Combining Spring Data query builder with Spring Data JPA Specifications? - jpa

Spring Data allows you to declare methods like findByLastname() in your repository interface and it generates the queries from the method name automatically for you.
Is it possible to somehow have these automatically-generated queries also accept a Specification, so that additional restrictions can be made on the data before it's returned?
That way, I could for example call findByLastname("Ted", isGovernmentWorker()), which would find all users that have the last name Ted AND who satisfy the isGovernmentWorker() specification.
I need this because I'd like the automated query creation provided by Spring Data and because I still need to be able to apply arbitrary specifications at runtime.

There is no such feature. Specifications can only be applied on JpaSpecificationExecutor operations.
The data access operations are generated by a proxy. Thus if we want to group the operations (as in findByName + Criteria) in a single SELECT call, the proxy must understand and support this kind of usage; which it does not.
The intended usage, when employing Specification API would look like this for your case:

Spring data allows you to implement custom repository and use Specifications or QueryDSL.
Please see this article.
So at the end you will have one YourCustomerRepository and appropriate YourRepositoryImpl implementation, where you will put your findByLastname("Ted", isGovernmentWorker()) method.
And then YourRepository should extend YourCustomerRepository interface.


Spring data repository and DAO Java Generics

Reading about using Java Generics in DAO layer, I have a doubt applying this in spring data repositories. I mean, with spring data repositories, you have something like this:
public interface OrderRepository extends CrudRepository<Order,OrderPK>{
But if I have other 10 entities, I have to create 10 interfaces like the one above to execute CRUD operations and so on and I think this is not very scalable. Java Generics and DAO is about creating one interface and one implementation and reuse this for entities but with Spring Data repositories I have to create one interface for each entity so ...
You didn't really state a question, so I just add
Is this really true? And if so, why?
and answer it:
Yes, this is (almost) correct. Almost, because you should not create one repository per entity, but one repository per Aggregate Root. See
Spring Data Repositories offer various features for which Spring Data needs to know, what entity it is dealing with. For example query methods need to know the properties of the entity, in order to convert the method name to JPA based query. So you have to pass in the information to Spring Data at some point and you also have to pass in the information, which entities should be considered Aggregate Roots. The way you do that, is by specifying the interface.
Do you really need that? Well if all you want is generic Crud functionality, you can get that straight out of the box with JPA. But if you want query methods, Pagination, simple native queries and much more Spring Data is a nice way to avoid lots of boiler-plate code.
(Please keep in mind that I'm biased)

Pushing OData filters down through layers

I have a working project with the following layers:
DataAccess - The project hits multiple DBs and web services. This layer defines the interfaces to each of them. It exposes the native types for each source (EF types for DBs, SOAP-defined types for web services, etc.). Let's say it exposes an EFProject and SoapProject.
Repository - This layer stiches results from the various sources to form a single entity, and exposes it. Let's call this ModelProject
Service - Adds REST attributes to to the entity (action links, etc.). This exposes a ProjectDTO.
WebApi - The controller spits out the ProjectDTO directly.
I'm trying to implement OData, specifically to page the results of very large queries. I've read a lot of examples, but they all seem to expose the source objects directly, and then map them to the final DTOs in the controller.
I would like to somehow push the ODataQueryOptions down to the Repository. This would allow me to keep the existing structure, and pass the query logic down to SQL. I understand that, because the ODataQueryOptions reference the ProjectDTO type, they can't be applied until an object of that type is available. Is there a way to "translate" the ODataQueryOptions from one type to another? Is there another way of doing this that I'm not aware of?
It is able to change the ODataQueryOptions, and such actions in a controller are for you to handle the options yourself:
public IQueryable Get(ODataQueryOptions queryOptions)
public IQueryable Get(int key, ODataQueryOptions queryOptions)
Here is a sample about this: .
For your reference, the source code of ODataQueryOptions is:
Is there a way to "translate" the ODataQueryOptions from one type to another? Is there another way of doing this that I'm not aware of?
There is a way to actually translate the IQueryable<DomainModel> to IQueryable<DtoModel>.
I've done something similar in the past by leveraging AutoMapper's projection functionality. By calling the Project<TSource>/To<TTarget> methods, you can change an IQueryable that points to your domain models to another IQueryable that targets the Dto models, without actually executing it.
This means that you can now perform any OData operations on the DTO level and they will transfer through projection to the DAL layer into EntityFramework and SQL. In a scenario like this, there shouldn't be any need to manually handle the query logic so you can just use [EnableQuery] on the API route and let OData do its thing on the resulting IQueryable<DtoModel>.
I used this very successfully in one of the projects I worked on: as long as you rely just on AutoMapper projection to convert the types, it should work fine.
Granted, you can't do a lot of fancy mapping that way. The project methods will not be able to apply all kinds of mappings that you create, so I recommend checking the documentation on that front.
You also have to keep in mind that the original IQueryable needs to be exposed outside of the repository layer for this to work properly, otherwise the query will be executed too early. Some people will find that a boundary violation and will advocate for materializing the query inside the repository layer, but I don't have an issue with that particular aspect.

