Why use the PayPal API? - paypal

As a developer, I want to know what are the advantages of using PayPal API?
I know there are a ton of APIs out there to use, but if I will use the PayPal API specifically, what are the benefits of it?

Typically people use the PayPal API if they have a business that wants to process payments via PayPal. It's not a developer question.
Your question becomes, really, what are the advantages of processing payments with PayPal? And there may be interesting answers to that question but this isn't the place.
Ok I did think of something that can be added from a developer and solutioning perspective
Look at the demo code here
See how easy that is. Now actually click one of the buttons. See how the window emerges, and how quick and natural the payment experience is for the user--with the originating website staying loaded in the background.
Think also about the security of this payment experience. All the buyer's financial instruments are saved and stored at PayPal; nothing is shared with the (potentially new/unfamiliar) ecommerce site they are paying, whereas PayPal is a relatively trusted name by many millions of buyers.
So, TL;DR : it's very easy, it's very quick (no retyping things) and secure, and people trust it enough to actually send you money and hope you will deliver on the new product/service you are offering


For Express Checkout, are you required to use the official paypal buttons for checkout?

I keep reading everywhere that you are REQUIRED to use the (ugly) yellow buttons PayPal provides you with, yet when I go to www.bustedtees.com or www.devtees.com they use their own buttons that then link to the Express Checkout.
Which one is correct?
We use our own buttons on our website and did not have any problems. Buttons are just recommended option for user recognition of familiar button
There are no technical restrictions, and if you want to know if there are formal requirements from PayPal you would need to read their agreements. (Yes I know, reading clickthrough agreements -- who does that?) :). If you violate their terms of service they MIGHT come tell you to change your integration, but probably not.
HOWEVER, one thing to think about: familiar patterns "grease the rails" for users: increase recognition and you increase conversion. This means more people end up buying from you. Those distinctive (and yes, ugly) buttons help people recognize the PayPal checkout option and select it rather than potentially leaving your site because they didn't see a PayPal checkout option, or seeing a button labelled PayPal but being suspicious of it because it "didn't look right."
I know in my personal experience that I have been extremely frustrated trying to pay some sites with PayPal and have left & bought from other places because the checkout was non-obvious (especially when placed on the 35th page of a long checkout process, heh).
But this is backed up not just by personal experience, but market research. PayPal did some market research years ago and the #1 reason that paypal users failed to use PayPal checkout when it was available was that while the person may have seen a PayPal logo, they didn't recognize that they could pay on that site with PayPal because the checkout wasn't immediately familar to them. At that time this was with well-integrated sites that followed all of PayPal's guidelines BUT merchant-site PayPal checkout at that time looked a bit different than on eBay, which was the #1 site on which people pay with PayPal (and still is) -- including a different button.
The difference in conversion rate was STAGGERING, though. Like, more than half the people failed to pay with PayPal because the button was unfamiliar or placed in an unfamiliar location. So consider carefully whether or how much you want to leverage people's existing habits vs showing them something new.... your site may look less ugly but also sell less product.

Best practice for integrating a single PayPal subscription?

