How to auto scroll GWT SuggestBox with max-height and overflow-y: scroll? - gwt

How can I auto scroll the GWT SuggestBox with max-height set on the PopupPanel holding the SuggestBox? Currently when the user presses keyboard up keys and down keys styles changes on the suggested items and pressing enter will select the currently selected item on the list.
When the item is located in lower than the max-height scroll bars doesn't scroll.
I tried extending the SuggestBox and inner class DefaultSuggestionDisplay to override moveSelectionDown() and moveSelectionUp() to explicitly call popup.setScrollTop().
In order to do this I need access to the absolute top of the currently selected MenuItem therefore need access to SuggestionMenu which is also an inner class of SuggestBox which is private and declared as a private member within DefaultSuggestionDisplay without getter. Since GWT is a JavaScript we can't use reflection to access it.... Does anyone have a workaround for this issue?

I've been searching around and couldn't find a proper solution (apart from reimplementing SuggestBox). The following avoids reimplementing SuggestBox:
private static class ScrollableDefaultSuggestionDisplay extends SuggestBox.DefaultSuggestionDisplay {
private Widget suggestionMenu;
protected Widget decorateSuggestionList(Widget suggestionList) {
suggestionMenu = suggestionList;
return suggestionList;
protected void moveSelectionDown() {
protected void moveSelectionUp() {
private void scrollSelectedItemIntoView() {
NodeList<Node> trList = suggestionMenu.getElement().getChild(1).getChild(0).getChildNodes();
for (int trIndex = 0; trIndex < trList.getLength(); ++trIndex) {
Element trElement = (Element)trList.getItem(trIndex);
if (((Element)trElement.getChild(0)).getClassName().contains("selected")) {

Following this discussion on Google groups, I implemented a similar solution which is a bit more concise due to the use of JSNI:
private class ScrollableDefaultSuggestionDisplay extends DefaultSuggestionDisplay {
protected void moveSelectionDown() {
protected void moveSelectionUp() {
private void scrollSelectedItemIntoView() {
private native MenuItem getSelectedMenuItem() /*-{
var menu =;

Ok, I finally found the solution. I had to create my own suggest box based on GWT SuggestBox implementations. But follow below in custom implementaion:
-Place ScrollPanel to PopupPanel then place MenuBar to ScrollPanel
-In moveSelectionUp() and moveSelectionDown() of your new internal SuggestionDisplat implementation add the code below:
panel.ensureVisible( menu.getSelectedItem( ) );
This is not achievable by extending the SuggestBox since we won't have access to selected
MenuItem unless overriding protected getSelectionItem() method as public method.
Finally add CSS:
max-height: 250px;
To the popupPanel in your display implementations.


Adding button to SimplePanel results in error

I am performing the following action in GWT
public class FooPanel extends SimplePanel {
private String url;
public FooPanel () {
Button button = new Button();
button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
however when I run the code I get the following error
SimplePanel can only contain one child widget
However Button is a single widget so I am not sure what the problem is? The problem doesn't occur if i don't add the button
Remove this line:
You don't need it.
You can simply use your Button in your code, or extend a Button widget. Adding a Button to a SimplePanel does not offer any benefits.
Have a look at source code of SimplePanel#add() to analyze this error.
public void add(Widget w) {
// Can't add() more than one widget to a SimplePanel.
if (getWidget() != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("SimplePanel can only contain one child widget");
Now its clear from the source code that you have already added a widget in SimplePanel.
Call SimplePanel#getWidget() to get the already added widget.
Look at the source code of default constructor if SimplePanel class. It might help you to understand that how SimplePanel enclose the widget inside it.
* Creates an empty panel that uses a DIV for its contents.
public SimplePanel() {
Try with setWidget(button); instead of add(button);

How to add click handler to GWT ImageResource cell?

Please help me out with this problem.
I have this code below,I actually want to insert an image into a GWT datagrid and add a click handler to the image. But it is not responding to clicks, pls what do you think might be the problem?
This is the Resource interface
public interface Resources extends ClientBundle {
ImageResource getDeleteImage();
ImageResource getEditImage();
Below is the ImageResource Cell that I coded, but it is not responding to clicks.
DataGrid<AccountDTO> dataGrid = new DataGrid<AccountDTO>();
Column<AccountDTO, ImageResource>delete = new Column<AccountDTO, ImageResource>(new ImageResourceCell()) {
public ImageResource getValue(AccountDTO object) {
return resources.getDeleteImage();
delete.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<AccountDTO, ImageResource>() {
public void update(int arg0, AccountDTO object, ImageResource resource) {
Window.alert(object.getId() + "" + object.getChargeAccount());
dataGrid.addColumn(delete, "");
dataGrid.setColumnWidth(delete, 3.0, Unit.EM)
In the same way you have use a custom cell by extending AbstractCell for cell table you would extend ClickableTextCell (have a look a this answer). But as you are using image in your cell it gets tricky. This tutorial worked for us.
This is an old question, but there is a much simpler solution than suggested in the other answer.
datagrid.addCellPreviewHandler(new Handler<AccountDTO>() {
public void onCellPreview(CellPreviewEvent<AccountDTO> event) {
if ("click".equals(event.getNativeEvent().getType())) {
if (event.getColumn() == datagrid.getColumnIndex(myImageColumn)) {
AccountDTO account = event.getValue();
// Do what you need with a click

GWT: How to change Menubar image, on mouse events?