How to see the repository implementation generated by Spring Data MongoDB?

When is the implementation for repositories generated by Spring Data? At compile time or runtime? Can I see the implementation repository implementation generated by Spring Data?
No, for a very simple reason: there's no code generation going on. The implementation is based on proxies and a method interceptor delegating the call executions to the right places.
Effectively, a method execution can be backed by 3 types of code:
The store specific implementation of CrudRepository. Have a look for types named Simple(Jpa|Mongo|Neo4|…)Repository (see the JPA specific one here). They have "real" implementations for all of the methods in CrudRepository and PagingAndSortingRepository.
Query methods are effectively executed by QueryExecutorMethodInterceptor.doInvoke(…) (see here). It's basically a 3-step-process to find the delegation target and invoke it. The actual execution is done in classes named (Jpa|Mongo|Neo4j…)QueryExecution (see this one for example).
Custom implementation code is called directly, also from QueryExecutorMethodInterceptor.
The only thing left is the query derivation, which consists of two major parts: method name parsing and query creation. For the former, have a look at PartTree. It takes a method name and a base type and will return you a parsed AST-like structure or throw an exception if it fails to resolve properties or the like.
The latter is implemented in classes named PartTree(Jpa|Mongo|Neo4j|…)Query and delegates to additional components for actually creating the store specific query. E.g. for JPA the interesting bits are probably in (see here).

Spring data rest: Adding JPA Criteria API queries in Spring Data Rest entity repository

I want to add JPA criteria api queries in repository which I have defined in my spring data rest demo. And then expose those queries using GET. Till now, I have not discovered, how to do the same. If anyone has done the same, any light on the same/ Sample code shall be much appreciated.
Assuming you followed the conventions for custom methods all the custom methods are exposed as
. Also there are little more constraints on these custom methods to exposed like all parameters to custom methods must be annotated with #Param. Optionally custom methods could return Page<?>, List<?> object and also can accept Pageable and Sort type params.

How to expose read model from shared module

I am working on developing a set of assemblies that encapsulate parts of our domain that will be shared by many applications. Using the example of an order management system, one such assembly will contain all of the core operations an application can perform to/with an order. We are applying a simple version of CQS/CQRS so that all operations that change the state of the "system" are represented as public commands, such as CancelOrderCommand, ShipOrderCommand and CreateORderCommand. The command handlers are internal to the assembly.
The question I am struggling to answer is how to best expose the read model to consuming code?
The read model will be used by consuming code to perform queries. I don't know how all of the ways the read model will be used so the interface needs to be flexible to allow any query.
What complicates it for me is that I not only need to expose my aggregate root but there are also several "lookup" lists of related data that client applications may use. For example, each order has an associated OrderType which is data-driven (i.e., not an enum) and contains several properties that will drive some of our business rules that control what operations can/cannot be performed, etc. It is easy inside my module to manage this relationship; however, a client application that allows order creation will most likely need to display the list of possible OrderTypes to the user. As a result, I need to not only expose the list of Order aggregates but the supporting list of OrderTypes (and other lookup lists) from my read model.
How is this typically done?
I'm not sure what else to explain that will help trigger a solution, so please ask away...
I have never seen a CQRS based implementation expose a full dataset for ad-hoc querying so this is an interesting situation! In a typical CQRS scenario you would expose very specific queries because you may want to raise events when they are called (for caching for example - see this post for more details on that).
However since this is your design, let's not worry about "typical" or "correct" CQRS, I guess you just need a solution! One of the best new mechanisms for exposing data for flexible querying I have seen is the Open Data Protocol (OData). It will allow consumers to implement their own filtering, sorting and paging over a data source you expose.
Most implementations of this seem to deal with relational data. If you are dealing with a relational data source then OData might be a nice way to go. I suspect by your comment of "expose my aggregate root" that you might be using a document database? If so, there is one example I have seen of OData services on top of MongoDB:
I hope that helps, OData is definitely worth looking into. It seems to be growing really quickly and is getting good support on both server and client technology platforms.