how can I find the owner of a facebook app ID? - facebook

A while back I created an app ID on facebook and added the appropriate meta data to a website. I now want to continue adding facebook-related features to the site, but it seems the app is not related to my account afterall.
I must have created it under a different account or something, but how can I find who the owner is based on an App ID? I have existing likes, so I don't really want to change the App ID. I don't see any way in the UI, and I do not see the app when I go to the Developer app. Is there a way to do it using the Graph API?

If you have access to the app id and the app secret but no access to the app within Facebook it is possible to discover the creator_uid and from there the email address of the app owner using the graph api.
First get an app access token:{APP_ID}&client_secret={APP_SECRET}&grant_type=client_credentials
With this you can get the creator_uid:{APP_ID}?access_token={APP_ACCESS_TOKEN}&fields=creator_uid
Using the app token you will then get the email address when looking up the creator_uid in the graph api:{creator_uid}?access_token={APP_ACCESS_TOKEN}

EDIT (Jan 2013)
Looks like Facebook have removed app profile pages so that method no longer works.
Option 1
You could return the app object, which stores all the populated information about the app by requesting:
Option 2 (This method no longer works)
Or, you could visit the app's profile page and contact the developer directly using the 'contact developer' link:
(you'll need to replace xxxxxxxxxxx with your app id)

I got this working. If you have both app id and app secret then you can try below steps to get the owner details.
Get the access token using id and secret of the facebook app.{APP_ID}&client_secret={APP_SECRET}&grant_type=client_credentials
Using the access token you can call the below API to get a list of administrators of the app.{APP_ID}?fields=id,name,roles&access_token={ACCESS_TOKEN}
Retrieve the owner profile details by,{USER_ID}

I have a similar problem, in that I have the id and the secret but no access to the app within facebook.
I haven't found a way to see who owns does have access to the app. But I have found a way to contact a dev
First get the app access token.{APP_ID}&client_secret={APP_SECRET}&grant_type=client_credentials
Then get the address:{APP_ID}?access_token={APP_ACCESS_TOKEN}


What is needed to access another user's facebook posts ("App Not Setup")

I have a desktop app which uses a user access token to read the me/feed endpoint and I can see all the posts for the logged in user. If I wanted to simplify deployment to different users I would need to minimise the amount of setup/configuration they did.
Is there a way to access me/feed for a given userid rather than have to setup every user as a developer account and create an app for it?
I have looked at and it is not obvious to me how to do this.
What configuration / permissions does the user in question need to do to activate this. Which access token should I be using, and will it give access to all the posts in the same way the user access token does.
[EDIT] I have looked at this again and the problem I am having is that when a user (who has a facebook account but is NOT a developer) tries to login to my App (which is in development mode) I get the following error
"App Not Setup: The developers of this app have not set up this app properly for Facebook Login."
Thanks in advance

Login the user with Facebook without revealing the APP ID

In the Facebook documentation about Login the user with Facebook APP they say:
"Because it requires you to include your App Secret you should not attempt to make this call client-side as that would expose this secret to all your app users. It is important that your App Secret is never shared with anyone".
I understend it is about APP Secret, but what about the Developer ID?
The developer ID is added in the URL address of the window for login the user with Facebook:
The APP_ID can be copied and used by anyone.
I tryed with JavaScript SDK, and with PHP SDK, but in both cases the developer ID appears in the address bar.
I tryed also the get and display the page from that URL address using cURL, but of course not works.
Is there any way to login the users in my web site using Facebook, without revealing the developer ID?
Or, it doesn't matter if someone uses your Facebook APP ID?
you could try using iframes? not a very good solution for the problem because it's still very much available but at least it's not in the address bar.
It doesn't matter, this is essentially public information.

How to create an access token?

I am a bit confused about the facebook graph api and access tokens.
I have created a facebook user and a facebook page. Now I want to write an application that lets the user post a message on the pages wall/feed. As far as I understand it right now I need an access token of the user to post a message to the pages wall. To create that I need an app id and app secret. But there is no app, there is just the page and the feed. Do I have to create an app? And how would I connect the app to the page without creating a new tab on that page?
In order to do anything whilst acting as a user, you're going to need an App and the correct permissions from the User. Read more about Authentication here

how do i get app secret for my page?

I need to grab the latest post from a facebook like page. I'm an administrator on the page so I have the app id but reading the docs looks like I need the app secret so I can then get an access token. So I followed instructions and went to the developer app. Problem is the page doesn't show up as an app so I can't access the ifo I need
When I visit i just get an oauth exception saying I need an access token.
Any ideas?
Just in case anyone gets similarly confused.....Turns out I needed to create an app in order to get an access token and secret which I could then use in my url...which looks like this:
The feed? bit gets me the pages news feed and the access token was generated once I had created an app using my facebook account. The app id can be obtained by going to the like page and clicking on the edit tab next to about (You must be an admin of that page to see this).

Facebook APP ID and Secret

Is there a way to get a facebook app id and secret without verifying your account (for neither do I want to provide FB with credit card information nor do they list my mobile phone service provider for the country I live in) - or is there a way to run an FQL query on PHP without having and app id and secret?
For all I wanna do is to check whether the currently logged-in user likes my page.
Thanks in advance!
is there a way to run an FQL query on
PHP without having and app id and
No you can't. You need a valid FB App ID and Secret.
Is there a way to get a facebook app
id and secret without verifying your
The answer is still no. You need to be a verified user to create an application on facbook.