Get id's of people that are using your facebook app at this moment - facebook

How can I get a list of all the people that are using my Facebook app at this moment?
Is that even possible?
I need it in order to compare with user's friends, so the users would know if one of their friends playing the game right now...

You would need to store and surface this information in your own system. There is no Facebook API or method that returns this information.


How can I get user's best friends throught Facebook Graph API

I am designing an App for iPhone and I want the user to share my App to his or her best friends. Now I can get user's friendlist throught Facebook Graph API. But how could I find user's best friends? I have an idea that I can use the user's wall to find which friend often appears on the wall. However, some pages and famous people like Obama always appears on the wall. Could someone give a feasible solution?
Define “best friends”, please.
If that is supposed to be something based on the user’s personal perspective at the very moment – then probably best to just let them choose their “best friends” the want to a request to themselves via a simple multi-friend selector.
Or are you referring to a user’s list of “close friends”, the default friend list on Facebook that every user can add friends to? That’s available via API, check the /me/friendlists connection.

Developing a new app using facebook friends list

I am looking at developing an app that will make use of Facebook and have a question. In order for the app to work it would need to not only access the user's friends list, but also the user's friends' friends list and beyond. It would only access the users who have also signed up to the app.
Thanks in advance
And your question is …? :-) If you want to know if it’s possible to get that information – well, as long as the friends have authorized your app, there should be no problem, even over several „levels” of friends.

Get the date when two users became friends in php

It's possible to get the date when two users first interacted on Facebook? For example: in a comment, photo tags, wall post, etc. I need this for a FB app since isn't possible to get the date when two users became friends.
Any idea of I can get this done?
I'm thinking in merging a lot of fql queries but don't figured how to do this yet. If I want this for all my friends, isn't gonna be too slow?
It is possible now to extract dates from which you became friends with another user on Facebook. Try it via the API Explorer Tool:
No, unfortunately it is not possible with the API for existing friendships.
But you should be able to use the Real-time updates ( to be notified when they become friends with someone. Currently the documentation say they support the friends user connection.

Facebook Graph API: Get date of joinin

Follow up to this question for Facebook Friends.getAppUsers using Graph API that pulls friends using app by
is it possible to get date of joining also with the id’s?
No, Currently it is not possible to get date of joining of user to app.
But you can do one thing whenever any fb user registers/ connects with facebook application, store current date/time with his facebook id in your system. And when you want display date of joining then map friends id with your database table.
Nope, you can't do this :( Even trying to get all their news feed and choosing the first or most backdated one won't work anymore. A very funny and probably irrelevant attempt could be by searching the user's inbox for a "welcome to facebook" message.
Also, if you could tell us why you need this information, you might be able to get suitable alternatives.

Get a list of my friend's friends

I am building a small facebook app. In my app I am trying to get a list of my friend's friends. When I perfrom this I receive an error from facebook that I cannot select information about people that are not me (I was trying to retrieve my friend's friends )
Here is an example of what I mean:
User A - Uses the application
User B - Friend of user A and also uses the application
I want User A to be able to see a list of all of user's B friend's who are using the application as well.
Is there any way to get arround that? How can I do this?
The way to get a list of friends for someone is by using the friends.get API method. However, webdreamer is correct in that you can't just pick any Facebook ID you want and start pulling out friend information for that person. The person you query about has to have authorized your application... otherwise any app developer could find out anything about anyone on Facebook, which would be a privacy nightmare.
It's tough to tell exactly what you want to do though, as your comments say you just want the friends of a user, and your original question says you want the friends of the friends. The first is possible... the second is not.
For the first, all you need to do is have someone add/authorize your app. After that, friends.get will work fine with that user's session key, which will be provided to your application, and you can get a list of their friends.