Can I find which CQL rules are violated by a class - ndepend

I am trying to use NDepend in code review process. The one thing I want to solve is to check if newly created classes are valid from the point of CQL rules.
I have plenty of legacy code and there numerous fields/classes/methods that violates CQL rules. But I want to find only these rules which are violated by a particular class which was newly created by a developer and which I want to review.
Is there a way to find all CQL rules violated by a particular class, so I could fix them?

Yes, you can compare two analysis and select new classes with the CQL condition "WasAdded".
Select Classes Where WasAdded
Other attributes to compare two versions are
Check out CQL Documentation and this article from Patrick.


OrientDB auto creation of vertex/edge schema classes

As far as I can tell there is no way to specify that an existing schema class should be used when a matching label is specified but default to the general V/E classes otherwise. I have few custom E sub classes that I would like to use but I don't want other edge labels to cause the creation of additional sub classes. The API I'm using is TinkerPop-based and I cannot explicitly specify vertex/edge classes.
The OrientConfigurableGraph.setUseClassForEdgeLabel(boolean) setting is an all or nothing option. If it is set to true schema classes are created for all labels and if it is set to false new vertex/edge instances are set to the general V/E classes even if there is a matching class. Am I correct about this? I would like a configuration option that allows the use of matching schema classes if they are available in the schema but without automatically creating others when there is no match. I'm using version 2.1.8.
After browsing the OrientDB v2.1.x reference documentation and javadocs, i couldn't find a configuration option that configures the graph the way you want, so what you can do, is to open a ticket in the issue tracker at github and request that feature.
Although, in the meantime, you can control this programatically with the Graph API with the custom vertex/edges functions, as explained in the documentation, not ideal, as you need to control this programatically, but for now is the closest i could find.

Combining Spring Data query builder with Spring Data JPA Specifications?

Spring Data allows you to declare methods like findByLastname() in your repository interface and it generates the queries from the method name automatically for you.
Is it possible to somehow have these automatically-generated queries also accept a Specification, so that additional restrictions can be made on the data before it's returned?
That way, I could for example call findByLastname("Ted", isGovernmentWorker()), which would find all users that have the last name Ted AND who satisfy the isGovernmentWorker() specification.
I need this because I'd like the automated query creation provided by Spring Data and because I still need to be able to apply arbitrary specifications at runtime.
There is no such feature. Specifications can only be applied on JpaSpecificationExecutor operations.
The data access operations are generated by a proxy. Thus if we want to group the operations (as in findByName + Criteria) in a single SELECT call, the proxy must understand and support this kind of usage; which it does not.
The intended usage, when employing Specification API would look like this for your case:
Spring data allows you to implement custom repository and use Specifications or QueryDSL.
Please see this article.
So at the end you will have one YourCustomerRepository and appropriate YourRepositoryImpl implementation, where you will put your findByLastname("Ted", isGovernmentWorker()) method.
And then YourRepository should extend YourCustomerRepository interface.

Generating DAO with Hibernate Tools on Eclipse

How can I use the tools to generate DAOs?
In fact, instead of passing through the hbm files, I need to configure hibernate tools to generate the DAO and the annotations.
See Hibernate Tools - DAO generation and How generate DAO with Hibernate Tools in Eclipse?
First let me assume DAO as POJO/Entity beans. Basically you can accomplish your task either through forward or reverse engineering. In case of forward engineering, probably you can look into AndroMDA tool. In case If u wish to accomplish it through reverse engineering Click here ..
Hope this will be helpful.
Welcome. You got to write all your data access logic by your hand (if I’m not wrong). Hiberante let you interact with database in three ways.
Native SQL which is nothing but DDL/plain SQL query. This can be used very rarely in hibernate projects even though this is faster than below mentioned options. Reason is simple “One of the key advantage of hibernate or any other popular ORM framework over JDBC Is you can get rid of database specific queries from your application code!”
HQL stands for hibernate query language which is proprietary query language of hibernate. This looks similar to native SQL queries but the key difference is object/class name will be used instead of table name and public variable names will be used instead of column names. This is more Object oriented approach. Some interesting things will be happening in background and check if you are keen!
Criteria API is a more object oriented and elegant alternative to Hibernate Query Language (HQL). It’s always a good solution to an application which has many optional search criteria.
You can find lots of examples on internet. Please post your specific requirements for further clarification on your problem.

Column order on OpenJPA

Is there a way to get the columns in the order they are
declared in the Java class, or to specify the order in some other way?
I'm using the mapping tool ant task to generate the DDL for my classes in a sql file.
No, each implementation of JPA is free to arrange the columns in the generated DDL in the order it sees fit, and in general the programmer has no control over this - for example: Hibernate uses alphabetical order, but DataNucleus allows the specification of a column position thanks to a non-standard annotation. Sadly, OpenJPA doesn't provide a mechanism for specifying column ordering.
I had a similar problem a while ago, the data base guidelines of my client mandated a certain ordering in the columns and my JPA provider produced a different order. The solution? we wrote a text-processing Java program that, given the generated DDL as input, reordered the columns in the code so it satisfied the guidelines and produced as output a new file with the modified DDL; the program was run from an Ant task. Not pretty, but from a practical standpoint it was the best solution we could muster.

EF6 - Code First - Are property mappings needed?

I have been reading up on code first approach with entity framework. Unfortunately I can't find much documentation than what relates to EF4 on this. But the docs I have read (scott gu's blog on EF4) indicate that I don't need mappings.
So I generated a code files from an existing database using the EF6 Power Tools this generates all my model classes and a mappings folder. Automatically I looked at the mappings files in there which are using the Fluent API (I think this is correct) and describe details about the tables.
Now reading this makes sense that it possibly wouldn't know the Primary Key, Required Properties, Relationships but the thing I don't get is the Property to Column Mappings from the blog post these were not needed so why do I need them?
I can understand needing them if a column name can't be represented in code but my naming conventions don't allow this.
My main reason for asking is a maintainability question I would rather only have code for a particular property in one place and these lines this.Property(t => t.ID).HasColumnName("ID"); seem redundant to me.
Any one with any helpful links on EF6 code first approach would be appreciated as well google is failing :)
You certainly don't need property mappings if you're satisfied with the default column names and so on. You may need them for things like setting the order of columns in a compound primary key, or specifying that a property contains a database-generated value (like an identity/autoincrement column), but even then you can leave the column names out of it and stick with the defaults.
Column mappings do have some uses, but I'm not sure any of them are relevant to your situation:
You can map your entities to an existing database without having to mimic the column names, which may not follow standard .NET naming conventions.
Similarly, you can follow different naming conventions in your code vs. in your database. For example, where I work, database columns are usually expected to be camelCase, not PascalCase.
They allow you to change the names of your properties at a later date without having to recreate/migrate your database.
If none of those apply to you, then yeah, I think you're probably fine without them.
EF use conventions to do a lot. Once you know and feel comfortable with conventions you can declare classes and things just work.
Code first conventions