A comprehensive list of PayPals APIs and their intended usage? - paypal

At my current company I have inherited an undocumented PayPal integration. As far as I can tell it uses a part of PayPal called the "PayPal checkout". This is similar but different than the PayPal IPN API.
After scouring the PayPal documentation I am still finding obscure pages talking about new APIs. Does anybody know of a clear, concise, sane list of PayPal's APIs and their intended usage?

check http://www.programmableweb.com/api/paypal


Is paypal-rest-sdk still a valid approach or should we switch to braintree?

I am reading this paypal-rest-sdk based payment integration approach from a blog, but I can't find it on Paypal's official developer pages. Question: If someone can help me link that blog's approach to a Paypal's developer page explained method, I'd appreciate.
Instead, I see a Braintree based payment integration approach listed on official Paypal developer page. Question: Is this one more preferable than the previous one? Plus, can this approach accept credit card payment (reading the doc, it seems to only support Paypal payment)
The PayPal-Node-SDK is deprecated, and the Express Checkout via Braintree Mobile SDK is only worth using if you need a native mobile SDK. So the answer to your question, based on the information provided, is most probably: neither.
Instead, you need to do a better job of reviewing the information on https://developer.paypal.com , namely https://developer.paypal.com/docs/checkout/
For a good server-side integration, the front-end at https://developer.paypal.com/demo/checkout/#/pattern/server will be particularly useful.
Note that the fetch() routes it calls need to be placed with actual routes on your server, which will call the PayPal APIs for creation and capture during teh checkout. For those API operations from your server, use the supported Checkout-NodeJS-SDK.

Why use the PayPal API?

As a developer, I want to know what are the advantages of using PayPal API?
I know there are a ton of APIs out there to use, but if I will use the PayPal API specifically, what are the benefits of it?
Typically people use the PayPal API if they have a business that wants to process payments via PayPal. It's not a developer question.
Your question becomes, really, what are the advantages of processing payments with PayPal? And there may be interesting answers to that question but this isn't the place.
Ok I did think of something that can be added from a developer and solutioning perspective
Look at the demo code here
See how easy that is. Now actually click one of the buttons. See how the window emerges, and how quick and natural the payment experience is for the user--with the originating website staying loaded in the background.
Think also about the security of this payment experience. All the buyer's financial instruments are saved and stored at PayPal; nothing is shared with the (potentially new/unfamiliar) ecommerce site they are paying, whereas PayPal is a relatively trusted name by many millions of buyers.
So, TL;DR : it's very easy, it's very quick (no retyping things) and secure, and people trust it enough to actually send you money and hope you will deliver on the new product/service you are offering

Integrating PayPal's PHP REST API SDK, still a good idea?

I'm currently integrating the PayPal's PHP REST API SDK. However, reading the documentation and the code I've found that the method to get the payer's shipping details is deprecated. Also, PayPal is encouraging to use Braintree's SDK to process credit card payments. Also, the git repository seems to be very quiet.
Thus, here are my two questions :
Is PayPal abandoning the REST API ? Is it still a good idea to use its deprecated methods to return the payer's shipping details ? Or is there another way I haven't discovered yet ?
Is PayPal still a good option for guest credit card payments ? Or do I risk having my e-commerce down suddenly one day ?
I am aware of other solutions that have PayPal support such as Braintree. However, my busisness isn't large enough for them to accept my application so I am stuck with PayPal (coming from Shopify and going independant)
Thanks a lot for your time !

REST API vs Classic APIs

I am working with PayPal integration for the first time and am confused regarding the two solutions. I need to accept direct payments. User enters credit card information and I use PayPal as the processor. I would also at a later point after release like to add PayPal Express Checkout for convenience. I have PayPal Payments Pro, which assigned me a Payflow account. Which documentation should I follow to accomplish both? There are so many assorted PDFs, many of which are over 100 pages, and I don't have a clear idea where I should start.
I would greatly appreciate a quick separation of services (XMLPay? DoDirectPayment?)
I am using C# / ASP.NET and already have the core and rest api libraries installed in my project via NuGet. I also have an app created and an ID+Secret pair to use.
I have called PayPal but the phone team does not have the proficiency to answer these questions and simply refers me to the documentation site. Hopefully a developer who has been down this road can steer me in the right direction. Thanks!
I would suggest the REST Apis, they support both direct credit card and express checkout depending on which funding instrument (CC vs PayPal) you pass in the pay request.
There is also a C# SDK provided to get you started, all info available at: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/api/
For anyone running into this post in their search for more PayPal integration information (as I did), the C# REST API wrappers (provided by PayPal) are very useful, and they include full sample projects showing you how to perform most common tasks.
You can find them here: https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-NET-SDK

Pay Pal API currency type

I am new at paypal payment system...
I have seen this been done, but i donn't find PayPals Documentation user friendly...
I need to make a payment gateway system, to allow users to use a shopping cart... then they could pay the total through paypal...
so is there a way to use paypal api tell how much the user should be charged e.g: $100 or £100 or however the product(s) might cost?
then confirm it... or if there is a tutorial (for newbies/dummie lol ) would be a great help.
Also which paypal option/system am I looking to use on this occasion.
hope i have explained myself clearly... thank you .
I can use PHP, and MySQL, JavaScript/JQuery, if necessary and I am confortable with understanding them.
(BTW PayPal is the worse documentation i have ever come across lol)
yes paypal can use a authorization & capture solution.
You can use GetExpressChecout with setExpressCheckout.
A good solution is to use a DoReferenceTransaction with theses method, in order to use recurring payment.
I have some sample but in c#.
The API ref :