How to get Aptana studio for older Eclipse versions - eclipse

I have an existing Eclipse library tool -- quite an old one -- running on Eclipse 3.4, and I would like to add in Aptana Studio. However, the current download specifies that it requires Eclipse 3.5 or better. A colleague of mine has Aptana running in his exactly the same version of the same tool -- presumably he got an older version that would work on the older Eclipse.
Can I download a version of Aptana to plug in to Eclipse 3.4?
Or, if not, can I grab the copy of Aptana from my colleague's machine and drop it into my own Eclipse?
Note that there are specific reasons why I need to use this older version of Eclipse, so replies along the lines of "upgrade your version of Eclipse to 3.5 or later!", while undoubtedly well-intentioned, won't be much use to me....
Edited on November 30: it is Eclipse 3.4 which I have, and I originally put 2.4 by mistake (which doesn't even exist!).

You can grab the Studio's from your colleague's machine. The Studio is pretty much contained to the folder it's installed at (with some minor exception that should not stop you).
No packages are available for 2.x.


Eclipse hangs while creating a node.js express project

I have Eclipse 3.7 on Windows XP. I have also installed NodeEclipse. I can create a regular node project fine. But when I try to create a new express project, eclipse just hands and I cannot even close the window. Killing the process is the only option. Is this a known issue?
Get the latest version of eclipse, and run it using the latest version of JDK, first off.
You can also configure your eclipse.ini to allow it to use more memory.
Here is an answer to another question that had a similar problem:
Just note that it depends on your system, and whether your eclipse is 32bit or 64bit

Eclipse for PHP - cached files

I use this version of Eclipse for quick edits of php files for different websites I maintain. These files are not part of any project recognized by Eclipse, just random files I bring in and out of Eclipse.
Anyway, this is my problem: I open a file in Eclipse, I write "This", save it, and close it. I open the same file in Notepad (for example), I then edit it to say "This sucks", save and close the file. Then when I reopen the same file back in Eclipse, Eclipse only shows the updates I last made in Eclipse, i.e., "This". It doesn't reflect the changes I made in Notepad. How can this be fixed to where it doesn't cache files and opens files in their current state?
I tried Windows->Preferences->Remote Systems->File Cache and set Maximum Cache size to 0, and clicked "Clear Cached Files". This does not help, and I suspect this is dealing with something else (if it is, additional information on what this relates to would be appreciated).
Eclipse for PHP Developers
Version: 1.3.2 - Helios Service Release 2
One last note. I thought v. 1.3.2 seemed old, because I thought it was in v. 3.*, so I reinstalled Eclipse for PHP with the latest version on the Eclipse website and I ended up with the same version..
It is a bug of DLTK and according to it will be fixed on the next/future version.
Ver.1.3.2 is the version of EPP(Eclipse Packaging Project), it indicates the version of "Eclipse for PHP Developers" all-in-one package. It is too old anyway. You are using Eclipse 3.6.2(it's 3.7.1 now), PDT 2.2.1(it's 3.0.0 now), DLTK 2.0.0(it's 3.0.1 now), ... (as for PDT, newer doesn't mean better though)
FYI, there is a patched file for DLTK 3.0.1 (not for any other versions) about this problem at
try disable "Window->preference->Network Connections->Cache."
It's work for me, as before I have to use external tool (configure vim) to save php file, in eclipse juno.

What is the best way to upgrade Eclipse 3.6 to 3.7 (or a subsequent version)?

In the past I've always downloaded the new version, and then manually reinstalled all of the plugins I use - but this is tedious in the extreme.
Is there a way to upgrade Eclipse "in-place"? How do I do this exactly?
The approach below worked for me, and seems to be the easiest. It's from this eclipse FAQ and slightly modified for clarity:
For upgrading from Eclipse 3.5+ to 3.6+
Help -> Install New Software
Enter the release update site url eg. '' <- if upgrading from 3.5 or 3.6 (Helios) to 3.7 (Indigo)
Click Add
Click Cancel
Help -> Check for Updates
Note: The original URL has changed. (I've left the original link for posterity)
following the NEW FAQ instructions
Also you may have to remove any incompatible updates plugins before proceeding.
(For Example: JBoss Tools has different versions for Helios and Indigo that are incompatible)
Update: I didn't try this when upgrading from 3.x to 4.x (Juno). I just set up a whole new workspace. I think I read somewhere that doing that is the safest approach to upgrading major versions.
As of 3.7 (Indigo), you may export/import install configurations via the
File > Import/Export > Install menu.
This allows you to install a new release of Eclipse, point it at your
existing workspace, and install your plugins from an older installed
If you always download all plugins manually and then deploy it by copying to dropins folder, then while migrating to newer version, just need to copy that folder to the new eclipse.
And even not all plugins will support newer version of Eclipse so I guess there is no really easy way available to do the migration.
The answer is, there is none. It's pointless to speculate here as to why the Eclipse community chooses not to make one. They haven't.

