulator. I just learned objective-c and I am starting to dislike it. What am I doing wrong?
I found a solution I changed the name of the image and now it works:
but this makes no sense. Which names works and which ones do not? I also have make sure that I don't have two images with the same name and that is not the case. when I have a few letters after the '_' underscore it does not work. This is really strange. I am starting to dislike objective-c :(
I've had the same problem before. The problem is that the image that you're using to replace the previous image is corrupted or say is not in it's original format.
In my case, I downloaded images in the web which was .jpg format and renamed it as .png format which actually made it .png. so in short term, ipad does not support the functionality for converting image format by just renaming the extension. you have to have a proper converter or something.
I would go with removing the image file from the project, clean the project and add the file back.
I had to rename the image name to something else I don't understand why... I thought that the problem was because I previously deleted that image that contained the same name but that is not the case because I imported the image with a similar name to the solution and I had the same problem. for example the original name of the image was objetivosFoto_h.png and when I renamed to objetivosFoto_ho.png it still did not work but when I renamed to objetivosFoto_horizontal.png it worked.