for my project I need to function my menu-bar like windows start button.
How can i achieve this in GWT?
What i tried up to now is:
public class MyMenuBar extends Composite implements MouseDownHandler{
public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) {
System.out.println("IMAGE CHANGED, using new safe html");
MenuBar myMenu;
public MyMenuBar(){
myMenu = new MenuBar();
myMenu.addItem(safeHtmlOfImage, popupMenuBar);
this.addDomHandler(this, MouseDownEvent.getType());
Issue is never onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) is invoked.
Please help me, how can i achieve this. I am losing my second day with this thing.
Tell me what ever you thinks about it...
I kind of solved issue, but nit think this is the actual solution: by setting the style code for the Menubar.
background-image: url("img/navigatorDeActive.png");
background-image: url("img/navigatorActive.png");

Adding list sub-editors to tab panel

I use ListEditor to allow editing list of chilren and I do everything just like I saw in some examples.The only difference from examples is that I want widgets editing children to be added as a tabs to some TabLayoutPanel.
The problem is that I want to give a header to this new tab and this header is not constant but depends on object being edited by newly created sub-editor (so let the header be child.getName()) which I don't know inside EditorSource#create() method.
ListEditor<ChildProxy, ChildPanel> children = ListEditor
.of(new EditorSource<ChildPanel>() {
public ChildPanel create(int index) {
ChildPanel tab = new ChildPanel();
//here's a problem, how I can get tabHeader here?
How can I set value-dependent headers to tabs created by create()? Any help/workaround would be greatly appreciated.
Does this approach work for you :
public class ChildrenEditor extends Composite implements
IsEditor<ListEditor<Child, ChildInTabEditor>> {
ListEditor<Child, ChildInTabEditor> editor;
public ChildrenEditor() {
editor = ListEditor.of(new ChildInTabEditorSource());
private class ChildInTabEditorSource extends EditorSource<ChildInTabEditor> {
public ChildInTabEditor create(int index) {
ChildInTabEditor tab = new ChildInTabEditor();
// here's the trick :
Child child = editor.getList().get(index);
return tab;
public ListEditor<Child, ChildInTabEditor> asEditor() {
return editor;
ChildInTabEditor must be a Tab that implements Editor<Child> then too!
What worked for me was passing tabPanel and index to newly created ChildPanel() and make it ValueAwareEditor. Then on setValue() I was setting header on tabPanel reference at given index.

popuppanel show up beneath the widget

I am new to GWT and the web stuff.
I am working out my own project based on
I am trying to use popup/dialog. The popup and dialog always show behind the widget. I keep googling around and the most relevant I found is this which does not provide any answer. Anyway, I have 3rd party library, bst-player 1.3, which uses flash. So I disabled it(later remove it too), the popup just won't come to the top! It is still hiding behind the widget.
I have learned that popuppanel/dialogpanel alikes do not need to get added to another widget. A different way of saying is that it is not a normal widget in a sense that it cannot attach to a parent but it attaches itself to the dom to guarantee being on top (from GWT composite widget )
I am at my wit end and I am here at SO ...
Here is my Popup class
public class PopUp {
static PopupPanel simplePopup;
public static void init() {
simplePopup = new PopupPanel(true);
// DOM.setIntStyleAttribute(simplePopup.getElement(), "zIndex", 3);
public static void showpopupmsg(String msg, int left, int top) {
if (simplePopup == null) {
if (msg != null && !msg.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
simplePopup.setWidget(new HTML(msg));
simplePopup.setPopupPosition(left, top);
simplePopup.setWidth("475px"); //575
public static void show(String message){
if (simplePopup == null) {
Here is how I am calling
tasksTable.doneColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<TaskProxy, Boolean>() {
public void update(int index, TaskProxy task, Boolean value) {
String msg = "Here is the popup. All the way underneath";
Widget source = tasksTable;
int left = source.getAbsoluteLeft() - 50;
// source.getAbsoluteLeft() + 25;
int top = source.getAbsoluteTop() - 25;
PopUp.showpopupmsg(msg, left, top); //Here is the calling method
TaskRequest request = requestFactory.taskRequest();
TaskProxy updatedTask = request.edit(task);
Here is how the Popup is beneath the widget.
The source of the problem has been quite elusive since I am still new to the webapp, yet, I finally solve it myself. The culprit is the CSS. It is defining the z-index for the whole thing to quite high as seen in the following code line 1333.
I have doubted about the z-index before and try it out with a paltry value 3 as seen in the commented out code segment of Popup class in question. I have to uncomment it and set it to 101.
DOM.setIntStyleAttribute(simplePopup.getElement(), "zIndex", 101);
I was , you know, #$%###$*.
z-index is only decides which widget should show on top..
the widget popup is under benath might be having z-index value high.
set the z-index for popup thru css (recomended) or DOM will work for you
According to my feeling, using static methods of your "PopUp" object is a bit strange...
In that way, I think things a relative to the top rather than caller object.
Maybe you could consider make your class 'Popup' extending 'popupanel'
and in your calling code, just make
new PopUp(msg,left,top).show() ;
I recently wrote my own solution for a popup panel that needs to be aligned with its caller. The solution consists out of an PopupPanel extension and a Button extension.
The button extension has an instance of the panel extension, and the moment it is clicked it gives its coordinates and width and height to its panel.
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
if (optionsPanel.isShowing()) {
} else {
optionsPanel.setButtonBounds(new Bbox(
getAbsoluteLeft(), getAbsoluteTop(), getOffsetWidth(), getOffsetHeight()));;
(The Bbox class is just a convenience class I could use for wrapping coordinates; write your own class or 4 methods for that matter)
The main work is then done in the onLoad() override of the PopupPanel, in which the coordinates of the button are used to position the panel;
protected void onLoad() {
if (null == bounds) {
} else {
left = (int) bounds.getX();
top = (int) bounds.getMaxY();
setPopupPosition(left, top);
(bounds are the coordinates of the button; getMaxY() == bottom coordinate of button)