Facebook: Listening songs on Spotify of firends or me always return empty array (music) - facebook

I'm trying to get the current user's listens and friends listens.
I am sure my friends has listened songs on Spotify and those songs has been synced to Facebook, and I also could see it on my music tag. But when I use the /me/music call link I just get my liked music playlist, no friends listens, also no artist songs even though I have several favorite artists.
And I try to use friend uid to get his music, use the /<friend-uid>/music link, but return empty list even though he has listened more songs on Spotify and I could see those songs in my music wall.
Of course, I grant all the user permission for access token and make all my private permission to 'public'
Is Facebook API not support to get music info till now? Or am I missing something?

You need to ask for the user_actions.music and friends_actions.music to access the listened songs in Open Graph.
They're documented here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/permissions/

From everywhere i've looked, it seems to be still in development and not readily able to pull. Which is a bummer.


Beats Music API get user playlists

Is there a way to get all playlists created by a user in the Beats Music API?
Is there a way to get all playlists followed by a user in the Beats Music API?
On looking at the docs, it seems the only way to get a playlist id is to create a new playlist - then you can work with that playlist, because you just created it. I'd like to be able to edit existing playlists created by a user, and browse songs on playlists that the user follows.
From the documentation, it appears that you can get a list of user-created playlists.
You can retrieve a user's playlist collection. If the playlists are not public, they must be owned by the user identified by the access token.
The response includes the playlist ids which is what you're looking for.
As for a user's subscriptions: yes as well.

get facebook post list of a specific user with a third part app

Do you know if is there any way to collect last user's post on personal wall/timeline?
I need to know how many and which youtube videos has been shared by an user, reading them from his open graph profile.
I've never wrote any facebook app, but using the Open Graph Explorer seems that this kind of information is available if the user has set to "public" the privacy options of a post that contains a Youtube video.
My question is: could a third party app ask for the permission to read that kind of information? Could it have access to these posts also if they are not set as "public" by their owners?
EDIT: Could an app have access to user's posts like another friend of that user?
You can read the user's wall by creating an app with the read_stream permission and after the user grant you access by hitting the me/feed connection. But creating a 'listening' tool app is not recommended, if your app has no value for its users then you may need to rethink your app mission.

Get id's of people that are using your facebook app at this moment

How can I get a list of all the people that are using my Facebook app at this moment?
Is that even possible?
I need it in order to compare with user's friends, so the users would know if one of their friends playing the game right now...
You would need to store and surface this information in your own system. There is no Facebook API or method that returns this information.

Fetching all user and user friend's videos from facebook and store it Database

I am using rails and I need to fetch all user videos and user friend's videos from facebook and store it in our database.
Video's which is like
User and user friend's liked videos,
User and user friend's shared videos,
User and user friend's tagged videos,
User and user friend's commented videos,
User and user friend's uploaded videos, etc
So Is there any easy method to retrive all these videos at same time?
Videos in the user's stream will be in the stream object (see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/stream/). Play around in the Graph API explorer using fql?q={your query here} to see the results. You can play around with the where clause to get various groupings back. However, from my experience, to get all 5 categories of videos, you will have to run multiple queries. See documentation on multiquery query (Good examples here on this old REST API documentation: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/rest/fql.multiquery/) Some of the non deprecated APIs support this.
Remember the Graph API explorer is your friend.

Get a list of my friend's friends

I am building a small facebook app. In my app I am trying to get a list of my friend's friends. When I perfrom this I receive an error from facebook that I cannot select information about people that are not me (I was trying to retrieve my friend's friends )
Here is an example of what I mean:
User A - Uses the application
User B - Friend of user A and also uses the application
I want User A to be able to see a list of all of user's B friend's who are using the application as well.
Is there any way to get arround that? How can I do this?
The way to get a list of friends for someone is by using the friends.get API method. However, webdreamer is correct in that you can't just pick any Facebook ID you want and start pulling out friend information for that person. The person you query about has to have authorized your application... otherwise any app developer could find out anything about anyone on Facebook, which would be a privacy nightmare.
It's tough to tell exactly what you want to do though, as your comments say you just want the friends of a user, and your original question says you want the friends of the friends. The first is possible... the second is not.
For the first, all you need to do is have someone add/authorize your app. After that, friends.get will work fine with that user's session key, which will be provided to your application, and you can get a list of their friends.