Do refunded in-app purchase subscriptions show as expired? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 5 years ago.
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When validating an in-app purchase with Apple servers, if the user has received a refund, do the expires_date and status code reflect the cancellation?
I would expect a status code of 21006 (expired) and an expiration date in the past.
Relevant Apple docs are here.
There's a related question here, asking about whether Apple will provide explicit notification of refunds. I know they don't, but it could be inferred if a subscription expired early.

I have yet to test this, but I have it on very good authority that when a refund occurs, the receipt will show up as expired on subsequent validation. Will update with confirmation.


Access Unavailable This resource is only for developers enrolled in a developer program [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have to create a APN Certificate to enable Firebase push notification
But when I goes to create APN Certificate, it's shows Like the attached Image. What are the steps I have to do? Thanks in Advance
although i have enrolled account but happened to me too. i emailed to apple support system.they asked me for providing some document that proves my address in my apple id profile.

What is lavaboom registration token [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to sign up for Lavaboom email account. When I do, it asks for registration token. What is that? I tried putting some random words in it, but it responded that the token is invalid. What kind of restrictions does it have?
This is definately the wrong section to post this, but they aparantly have a waiting list, so you have to wait for them to send you an email with your registration token to be able to complete your registration.

Payoneer Card Application Has Been Declined [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've made application for Payoneer today but they have rejected my application without any reason. Also, I couldn't log into the account. It says Account Blocked! (#MA104). Please contact customer support. Why does this happen?
For what purpose did you create this app? Personal or business use?
#JWarker: Hi, my name is Nissim, I'm Head of Community at Payoneer. I saw your question and would be happy to assist you in getting it resolved.
If you submitted an application and it was declined, we would have sent you an e-mail with an explanation of why it was declined. You are more than welcome to reply to that e-mail and we will be able to assist you.
Once you reply to the e-mail, you will receive an automated confirmation with a reference ID number for your inquiry (will start with LTK). If you provide me with that I'd be happy to make sure it's reviewed promptly.

user pay for premium content using sms [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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My site which have premium content should grant access to privileged users. These users should be assigned into privileged group only when they send sms to some number. How can I collect money from these user sms on my paypal account.
I have premium content and paypal account. Already spend too much time looking for decent explanation of this approach, but I didnt find any useful tutorial.
So, please share some links or thoughts which explains what steps I should complete in order to set this like explained above.
SMS transactions are suitable if you offer services or content at a very low price, bellow dolar and up to 10$, otherwise it makes no sense. You should consider to remove user membership based on this payment, mainly for reason that this method of payment is used for anonymous users.
Google is your friend, some better investigation and right keywords and you should find answers.
Hope this helps, good luck.

Apple Developer Program Enrollment [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Can i enroll for Apple Developer Program from different country because Apple Online Store is unavailable in my country, and can someone else pay for my account?
You can technically enroll from any country, regardless of country.
I know of a man that had the same problem in Ukraine. His problem was solved by depositing the money via a bank account to a bank account at Apple. I would contact Apple and wait about 48 hours before taking any actions because usually that's the time apple needs to reply to mails.
Please don't ever trust random people to pay for services like this. If they paid for your developer account, the developer account technically belongs to them, and so do their contained products ;]