Timer: See an alert on another view controller when time is up - iphone

In my timer application,
My timer runs on oneViewController.
When I switch to another view without any efforts it runs in background of another view
as I press the back button I can see the results..
I want to put an alert message on second view controllerwhen my time is Up.....
How could I do this...
**Should I use
-Local Notifications**
Or else.....Thanks
EDIT: Answer:
Answer is in first comment...**

You can make your timer call a method on your view controller. Inside that method, you can check whether time is up. If so, create an UIAlertView instance and -show; it as it will be shown/seen from any view controller.


Why would alert view delegate method not get called?

In my interface file I said I conform to the UIAlertViewProtocol and I implemented the alertView:clickedButtonAtIndex: method in my implementation file, and normally whenever the alertview button is pressed (the button that makes the alert go away)that method gets called. Well, it gets called most of the time, but for one of my alert views it doesn't get called after I press the cancel button on it, what would be a reason for this?
Oh Its because in one of my alert views for the delegate parameter i passed in nil instead of self, thats embarassing.

Running method everytime I push the ViewController

What init metod is called everytime a viewcontroller is pushed to window?
-viewDidLoad and -initWithNibName work only 1st time the view is started. But I want to do some startup checking in my vc everytime I start it.
Does such method exist? or do I have to declare it somehow manually?
Try view controller's viewWillAppear: method (if you want to setup one specific controller).

Is there a way to dismiss an alertview automatically after some time?

I'm looking for a way, to automatically dismiss an alert view after some time or after a task is done.
Is there a possibility? (or another way to show a message for some time?)
You can call the -dismissWithClickedButtonIndex:animated: method to dismiss the alert view.
To dismiss it automatically, create an NSInvocation and then use -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: to -invoke it.
UIAlertView has a method called:
- ( void )dismissWithClickedButtonIndex: ( NSInteger )buttonIndex animated:( BOOL )animated
You can call it on your UIAlertView object to simulate a button press.
To dismiss it automatically after some time, you will need something like an NSTimer, to check if the alert view is still displayed, and in such a case, dismiss it.

UIAlertViewDelegate clickedButtonAtIndex: usefulness?

The UIAlertViewDelegate protocol defines two methods, alertView:clickedButtonAtIndex: and alertView:didDismissWithButtonIndex:, which seem to me to be identical in usefulness.
Why is there a clickedButtonAtIndex and a didDismissButtonWithIndex when they both do the same thing? I realize there is also a willDismissButtonWithIndex that happens before the alert view is dismissed, but is there any reason to use clickedButtonAtIndex instead of didDismissButtonWithIndex?
I found a more useful difference between the two:
When showing a UIAlertView, and the device goes to sleep, alertView:didDismissWithButtonAtIndex: gets called, even though the alert view is not actually dismissed. It is shown again once the device wakes up. alertView:clickedButtonAtIndex: is only called when the user clicks one of the buttons.
The alertView:clickedButtonAtIndex: is called when the user clicks a button on an alert view whereas the alertView:didDismissWithButtonIndex: is called after an alert view is dismissed from the screen. (See the UIAlertViewDelegate Protocol Reference.)
The difference is minimal but it allows you to do something before or after animation.
If the alert view disappears for any reason (including being covered by another UIAlertView, going to sleep, etc.), didDismissWithButtonAtIndex: is called. This can mean that the method can be called even without the user clicking on anything. This can lead to unexpected behaviour if you depend on this delegate callback to be called in response to the user actually clicking on a button. In this case clickedButtonAtIndex: is more useful.
I couldn't reproduce Ed's behaviour by locking my device with the alert view present on iOS 7.
However, the most important difference between alertView:clickedButtonAtIndex:, alertView:didDismissWithButtonIndex: and alertView:willDismissWithButtonIndex: is that the first method (clickedButtonAtIndex:) is only called when the user explicitly taps on a button on your alert view (hence 'clicked').
Is it possible that an alert view is dismissed without clicking on a button? Yes, you could programmatically hide an alert view using the UIAlertView method dismissWithClickedButtonIndex:animated:.
So, if you need some behavior to be always triggered upon the dismissal of the alert view—whether it was triggered by the user tapping on a button or triggered programmatically—then using the didDismissWithButtonIndex: and willDismissWithButtonIndex: makes more sense.

add "Now Loading" before UITabBarController tab select?

One of the tabs of my UITabBarController takes some time to work before it can be displayed.
What is the best way to display a "Now Loading" before the viewcontroler completes its work?
I tried setting up a "now loading" view in the tab's viewController's viewDidLoad method, then I do the work in viewDidAppear, setting a flag to not do the work again on next time through viewDidAppear.
However, I never see the "now loading" view... some optimizing must be getting done -- the viewcontroller's viewDidAppear is called before the TabBarControllerDelegate didSelectViewController.
Is there a UITabBarController mechanism that would allow for a placeholder view to be displayed before the viewcontroller is displayed?
Any ideas?
Thank you-
I could be wrong, but perhaps your problem is that by doing the time-consuming work in viewDidAppear, you're blocking the main event thread so that the view doesn't update until the work is complete. I.e. you set up the "now loading" in viewWillAppear, but you never see it since, by the time viewDidAppear completes, it's done with the heavy work.
NSObject's performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: method can be useful here. Display your "Please wait" alert or view, or whatever, then use performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: to start the actual work. Your loading will be delayed until after the next execution of the event loop, by which time the user interface will have been redrawn.
The technique to use here is this:
put up a "Loading view" in your
controller's viewWillAppear: or
viewDidLoad: method
then, spawn a new thread to do the
actual loading (or whatever time
consuming process you're doing)
when complete, send a message to the
controller (using the delegate
pattern, for example) that the
"loading" is done
finally, remove the Loading view and
let the user proceed
Doing it this way leaves your application interface still usable, even though the particular view controller is busy.
There are no build in methods to do this, you'll have to code it all yourself.