I'm new to PayPal and overwhelmed by all the possible approaches for integrating with PayPal.
As a start I want to implement one single subscription with monthly recurring payment. When the user returns to the site after fulfilling the payment, he/she will instantly be upgraded to "premium" member (digital product only - no shipping involved).
The first alternative I've looked into is the Express Checkout API, which looks ok, but is there any simpler way to do it?
Can I for example create a standard button (JS button or the form based), but still be able to verify the payment details when the user returns, using either the REST API, IPN or something else?
Any hints on best practices are appreciated.
Yes, there are entirely too many ways to solve this problem by now.
You can probably satisfy your requirements via buttons (aka Standard), Express Checkout (aka Pro) style APIs, or RESTful APIs, but there are a few gotchas to know:
First, PayPal has several products to do recurring payments; these products have functional differences and are tied to different integration styles. So (for example) PayPal's product called "subscriptions" (tied to Website Standard aka buttons) has different (and generally less flexible) capabilities than "recurring payments" (tied to Express Checkout) which in turn differs from "billing agreements" (tied to REST APIs, although the term "billing agreements" is also used in the express checkout recurring payments product). Oh, and there's another similar product tied to the Adaptive Payments suite of APIs.
Confused yet? Sorry. But it is important to determine whether the specific product you want to use will satisfy your requirements first before you do any integration, or you might end up redoing that integration work later (and potentially have to migrate customers, if you have already opened your business) in order to get access to specific features of another product later on. E.g., the subscriptions product has very limited ability for sellers to modify the subscriptions after they are set up. If that is OK, then great, use it -- it's simple to integrate. If I can oversimplify a bit: the Standard subscriptions product is the oldest and most limited; the Pro recurring payments is more flexible and mature; the REST billing agreement product is the newest, very flexible, but not yet as widely used; it may lack a feature you need today, but is the most likely to be continually improved going forward. I would not personally recommend the Adaptive product, although it also has its benefits.
Now, to your integration question: fortunately all these PayPal products can use IPNs. Unfortunately, IPNs are not instant. They generally arrive quickly (1-2 seconds) but delays can happen and it is quite awkward to be unable to process the customer. I would use IPNs only when shipping physical goods, not for immediate access to digital goods or in other cases where customers are waiting for a page from you. Fortunately, each of the other methods has a way to instantly determine the success of a PayPal action without waiting for an IPN:
Website Standard Payments will include GET or POST variables when it posts the user back to your site that will tell you about the outcome. If you use the Payment Data Transfer feature, these variables will include signature information so that you can post them back to PayPal & PayPal will verify their validity (so that a would-be thief could not fool you by engineering a post that looks like a PayPal success redirect).
The two API-based methods are even easier: the APIs themselves return all the information you need in the API response. So wherever in your code you make the call to create the subscription/agreement, if you get back a success then do your work to make your user premium.
There is the odd case of a user successfully paying and then getting "lost", as it were, e.g. the redirect failing/browser closing before they return to your site, or your site choking while trying to turn on the user. For this reason many people advise using IPNs, which PayPal will attempt to redeliver until you verify them back to PayPal. Not a bad idea, depending.
And of course you can call search & get details type APIs to get information about your transactions & agreements at PayPal -- although again, you will need to integrate with the right API that matches the product you are integrated with (e.g. Standard-based subscriptions won't show up if you ask the REST interface for billing agreements).
Hope this helps.

PayPal MassPay API - How does it work exactly?

I have gone through the Paypal website, looked at their dozens of FAQS and documents, and still don't have a great idea as to how to integrate the Paypal Masspay API. I was hoping I'd have better luck on here :).
I have an app that gives users prizes, with an oracle SQL database that populates whenever a user redeems a prize.
Would I need to download the SDK onto my app, include the PayPal IPN, and call the MassPay API each time a user redeems a prize?
I have attempted to contact Paypal multiple times to no avail.
Not sure which aspect of your question is most problematic for you. I assume that you've looked at the concept diagram at
where the Excel worksheet is roughly analogous to a table's (or query's) worth of payees.
You would normally provide scripting code on your server/website that would submit that payee/amount list through the MassPay API calls against the PayPal website. If you only have one or two payees at a time, this is not the usual way to make a payment to your users (one-offs are generally Adaptive Payments API). It's not a downloadable app, though.
So is your app something the users download and interact with your site? If so, the correct place to put the code that faces PayPal (and actually transfers money around) is on your site's server. Not on the handset.
I finally reached a capable support member of the PayPal Team. The answer I got:
No SDK needed. All I need to do is set up an API call from my server to their server each time I want to reference a payment.