Eclipse randomly exits after installation of Blackberry plugin/SDK

Since adding the Blackberry Java classes from their website into eclipse, I've had it where eclipse will randomly close, with no discernible pattern, rhyme, error or reason. Here is the environment/software packages that I am using:
Windows XP SP2
Eclipse v3.5.1
Blackberry Java Plugin v1.1.1.200911111641-15
Blackberry Java SDK
I've tried the usual steps of complete uninstall and reinstallation of Eclipse and the accompanying plugins on multiple systems with the same configuration, including one that had a fresh install of Windows XP SP2. Upgrading to Eclipse 3.6 didn't work (the plugin wont' install as it's the wrong version), nor the downgrade to 3.4 for the same reason. I also increased the heap size to 512 (system has two gigs of memory) as some research into Eclipse doing this type of thing with Groovy was resolved that way, but again, no dice. Eclipse works great when the blackberry plugins are not installed, and no entries of errors or issues in the event log are helping to show what the issue with these plug-ins might be.
So if anyone has ran into this issue, and even better, has a solution, I'd love to hear about it. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: An additional to my issue, autoComplete with the Blackberry SDK seems to make this extremely unstable, like almost a guaranteed crash. Is this fixable at all?
For anyone that loads this question up trying to find a solution, I've never found a fix. It seems to be a bug with this version of the IDE. If there is a fix, please post.
Did you try to downgrade Eclipse to 3.4 (Ganymede)? I experienced similar issues when I tried upgrading Eclipse to something greater than 3.4.2.
I think the problem is with the plugin, not the IDE. Eclipse has always been stable for me until I installed the BB plugin. Since then it crashes all the time. Since I've installed the release (non-beta) version of the plugin that was recently released I can't even get my project to build.
This could be a manifestation of this bug in Eclipse. Check your C:\eclipse directory for files like hs_err_pidxxxx.log. The file goes on to explain this error:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x753ba053, pid=3144, tid=5820
# JRE version: 6.0_20-b02
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (16.3-b01 mixed mode, sharing windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [USP10.dll+0x1a053]
I've been experiencing this as well. It's completely debilitating. It causes Eclipse to just up and crash out of nowhere (and programming in a language as verbose as Java without Content-Assist is insane).
The bug has been fixed in Eclipse 3.6M7, but unfortunately I can't get the JDE Plug-in to install in the latest release candidate.
This is a known issue with Eclipse 3.5.X and has been fixed for 3.6.0
Bug Ticket link on Eclipse Bugzilla:
Looks like we are stuck with this until the next update to the BB Eclipse plugin.

Eclipse Version

How do you check the current version of eclipse that I am currently running? Is it possible to tell if it is aqua or carbon (I am running Mac OS X 10.5)?
My eclipse has a file .eclipseproduct in its' main folder which contains:
name=Eclipse Platform
Perhaps that might help?
Edit: Couldn't find any useful command-line switch for that task.
In case anyone has installed one of the 'bundled' versions of Eclipse (e.g. bundled with EE development tools as below) and is still looking, the steps below will show the 'bundled' version and the platform version (and other component versions also):
First select 'About Eclipse' from the Eclipse menu:
then select 'Installation details from the box below'
Next click on the triangle against 'Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers' below to expand it:
And now you should be able to read the version numbers, as below:
By now of course you may be wondering if everything else in the IDE is this obscure...
They don't make it very clear. They could do a better job of clarifying which release name and version number you're are working with.
Can't you just go Help -> About Eclipse
(ignore the actually selected menu)
Eclipse Menu -> About Eclipse SDK
Some of you are right, the developer version it is not very clear.
Anyway, go to help and then About Eclipse a new window opens then go to Installation details and click on the installation window Installed Software tab you would see the version.
I too have struggled a lot to get version number of Eclipse. Also as discussed in other posts we can easily get the name but NOT the version number. I found a more simpler way to get the version number:
Each Eclipse installation directory in your system has a html readme file at eclipse/readme/readme_eclipse. Just open that and you will notice the first 2 lines of the html file has version details.
eclipse Juno
Release 4.2.0 ;
Last revised June 8th, 2012
Eclipse Indigo
Release 3.7.2 ;
Last revised Feb 7, 2012
Eclipse Helios
Release 3.6.2 ;
Last revised February 10, 2011
There is a system property eclipse.buildId (for example, for Eclipse Luna, I have 4.4.1.M20140925-0400 as a value there).
I'm not sure in which version of Eclipse did this property become available.
Also, dive right in and explore all the available system properties -- there is quite a bit of information available under eclipse.*, os.* osgi.* and org.osgi.* namespaces.
On my mac it took me a while, but it is actually easy.