Joomla 1.7: load module within content plugin - plugins

Joomla version 1.7
I have an article and a content plugin that changes content of this article.
I need to load some module in this plugin, and add to this article all html that is returned by module.
I know about {loadposition module} etc., but i need to do it exactly this way.

Get some module via Joomla Api:
$module = JModuleHelper::getModule($module_name, $module_title);
Where $module_name - name of the module (for example, 'mod_custom', 'mod_banners')
and $module_title - title, which you provided in admin section for this module
Output module content:
echo JModuleHelper::renderModule($module);


How to add custom Dashlets

I'm a SugarCRM Professional (v10.2) admin with the instance hosted on SugarCloud.
I want to add some additional Dashlets to the instance that aren't available out of the box.
I've created a basic 'Hello World' Dashlet and have the PHP, JS, and HBS saved locally right now.
How do I get the PHP, JS and HBS into my SugarCloud instance?
I have tried typing the following into browser:
But I cannot access this directory.
Any help is appreciated.
For cloud versions a package must be build
Here you can read how to build a package and copy your files

How can I add a composer.json to a static TYPO3 project?

I am using a working TYPO3 7.6.14 environment with many extensions. Now I want to add a composer.json file manually. I do not want to create a new project which will download the latest TYPO3 core and TYPO3 extensions. I am afraid that this could accidently overwrite some extension's PHP files.
I need a safe way to add a composer.json file which will not change the present TYPO3 PHP files automatically. I prefer to download TYPO3 and the extensions manually. Therefore I do not want to use the composer mode. I must find a way to prevent composer from overwriting my self written PHP files.
I need a composer.json file because I want to add the external TCPDF library which is on its own place on the file system and not inside of a vendor folder inside of TYPO3. And the file ext_autoload.php is not supported any more by TYPO3 7.6.
I have read the recommendations. But it only shows the way how to create a new TYPO3 project using the command line and the composer command. Is it also possible to download a composer.json file into a TYPO3 folder (which?) in order to tell the autoloader where it will find the external TCPDF library?
I have unzipped the TCPDF file under /var/www/html/TCPDF-master/tcpdf.php . I want to use TCPDF, TYPO3 and its extensions unchanged and never updated by any composer command.
Introducing Composer for not using it's features seems a bit strange to me, but yes, it's possible to define a dedicated version or commit-hash in a repository to disable updates.
However, I would recommend to make use of the tilde ~ operator to enable updates on the accordant branch, to e.g. include security updates automatically. For TYPO3 CMS this dependency would look like the following, to stay on the 7.6 branch:
"require": {
"typo3/cms": "~7.6.14"
Find further details on how to declare versions in the Composer documentation.
Besides that, it seems, that you're not using Composer at all for the root project. You could then create a wrapper extension for TCPDF with one of these options:
use Composer for that extension to require TCPDF and load the generated autoload file (e.g. in typo3conf/ext/tcpdf/vendor/autoload.php) in your wrapper extension
directly copy & paste TCPDF's source (which seems to be the scenario you're up to) and add the autoloading information to ext_emconf.php, which is similar to previous ext_autoload.php - find details about that in a blog post about class loading

Plugins required for jenkins to plot graphs and to show log/result

I'm very new to jenkins. I'm using Jenkins & Robot. Currently, I've written script in perl. Now i'm able to generate 'Xml' file. And also I've generated 'log.html' and 'result.html' .
I need some interpreter to show these reports on jenkins & also charts as well.
I need your help in this.
Install HTML publisher plugin plugin
Refer HTML Publisher Plugin
To display the html in browser
From your job
Select Add Post-build Action->Publish Html Reports
Specify the html path in Html Directory to archieve section
Specify the html to be displayed in IndexPages

my zf tools is creating the product controller in the wrong directory - is there a command list available anywhere

I am new to Zend Framework and also to Zend tools.
I have two questions regarding Zend tools.
Does anyone have any links for a detailed list of all the commands in Zend tools? I cannot seem to find anything?
For example: if I want to use the tool to create a controller in my modules directory as opposed to the controllers directory - how do I use the tool to do that? I tried to do the following but it did not work:
in my 'command prompt' I navigate to the site I am working in, I then navigated to the directory for modules; from there, I tried to create a controller for that directory i.e:
c:\theproject\application\modules\forms\controllers>zf create controller enquiry action products module forms
ZF gave the following error message: unknown argument left on the command line: module
However, when I tried to create the controller without the argument n the left, the ZF created the controller in the controllers directory.
I want to use the Zend tool to delete pages that have already been created. I cannot seem to find the Zend tool command for that.
I want to just create a normal page view. i.e page.phtml
I cannot seem to find the command for how to creating a normal page and to also specify what directory it will go in.
zf create module name
zf enable form module
zf create form name module
zf enable layout
zf disable layout
zf configure db-adapter dsn section-name[=production]
zf create db-table name actual-table-name module force-overwrite
Note: There are specialties, use zf create db-table.? to get specifi
zf create project-provider name actions
From the root of your project type zf
You will get the list of commands it is having. Something like
Zend Framework Command Line Console Tool v1.11.11
zf [--global-opts] action-name [--action-opts] provider-name [--provider-opts] [provider parameters ...]
Note: You may use "?" in any place of the above usage string to ask for more specific help information.
Example: "zf ? version" will list all available actions for the version provider.
Providers and their actions:
zf show version mode[=mini] name-included[=1]
Note: There are specialties, use zf show version.? to get specific help on them.
zf create config
zf show config
zf enable config
Note: There are specialties, use zf enable config.? to get specific help on them.
zf disable config
Note: There are specialties, use zf disable config.? to get specific help on them.
zf show phpinfo
zf show manifest
zf show profile
zf create project path name-of-profile file-of-profile
zf show project
Note: There are specialties, use zf show project.? to get specific help on them.
zf change application.class-name-prefix class-name-prefix
zf create model name module
zf create view controller-name action-name-or-simple-name module
zf create controller name index-action-included[=1] module
zf create action name controller-name[=Index] view-included[=1] module
zf create module name
zf enable form module
zf create form name module
zf enable layout
zf disable layout
zf configure db-adapter dsn section-name[=production]
zf create db-table name actual-table-name module force-overwrite
Note: There are specialties, use zf create db-table.? to get specific help on them.
zf create project-provider name actions
Then try zf --help command for more help on the command
The command to create a controller in modules directory is
zf create controller <Controllername> 1 <module-name>
and for more try it on a sample project.

Zend framework deployment on the shared hosting

I want to deploy my project made in zend framework to my shared hosting.
My project has such structure:
This is what I have done:
I copied Zend folder (all library files) into library folder
I copied all the structure above into public_html/projects/project
(so if I type I run the project
I tried to click on some link so that it redirected me to
Unfortunately all i see is a white, empty page.
Locally (using Zend server CE) it worked perfectly
Here it looks like Zend doesn't recognize that it should do anything with this url and redirecto to appropriate action.
What have I missed?
The reason you see empty page instead of errors is that error_reporting is probably off by default on your production server.
You may change the settings concerting displaying errors and exceptions in application.ini.
The other cases the errors are not displayed is something goes wrong in the view (eg. view helpers), which must return string, not the exception.
Things to check:
permissions to write for files/dirs which do require this
PHP version
.htaccess setup
stating the obvious here but I'd check your apache error log.
You should check if the server is running php as a module or CGI, in the later case it will not read the SetEnv of .htaccess and you will have to set to development mode in index.php by hand, or specify your config in php.ini