Paypal to paypal payments

I want to provide a question and answer service (I know there are thousands of such sites on the internet) to my users where someone can ask a question by specifying how much money they will give the person who provides a good answer.
When a good answer is provided, is it possible to take the money from the questioners paypal account and send it to the answering persons account automatically?
Basically, what I don't want to do is take payments from the questioner and hold it in my paypal account, then pay the answering person when his/her answer is accepted.
I will be using a LAMP configuration to make the service.
Neither the PayPal API nor the PayPal service in general provides for automatic person-to-person payments that are initiated by a third party. In other words, you must either be the payer or the payee in order to participate in a transaction; you cannot do it on behalf of another user.
Have you looked into PayPal Adaptive Payments API? From what I know it supports person-to-person money transfer. For more info visit
Hope this helps.
You can use the PayPal Adaptive. Using this you can transfer money from one account to another account. Download the sample source code from GutHub https://github.com/paypal/adaptivepayments-sdk-php
I'd like to think wildly here (meaning not thoroughly so forgive me if there are mistakes). I think there are a few PayPal products you can consider. They do not perfectly fit, but here they are for your reference:
Auth / Order, Reference Transaction (aka RT), and Adaptive Payment (aka AP, but it doesn't fit your situation very much).
As I understand, your scenario would be like this:
The questioner posts a question, and agrees to pay a certain amount of money, say $5.
You don't want to hold the money. (hmm this is hard)
When a responder answers the question, and the question is selected as the best, the money is paid automatically from the questioner via PayPal.
With Auth / Order, it works like this:
The questioner "auth" you to take the $5. This money is NOT charged yet, but is still in the questioner's account. The amount can be honored too, just like you book a hotel. (Note you can honor the money for at most 29 days.)
When an answer is selected as the best and the responder is to be paid, you capture the money from the questioner. This way, they money is now in your account. (I know you don't like this...)
Then you pay the responder immediately. You can transfer money, you can use Mass Pay API, you can use PayPal Payouts API.
Well I know the best case would be that the money never appears in your account, not even a millisecond. But this is what I can think of, "immediately" is the closest to "not at all". Another problem with this way is, it's done in two steps, and in each step you or someone has to pay the fee. When you as the platform gets the money, you pay the fee, and then when you send it out, it depends on which product you use. But the good thing is, the money is never charged until it has to be charged. And it doesn't have to be charged if there is not a good answer at all.
With RT, it's similar to Auth / Order, it's an agreement between the questioner and you (the platform). The agreement lasts longer (2 years I think), but you still have to pay the responder, and you can't honor the money, meaning when you capture it, you may fail. Good thing is (or maybe this is the bad thing), you can charge the questioner many times with only one agreement.
With AP, it provides "Parallel" payment, meaning the questioner pays you AND the responder with only one payment, and you can share the payment with the responder, and you can decide who receives how much. You can also decide who pays the fee. But the problem is, the questioner has to be present to make the payment, so it's not done automatically without the questioner. (Express Checkout / EC does parallel payment too with some differences, also on the fee thing. So if you want to go AP way, you may also want to consider EC because it's a lot easier to integrate.)
I would go for Auth / Order. But maybe you can get in contact with PayPal merchant technical services and ask for more details.
Or, here is the website of their documents:
Hope this helps.
Many posters have said that AP is a good choice. This is correct. You will need to request an application which provides an app ID once your app is approved by the vetting team. You apply here:
Provide as much detail as you can so that they don't have to come back to you with questions about your business, etc. Once it is approved, you can use the app ID provided and start development in a live environment.
If you want to get the API working while they review your app, you can use sandbox. https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/lifecycle/ug_sandbox/ I believe that the vetting team requires that you have a sandbox account / setup so that they can test your implementation once you are done.
Don't be fooled because you have ALL API permissions in sandbox. So if you forget to request a needed method like mass pay, you will not have that feature in live, even though it worked for you in Sandbox. If you need a feature, request it WHEN YOU APPLY. Otherwise, you will need to start a new app request. This isn't a big deal, but if time is of the essence, you will have to wait (usually 24 - 48 hours or so) for the app to be approved, barring any questions / requests that PayPal has for you.
Integration guide for AP:
API operations and operations for Adaptive Payments:

How to implement payment to multiple suppliers

I'm trying to integrate a payment mechanism to my site. The scenario that I need is not trivial and can be explained by the following example:
User pays upfront for a subscription program (i.e. receiving Netflix). User is able to make changes to the subscription (i.e. change number of movies checked out each time from 4 to 2)
User is able to buy additional one time purchases via the provider's site (Netflix) supplied by 3rd parties. These items (i.e. popcorn, snacks) get billed to the same credit card as the subscription without having to go through the process of resubmitting the credit card information.
Of course, my site takes also a small fee for the transactions :-)
I was wondering if this is supported by PayPal, Google Checkout or someone else.
The Paypal api can handle all of those processes.
I seem to have dropped the ball on what kind of answer you wanted so I'll leave it at that.
If you have some feedback, more direct questions I will try to answer as much as I can
The money would best go through you first, unless somehow you can convince your customers its normal to bill them per item. Also if they pay by credit card you should only bill them once as you would incur fees on every payment. I don't know of anyway to bill once but distribute the payments.
As for the paypal docs..
Very good resource, there is also some sample code for most major web languages
Also this will get you started if you don't have a developer login
Their developer support is also pretty good. One thing a lot of people seem to screw up when starting out with the paypal api is not setting the latest version in the configs so don't forget to update that to the latest release. :)
Yea I know there is a lot of bad press about paypal and crazy stuff happening, but they do get the job done most of the time, its not my fault the customers love to use it.